P r e s e n t i o n New Year Celebrations Around the World Новый год. Презентацию выполнил ученик 7 класса Песенко Роман.


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Traditions and customs Of Great Britain. Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important.

Christmas in Great Britain. Santa Claus On the 25th of December English children celebrate Christmas. Christmas is their favourite holiday. Santa Claus.
Our Topic: The main question: It is celebrated on the 25 th of December. It is celebrated on the 25 th of December.. It is the greatest holiday in Britain.
MERRY CHRISTMAS.. Christmas is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. Every year in December we celebrate the Birthday.
Christmas Day, December 25,is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives and friends give.
Made by Frolenko Aleksandr. Christmas Day, December 25,is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all.
Christmas Day, December 25,is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives and friends give.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree What is there under the tree? Presents, candles, coloured lights Always make the children smile.
Christmas. Christmas is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus.
New Year is a great holiday in our country. Everybody likes it very much. It is especially loved by little children.
Christmas is Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians throughout the world it is the happiest and the busiest.
Made by Fetisov Kirill. Christmas Day, December 25,is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britan. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives.
Traditions and customs Of Great Britain. Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important.
Hello, my dear friends. Ill be glad to see you soon. Ive got a surprise for you. You will get it if you work hard today.
1. Halloween is one of the oldest festivals in Great Britain. 2. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st. 3. The full name of the festival is All Hallows.
Christmas in Britain. Christmas in Britain is one of the greatest holidays. Its celebrated on the 25-th of December.
The 25 th of December is Christmas Day. Christmas is a religious holiday because it is the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Hello boys and girls! In The UK and the USA people will celebrate Merry Christmas 24 December. Its a very great and happy holiday. Do you know how people.
Merry Christmas!. Christmas symbols wreath reindeer bell stocking fireplace Father Christmas candle gift.
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P r e s e n t i o n New Year Celebrations Around the World Новый год. Презентацию выполнил ученик 7 класса Песенко Роман

The chinese New Year Yuan Tan takes place between 21 January and 20 February. The exact date is fixed by the lunar celendar, in which a new moon marks the beginning of each new month. For many families, it is a time for feasting and visiting friends and relatives, but in each city a spectacular procession takes place. The celebrations are based on bringing luck, health, wealth and happiness for the comingv year. People clean their houses to rid them of last years bad luck before the celebration begin. Thousands of people line the streets to watch the procession of floats as dancing dragons, associated with a long life and wealth, make their way through the crowded streets. The Chinese believe that evil spirits dislike loud noises so they decorate their houses with firecrackers. The loud noises are intended to frighten away evil spirits and any bad luck that the spirits might bring.

In Australia In Australia They celebrate New Year on 1 January. This day is a public holiday and many people have picnics and camp out on the beach. Most people organise parties that start on 31 December and at midnight they start to make a lot of noise with whistles and rattles and car horns to ring in the new year.

In Egypt In Egypt The new crescent moon must be seen before the new year can be announced. The sighting is carried out at the Muhammed Ali mosque in Cairo. The message is then passed on to the Grand Mufti who proclaims the new Year. Everyone dresses up in special clothes and the children are given sweets. Boys are given a sweet in the shape of a boy on horseback and girls one in the shape of a girl wearing a dress.

In Greece 1 January is St. Basils Day which is the day for those named Vassilions and Vassiliki. On name- days and St. Basils Day people visit their friends and relatives and exchange gifts. The most important dish prepared at New Year is Vassilopitta or St. Basils cake. A silver or gold coin is placed inside the cake; the first piece is for St. Basil, the second for the house, the next for the household down to the youngest child. Whoever finds the coin in their piece of cake will be lucky for the next year.

In Poland New Years Eve is known as St. Sylvesters Eve. According to legend Pope Sylvester I imprisoned a dragon called Leviathan who, it is said, had escaped on the first day of the year 1000, devoured the land and the people and set fire to the heavens. On New Years Day, when the world did not come to an end, there was great rejoicing and from then on this day was called St. Sylvesters Eve. It is believed that those who wake up early for the rest of the year. Those who touch the floor with the right foot first when getting out of bed can expect good luck for the following year

What makes an English Christmas? It appears that each person questioned thus will answer differently. Here is a list of essential elements of Christmas gathered from a poll over two thousand people. Food& Drink Parties Television and the Queens Speech A Walk after Dinner Midnight Mass& Carol Services Childrens activities Shopping in the dark, fairylit streets Sending out cards Ghost Stories and Murder parties Getting in touch with old acquaintances and visiting people Playing Games Carol-singing Decorating

The Kissing Bough One of the most enduring customs in England, which has been adapted and evolved over hundreds of years is the Kissing Bough. In Britain however, a custom began in the 15 th century to create a hoop, or sphere woven from ash, willow or hazel. In the middle was placed a small effigy of the Christchild or the Holy Family, and the whole hung up inside the threshoold of the house. Such items were called Sacramentals and were blessed by the local priest. Anyone who called at the house during the Christmas Season showed that they brought only Goodwill with them. The custom of the Holy Bough had turned into a Kiss under the Mistletoe. The Bough became known first as the Holly Bough, then it became a Kissing Bough or Bunch The Kissing Bough One of the most enduring customs in England, which has been adapted and evolved over hundreds of years is the Kissing Bough. In Britain however, a custom began in the 15 th century to create a hoop, or sphere woven from ash, willow or hazel. In the middle was placed a small effigy of the Christchild or the Holy Family, and the whole hung up inside the threshoold of the house. Such items were called Sacramentals and were blessed by the local priest. Anyone who called at the house during the Christmas Season showed that they brought only Goodwill with them. The custom of the Holy Bough had turned into a Kiss under the Mistletoe. The Bough became known first as the Holly Bough, then it became a Kissing Bough or Bunch

What makes an American Christmas? Nearly every American family has its own unique Christmas observances. Many people are expecially proud of Christmas traditions brought to the United States from their countries of origin. The wonderful diversity of foods, music and songs, players and stories – all make Christmas the holiday of holidays in the United States. Immigrant settlers brought Father Christmas to the United States. Although he has origins in Norse and pre-Christian mythology, Santa Ckaus took shape in the United States. Americans gave Santa Claus a white beard, dressed him in a red suit and made him a cheery old gentleman with red cheeks and a twinkle in his eye. Santa Claus exists only in our imaginations.

Several American towns maintain the spirit of Santa Claus. In New York, a small town called the North Pole was designed for Santa Claus. There is a post office, a church and a blacksmith shop, to repair the shoes of the reindeer. One custom in Texas and other parts of the American Southwest warmly welcomes Christmas visitors. People cut designs out of the sides of paper bags. Then they put enough sand in the bottom of the bag to hold a candle. They line their walkways with the bags, and light the candles after dark. Guests can easily find their friends walkway and follow the candles up to the door.

Wishes May the warmth and goodwill of this wonderful season remain with you throgh the coming year! At this very special time of the year weve joined our hands to say, We wish you all the magic of a Small World Holiday! To let you know you are thought about So often through the year, and to wish you world of happiness now Christmas time is here! May your home be filled with happiness and laughter this Christmas season!

Wishes Its time to trim the Christmas Tree And hang the mistletoe, Its time to wish much happiness To people nice to know! Wishing you a Christmas than is bright with promise, Glad with hope and blessed with peace and joy! Friends are close to our hearts, Memories are more dear, And wishes mean so very much When Christmas is here!