Halloween holiday pumpkin skeleton ghost werewolf Trick or Treat antidotes fancy dress witch goblin lantern zombie witch spirit.


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means holy evening, and takes place on the 31 st of October. means holy evening, and takes place on the 31 st of October.

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Halloween 1GhostAВампір 2CauldronBТруна 3Haunted houseCДім з привидами 4VampireDВідьма 5GravestoneEСвічка 6CandleFКажан 7BatGПавук 8SpiderHПавутина 9LanternIМітла.
Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31.
Britain: Traditions, Customs and Holidays The English Year.
Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Many of them carve.
Welcome to our On the 31 st of October. Neither the word Halloween or the date 31 October are mentioned in any Anglo-Saxon text indicating that it was.

Halloween holiday pumpkin skeleton ghost werewolf Trick or Treat antidotes fancy dress witch goblin lantern zombie witch spirit

Long ago, people believed that on a certain night dead spirits came back to earth. And people held a festival that was the start of our Halloween. It was on October 31 st. And people held a festival that was the start of our Halloween. It was on October 31 st.

People built fires on hilltops to scare off the ghosts. They scared the ghost by wearing scary costumes.

They dress up as ghosts, witches, clowns or pirates and visit their neighbours. In America children play a special game: Trick or Treat. special game: Trick or Treat.

Trick or Treat they cry.Trick or Treat they cry. You have to give them a treat: some fruit, sweets or chocolate. If not theyll play trick on you. You have to give them a treat: some fruit, sweets or chocolate. If not theyll play trick on you.

The Halloween colours are orange and black. It was time when orange flames lit up the black night. It was time when orange flames lit up the black night.

Families carve their pumpkins. Some people carve funny pumpkin faces. Some people carve funny pumpkin faces. But some people carve scary pumpkin faces.

They place the pumpkins in windows… …in the yard… …or on doorsteps.

American and British schools have parades of children in costumes. American and British schools have parades of children in costumes.

These are the symbols of Halloween: Spiders Spiders Skeletons Skeletons Black cats Black cats Bats Bats Ghosts Ghosts Witches Witches

What would you like to do on Halloween?

I WOULD LIKE … to have a fancy party to tell scary stories to play games to throw flour on doorsteps to wear an awful costume to mess around

Unscramble the words. radk ctiwh msak sogths emutsoc kpinpum olewnleHa dark witch mask ghosts costume pumpkin Halloween

Put the sentences into the correct order and read how to make a LANTERN for Halloween party. 1. You can see the candle light through the eyes, nose and mouth. 2. Cut out the eyes, nose and mouth. 3. Take a large pumpkin. 4.Put the candle inside the lantern. 5.Take out what is inside with a knife and spoon. 6.Cut off a piece from the top. 3. Take a large pumpkin. 6.Cut off a piece from the top. 5.Take out what is inside with a knife and spoon. 2. Cut out the eyes, nose and mouth. 4.Put the candle inside the lantern. 1. You can see the candle light through the eyes, nose and mouth. nose and mouth.

Good bye! Created by Olga Shcherbakova, 2009