Educational objective learn about table manners in the past Skills development comparing, expressing opinions translating constructions with use writing.


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Educational objective learn about table manners in the past Skills development comparing, expressing opinions translating constructions with use writing rules to talk about table manners Communication objectives

In the times of Americas early settlers children didnt even sit at the table. They stood behind the adults and ate what was given to them Later, children were allowed to sit at the table, but they couldnt speak or ask someone to give them something

1.Open your napkin and put it on your lap 2.When you leave the table during a meal, place your napkin on the chair, not on the table 3.When the meal is over, pick up your napkin, your mouth, and place it on the table to the left of your plate wipe

1.Put food into your mouth with your fork and not with your knife. Never your knife. Its dangerous! 2.Place your fork and knife on your plate while talking or when you are resting between 3.Place your knife and fork on your plate when you have finished eating. Do not put them on the tablecloth lick bites

After you your tea with a spoon, place it on the saucer stir

Say what you should / shouldnt do at the table lick your fingers say thank you when you finish your meal use your knife and fork, or spoon put your elbows on the table throw bones on the floor sit up straight talk with your mouth full wipe your fingers on your napkin

In pairs, make a list of differences and say how table manners used to be different from now PastPresent People in the past used to eat with their fingers We usually use a knife and a folk

Translate the sentences 1.People used to eat from big pots 2.People used big pots 3.We usually use a spoon, or a knife and a fork 4.People in the past used to eat with their hands 5.They didnt have plates and used pieces of stale bread

Make a poster about table manners for your school canteen

Finally, dont forget to say,