There are a lot of dirty clothes. Can you help me wash them? POWER.


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There are a lot of dirty clothes. Can you help me wash them? POWER

INSTRUCTIONS: HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose hot water. 1 Take the blue sweater. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose cold water. 1 Take the purple dress. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose hot water. 1 Take the orange coat. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose hot water. 1 Take the red T-shirt. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose cold water. 1 Take the skirt. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose cold water. 1 Take the orange shirt. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose cold water. 1 Take the jeans. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose cold water. 1 Take the socks. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose hot water. 1 Take the dress. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose hot water. 1 Take the jacket. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT

INSTRUCTIONS: POWER HOT WATERCOLD WATER 2 Choose cold water. 1 Take the shorts. 3 Turn on the power. NEXT