Урок 10 класс Хайрутдинова Елена Герусовна – учитель иностранного языка - II квалификационная категория.


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Урок 10 класс Хайрутдинова Елена Герусовна – учитель иностранного языка - II квалификационная категория

Тема :Молодежная субкультура Знакомство с молодежными движениями Совершенствование навыков чтения и понимание прочитанного Умение рассказать прочитанное

Su bc ult ur e s ))

EMO!!!)))) "Emo or emo-kidy is as a rule teenagers with rigid, direct, black hair. A hairdress on one side, the slanting, fragmentary bang closing one eye, and behind the short hair which are sticking out every which way. At girls children's, ridiculous hairdresses two small tails, bright заколочки hearts on each side, bows are possible. Because of wide popularisation of this culture, many forget about its true value, and focus attention only on appearance. Owing to there was a division among its representatives: true эмо name itself« I rub »(from English true the truth, the present), and those who prefers popularity and to a fashion, instead of music are called as" poseurs »(English poseur the poseur, an imitator). The conflict between« imitators »and true representatives of subculture эмо, has outgrown in occurrence so-called« антиэмо ». They in turn pursue« poseurs »and cut off it of an appearance bang- characteristic feature эмо."

GOTS Го́ты representatives of the Gothic musical subculture (Gotha-subcultures) which have arisen in the late seventies of the 20th century on a wave of the post-punk. Subculture distinctive features is predilection for gothic fate, gothic металу and дарквэйву, gloomy image (a black hair colour, ирокезы, leather clothes and attributes etc.), interest to mystical symbolics, a decadence, the horror-literature and films. Image го́тов Early готы differed from punks only black dominating colour of clothes and hair (with inserts white, red, dark blue or purple) and silver ornaments. They wore fragmentary clothes and even ирокезы though «gothic ирокез» was usually black and is much wider панковского (it is shaved only on the parties, on temples). Also готы often used in clothes a grid (as a rule, sleeves at men) and had original style mejk-apa: very white person and big quantity black подводки for eyes (and men and women). Hair have usually been twirled and combed. Originally men had short and combed hair, but became closer to the end 80 long black hair more preferably, and now shaved on the parties and hair sticking out up at is ready it is possible to meet much less often, than the long falling. Mejk-ap remained an image part, but the clothes were diversified: now some wear clothes with influence of 18th or the beginnings of 19th century, others carry vinyl, a skin and a grid (the crushed velvet, possibly, becomes one more popular material). And some of them carry both that and another though it is rare simultaneously. Black and white remain dominating colours though sometimes in addition appear red, dark blue or purple. The most used materials there is a silk, a crushed velvet, a skin and a grid. As the violet, dark blue or dark green hair colour is very popular. Gotha have the image which has undergone lately considerable changes. The gothic style as though did not develop, there are two invariable basic elements: always only black colour of clothes (sometimes with elements red), and also exclusively silver ornaments (as a sign on contempt for gold, a symbol of usual, hackneyed values, to colour of senselessly spilt human blood). At girls bright, expressive style of Vamp - dense black cosmetics, подводки, a spectrum of colours of lipstick and nails - from bright red (bloody) to black. All bright, sexual and strict. The Girl-got (готесса) looks every day as искусительная the nun or the medieval queen. At it is ready, working in the environment where it is impossible for itself to allow extreme or индивидульный the approach to image, style "corporate гот" was developed: black business clothes, not striking ornaments.

PANKS The punk (from English punk шпана, bad taste, rotten stuff, nonsense) the youth musical subculture which has arisen in second half 1970th years in the USA and in Great Britain which prominent features are love to vigorous and deliberately primitive rock music (pank fate), the critical relation to a society and a policy. Popular American group Ramones is considered the first group playing music in style "pank fate". Appearance of punks: Many punks, as a rule, differ motley scandalous image. Many punks paint hair in bright unnatural colours, comb and fix their varnish, gel or beer that they stood upright. In 80 punks had fashionable a hairdress "ирокез". Carry the rolled up jeans some preliminary soak jeans in a bleach solution that those have gone red divorces. Carry heavy boots, and also gym shoes for 150 roubles. Gym shoes have begun a set group Ramones, and they have adopted this manner at Mexican шпаны. The jacket-kosuha - has been adopted, as rock'n'roll attribute from 50 when the motorcycle and a rock'n'roll were inseparable components. Punks of the first wave aspired to return to a rock music the same deliberate cockiness and a drive which in due course has taken away mass коммерцилизация music.

GO PS Image and behaviour typical гопника represent a parody to the gangster 90. A black leather jacket and sports body stockings it has been adopted by teenagers directly from them. Later gangsters have put on solid suits and ties and гопники and remained at the typical clothes. If work of the present gangsters were usually dismantlings, collection and racket of businessmen that гопники were engaged in small larceny and extortion of money. Representatives of subculture «гопников» (the second value of the term see) differ the expressed aggression against the members of a society focused on the western values (as a rule, against focused on the western culture of "informal youth» "nonconformists"), and also scornfully concern to so-called. «лохам» to all who does not observe «пацанские concept» the private rules of the behaviour which has developed in the criminal environment. The researcher of subculture «гопников» the employee of chair of sociology, political science and management of the Kazan state technical university of A.N.Tupolev Ramil Hanipov marks: «the City centre on preventive maintenance of neglect and a drug addiction of minors of St.-Petersburg designates гопников in quality of" informal associations, and includes them in sectionагрессивы. Discussions tell the Internet of forums about level development of these informal associations as follows: … from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok гопники to this day are the most widespread form of youth associations, and all used sources underline strongly pronounced criminal and group character of the given subculture: Mainly it is fights, robberies, arrivals which are aimed at extraction of money …, alcohol and cigarettes

NIFERS))) In the USSR youth subcultures of protest and extreme character as a whole were малоразвиты and had the narrowest circle of adherents; subcultures of an is active-creative, romantic and altruistic direction had a wide circulation. Low degree of isolation of groups of youth from each other and from a society as a whole, wide coverage of a lump of youth by set of clubs on interests, availability of culture establishments, mass introduction at schools of official ideology of a positive orientation («the person to the person the friend, a companion and the brother»), official censorship and elimination of a protest and negative material was the reason of it. At the same time stagnancy of the official power and ideology led to occurrence of protest moods as well in subcultures of a positive orientation. The most widespread in the USSR youth subcultures: