Environment. What is the ecology? Ecology-it a science about connections between alive essences and environment surrounding them,and between the person.


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What is the ecology? Ecology-it a science about connections between alive essences and environment surrounding them,and between the person and the nature. Ecology-it a science about connections between alive essences and environment surrounding them,and between the person and the nature. Ecology-science which investigates as alive essences are connected to all that surrounds them. Ecology-science which investigates as alive essences are connected to all that surrounds them.

The environment is all the things we need to be able to live-clean water to drink and to wash with, air to breathy and healthy food to eat. The environment is all the things we need to be able to live-clean water to drink and to wash with, air to breathy and healthy food to eat. We can not live without plants and animals. They help to make the soil, they clean the water and air, and they give us all our food. We can not live without plants and animals. They help to make the soil, they clean the water and air, and they give us all our food.

No living thing or group of living things can live and grow in isolation. All organisms, both plants and animals, need energy to develop and all species of living things influence the lives of others. Ecology is a science. It studies how plants, animals and other living things live in relation to each other and to their environment. People have always studied living things in their natural environment, in other words, they have always studied the air, the water, the soil and all the other things that surround a person, animal or plant. The environment can influence the growth and health of living things. Ecologists also study what happens to different species. They collect information about their population number, diet, form, size and behaviour. Ecology is one of the most important sciences nowadays. It teaches us how to survive in the modern word.

The world is our home and we want to see it clean and beautiful. At the same time we take from nature as much as we can. We cut down forests and build farms, houses, roads and factories on the land. While doing it we pollute the environment. We make a lot of waste some of which is toxic. We dump domestic and industrial waste in the country and pour toxic waste into our rivers, seas and oceans. The world is our home and we want to see it clean and beautiful. At the same time we take from nature as much as we can. We cut down forests and build farms, houses, roads and factories on the land. While doing it we pollute the environment. We make a lot of waste some of which is toxic. We dump domestic and industrial waste in the country and pour toxic waste into our rivers, seas and oceans. Cars and factories, plants and power stations pollute the air and make it dangerous to breathe. People have to think about all these ecological problems if they want to survive

What does the ecology study? The ecology studies, for example, as the plant is connected to air, water, with other plants, with animals, with the person. The ecology studies, as animals are connected to air and water, with other animals, with plants, with the person ecology studies and how people are connected to the nature surrounding them (as they depend by nature as influence it).

How protect water from pollution? To clear sewage, build clearing constructions. In them the polluted water passes through various filters. They detain harmful impurity, and clean water miss. It is interesting, that in many clearing constructions help to clear water the special microbes not dangerous to people. These microbes neutralize poisonous substances. Now such enterprises which in general do not have sewage are under construction also. The polluted water there clear and again use, then again clear and again use. Such enterprise does not need to take I skin water from lake or the rivers. It does not merge there and the fulfilled water. These are the advanced enterprises, and them is all more. Unfortunately, not at all enterprises clearing of the used water is adjusted well. Therefore harmful substances continue to act in the rivers, lakes!

How protect air from pollution? And to other alive essences clean air is necessary for the person for breath. But in many places, it is especial in the big cities, it is polluted. Many factories and factories throw out poisonous gases, soot, a dust from the pipes. Automobiles allocate fulfilled gases, in which many harmful substances. Air pollution threatens health of people, all life on the Earth! Now it is much made for protection of cleanliness of air. At many enterprises installations which catch a dust, soot, poisonous gases work. Scientists develop new automobiles which will not pollute air. In different places special stations - they constantly are created watch cleanliness of air in the big cities.

How protect animals? Animals play a huge role in the nature. Without them many plants could not be made multiple copies and settled. Animals and are necessary for people. Not only because give food stuffs and valuable furs but also because almost all animals are very beautiful and interesting. Cutting down a wood or polluting water in the river, people involuntarily ruin many wild animals, for which wood or river - house. Because of economic activities of people and unlimited hunting one animals have for ever disappeared, and many others became rare.

Protection of plants As it is good, that on the Earth there are plants! They allocate the oxygen necessary for breath of alive essences in air. For animals of a plant - it and "house", and food. People too eat plants and the products received from them. Many plant - medicinal. Very much many plants become rare that people tear them for the sake of beautiful flowers. Such plants will not give fruits and seeds, so, and posterities. The broken plants quickly fade, and in the nature they still long could please us!

We often pour waste not think is nature, animals and plants. Our planet should be rich in birds and animals. Our country should be clean and not dangerous to bathe in. Our air should be unpolluted and clean to breathe. Our food should be healthy to eat. Our people should be healthy and happy. FOR THIS: Plant more trees to make your country green. Feed animals in cold seasons. Help animals to survive. Turn the rivers into dumps. We often pour waste not think is nature, animals and plants. Our planet should be rich in birds and animals. Our country should be clean and not dangerous to bathe in. Our air should be unpolluted and clean to breathe. Our food should be healthy to eat. Our people should be healthy and happy. FOR THIS: Plant more trees to make your country green. Feed animals in cold seasons. Help animals to survive. Turn the rivers into dumps.

Plant more trees to make your country green. Cut down trees, which make our air clean. Feed animals in cold seasons. Help animals to survive. Clean rivers and lakes. Be careful with farm waste. Use fewer cars. Make Clean Air laws. Take lorries out of city or town centres. Pay big money if youre a polluter. Make laws to control pollution. Turn the rivers into dumps. Build factories on river banks. Pour toxic waste into the rivers and lakes. Dump old cars in forests. Burn toxic waste. Use rivers for washing cars.

The word environment means what is around us. People who live in big industrial centers, cities and town environment is the countryside. Everybody who lives in towns or in the country breathes air, drinks water, uses soil which should be clean. But are they really clean?

Conclusion The world is our home and we want to see it clean and beautiful. At the same time we take from nature as much as we can. We cut down forests and build farms, houses, road and factories on the land. While doing it we pollute the environment. People have to think about all these ecological problems if they want to survive.