I live in the house Form 2 English teacher Koshkina Galina Feodorovna Toki 2010.


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I live in the house Form 2 English teacher Koshkina Galina Feodorovna Toki 2010

I live in the house Когда мы хотим сказать, где мы живем, мы говорим по-английски: I live in the…

Do you know our friends?

Our friends can live in the house in the forest in the zoo in the garden in the river in the farm

Read the words, please [h] in the house [f] in the forest, in the farm [z] in the zoo [g] in the garden [r] in the river [D ] the, in the, mother, father, brother

I live in the house. I live in the forest. I live in the river. Repeat it, please

I live in the farm. I live in the zoo. I live in the forest. Repeat it, please

. do not. Я живу в доме. Я не живу в саду. З а п о м н и

do not I live in the zoo. I dont live in the forest. I am a …...

I live in the forest. I dont live in the river. do not I am a …..

I live in the house. dont I dont live in the zoo...

s He lives in the house. She lives in the forest. He - он She - она.

Now tell the story имя возраст кто у тебя есть что ты умеешь делать и не умеешь где ты живешь

…lives in the zoo. … lives in the forest. … lives in the house. Check up …lives in the river.

Write 3 sentences I live in the house. I dont live in the zoo. forest house zoo garden river farm

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