Nouns Proper nouns, common nouns, countable and uncountable, inanimate nouns, singular and plural forms of nouns.


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PLURAL Множественное число существительных.. Общее правило -s -es Cat- cats box -boxes Son – sons glass -glasses Page – pages match -matches Elephant.
Способы образования : 1. Окончание -s 2. После шипящих и свистящих согласных –es 3. -ies в словах, заканчивающихся на согласную +y country – countries.
Множественное число имен существительных. Основа + окончание –S a dog – dogs [z] a tale – tales [z] a day – days [z] a cat – cats [s] [z] – после звонких.
COUNTABLE/ UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS. ENGLISH Countable/uncountable nouns.
Forms of plural. У большинства существительных множественное число образуется путем присоединения s Book – books Pencil – pencils Teacher – teachers.

nouns Proper nouns, common nouns, countable and uncountable, inanimate nouns, singular and plural forms of nouns.

Proper nouns Tim Baker Europe Great Britain London The Grand (hotel) Oxford Street The Thames The British Museum

Common nouns A boy The man A book People Sand Glass Love Development Arrival

Countable nouns A boy- two boys A man- three men A table- four tables A city- ten cities A mile- a hundred miles People scissors

Uncountable nouns Breadtea Waterpeace Loveignorance Equalityleisure Clothingequipment Furnitureactivity Permissionnews Length cotton

The different things A brick –countable( кирпич ), uncountable( кирпич, как строит. материал ) A chocolate –(шоколадная конфета ), ( шоколад ) A fire- (пожар, костёр ), ( огонь ) A hair- (волосок ), (волосы ) An iron- ( утюг ),(железо ) A justice( судья),( справедливость) A light- (огонёк, лампа ),( свет) A paper-(газета, документ ),(бумага ) A time- ( раз),( время)

Plural forms of countable nouns A boy- boys A table –tables A cat –cats A railway –railways A dog- dogs A mother –mothers A girl –girls A tree- trees A river- rivers

Plural forms – after -ch,-s,-ss,-sh,- tch,-x A bench- benches A bus –buses A glass- glasses A bush –bushes A brush –brushes A match –matches A box –boxes A fox –foxes A potato -potatoes

Plural forms – y-ies(после согласной ) An army- armies A fly –flies A lady –ladies A city- cities A country –countries

Plural forms –f(fe) -ves A calf -calves A half-halves A knife- knives A leaf –leaves A shelf –shelves A wife –wives A wolf -wolves

Irregular plurals A man –men мужчина A woman –women женщина A foot –feet ступня A tooth –teeth зуб A goose –geese гусь A mouse- mice мышь A louse- lice вша, вошь

Plural form - en An ox –oxen A child -children

Nouns from Latin, Greece, French A radius – radii, radiuses A corpus – corpora A formula – formulae, formulas A bacterium – bacteria A crisis – crises A criterion – criteria An index – indices, indexes A bureau - bureaux

Complicated nouns A manservant – menservants A woman-teacher –women-teachers A mother-in-law – mothers-in-law A passer-by – passers-by A man-of-war – men-of -war

Only in singular form - is Advicefruit Informationprogress Newshair Measles Physics Knowledge Furniture Luggage Money

Only in plural forms Annals Archives Arms=weapons Clothes Goods Manners Provisions Resources Thanks

The same forms in singular and plurals A deer – deer A sheep – sheep A salmon – salmon A trout – trout Fish -fish

Possessive case of proper nouns Tims dogTims dogs Alices catAlices cats Jamess mother St Pauls cathedral St Marys church Mr. Bakers housethe bakers house

Possessive case of animate nouns A girls hata girls school The boys dogthe boys dogs A ladys handbaga ladies room A mans suitmens suits A childs toychildrens books A cats tailcats tails

Possessive case of inanimate nouns A minutes worka five minutes work A days worka three days work A weeks staya few weeks stay Todays conference Yesterdays paper

Possessive case of others nouns The companys office The governments proposal My familys welfare The companies offices The governments proposals Our families welfare

Translate, please This is a very good coffee. Buy me two cheeses. They ordered three beers. Her hair is long and brown. My money is in the pocket. We saw many sheep in the field. Books are on the shelves. A fly is sitting on the honey. His teeth are white and beautiful.