Путешествие в «Страну профессий» A Trip to the Country of Professions.


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an astronaut a vet a worker an engineer a nurse a pilot a student a programmer a baker космонавт ветеринар рабочий инженер медсестра лётчик студент программист.
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Урок английского языка в 5 классе Тема: «Профессии» Автор: Кузенская М.С.
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Help me! I live in Future Town. We have not got teachers, doctors, pilots, engineers… Help! What do you want to be? Welcome!
Section 2. What are you going to do? 1. Овладеть новым знанием по грамматике «Что Вы собираетесь делать?» 2. Закрепить знание нового правила при выполнении.
ProfessionsProfessions Prezented.Ru. a doctor a pilot.
. Present Simple употребляется для выражения обычного действия. происходящего вообще. а не в момент речи. PAST PRESENT FUTURE In summer I go to the summer.
Present Simple Настоящее простое время. Утвердительное предложение I We You They He She It V V s.

Путешествие в «Страну профессий» A Trip to the Country of Professions

Цели: 1. Образовательная: познакомить учащихся с современными профессиями. 2. Развивающая: развитие внимания, мышления и памяти при изучении английских слов, тренировка слуховой памяти в процессе аудирования, развитие умения работать с тестовыми заданиями 3. Воспитательная: воспитание взаимопомощи и сотрудничества во время выполнения групповых заданий

Задачи: Активизация изученной лексики по теме «Профессии» Контроль понимания аудирования Грамматика. Present Simple Формирование навыков говорения с использованием грамматического времени Present Simple

We are going to travel to the country of Professions. Good voyage!

Station «Phonetics» Where are you going to, my little cat? Im going to town to buy a new hat.

Station «Reading» My, are, a pilot, is, like, ten, we, a pupil, a teacher, he, I, a doctor, a dentist, name, an engineer, she, a plane, you, a school, an officer, am, a plant, hospital, work, they, a housewife, study.

Station «Riddles» Station «Riddles» Who is it? She works at school. She likes children very much.

a teacher She is a teacher.

He works at the airport. He likes planes.

a pilot He is a pilot.

They are very clever. They work in an office or in the plant.

an engineer They are engineers.

They are strong and brave. They work in the police station.

an officer They are officers.

She is very kind. She works in the hospital.

a doctor She is a doctor.

He is ten. He studies at school. He likes English.

a pupil He is a pupil.

She works in the hospital too. She treats the teeth.

a dentist She is a dentist.

She is my mother. She works at home.

a housewife She is a housewife.

A computer programmer - to use a computer A businessman- to make money A designer- to design clothes A vet- to treat animals A fireman- to put out fire A driver- to drive a car A policeman- to defend people A cook- to cook meals An astronaut- to travel in space A shopkeeper- to sell things


Station «Listening» a) true b) false c) not stated 1. Bill is a teacher at a school. 2. He teaches Russian to teenagers 3. In his classroom there are ten students 4. He is a very good teacher 5. He likes to play football

Check yourself 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c