Intensive Pronouns 1 st person - MyselfOurselves 2 nd person - YourselfYourselves 3 rd person - HimselfThemselves HerselfItself.


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Intensive Pronouns 1 st person - MyselfOurselves 2 nd person - YourselfYourselves 3 rd person - HimselfThemselves HerselfItself

Intensive Intensive pronouns add to or intensify its antecedent. Intensive pronouns add to or intensify its antecedent. Intensive pronouns will not change the meaning of the sentence if they are taken out. Intensive pronouns will not change the meaning of the sentence if they are taken out.Example Michael Jackson himself taught the child to play the piano.

Identify the following pronouns as intensive or reflexive 1.The mayor himself cut the ribbon at the building dedication. 2.Jennifer accidentally cut herself on the broken glass. 3. The team pushed themselves to the limit. 4.Ramon cleaned the room by himself.