Hi, my name is John Barker My lessons begin at 8.55 a.m. What about you? I study mathematics, History, English literature, but my favourite are: Physical.


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Hi, my name is John Barker My lessons begin at 8.55 a.m. What about you? I study mathematics, History, English literature, but my favourite are: Physical education and Information technology. What about you? Business before pleasure

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1.Not draw in the book. 2. Give your bag to school. 3. Put an apple, a pen, a rubber, a pencil box, and a desk into your bag. 4. I gets A and B at school every day. 5. Say Good bye when you come in the classroom. 6. I is going to school now. Could you help me ? 1.Dont draw in the book! 2.Take your bag to school. 3.Put an apple, a pen, a rubber and a pencil box into your bag. 4.I get A and B at school every day. 5.Say Good morning when you come in the classroom. 6.I am going to school now.

In Philadelphia was opened School of future. Students work ONLY with notebook. 95% are Afro – Americans, 85% are students from poor families. They do homework on computer and send to the teacher. Future[fju:tє] – будущее Poor – бедные Only – только Send - посылать Do you know?

Good bye! See you later. H/t: project