Comparing people, animals or things (Degrees of adjectives)


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© Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ 72, 2007 г.

© Н. В. Луняева, учитель английского языка, Гимназия 56, 2007 г.
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Степени сравнения прилагательных. Прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются по числам и падежам, но, как и в русском языке имеют положительную,
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Имена прилагательные в английском языке имеют три степени сравнения: положительную (the Positive Degree), сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) превосходную.
Имена прилагательные в английском языке имеют три степени сравнения: положительную (the Positive Degree), сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) превосходную.
Подготовила: Бирук М.Г.. Today we are going to know about degrees of comparison of adjectives to read the text to do different exercises.
Автор – Додонова Вера Александровна Презентация предназначена для уроков английского языка в 3 классе.
Образовательная цель: формировать у обучающихся навыки и умения образования сравнительной и превосходной степеней односложных и двусложных прилагательных;
Имена прилагательные в английском языке имеют три степени сравнения: положительную (the Positive Degree), сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) превосходную.
English COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES Степени сравнения прилагательных. Eg. big, small, old, new, lovely, etc. Три степени сравнения: The positive degree -положительная.
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Степени сравнения прилагательных. Say after me A tiger – tigers A lion – lions A monkey – monkeys A bear – bears A chicken – chickens A pinguin – pinguins.
Being happy in the city in the county and. ['t ɔ :ment] [pəul] [sku:l] ['dra:mə] ['məu ʃ (ə)n] [mju:'zi:əm] ['jeləu] ['waiə]

Comparing people, animals or things (Degrees of adjectives)

If the task is begun, Never leave till its done. Be your labour great or small. Do it well or not at all.

REPEAT! beautiful – easy - difficult – talkative handsome – hard-working – nice funny – dangerous - interesting

Read and name the odd word. 1.a cockerel – a hen - a pig - a duck 2.a fox – a dog – a cow – a horse 3. a camel – a bear – an ant – a monkey 4. a whale – a dolphin – a penguin-a cobra

Имена прилагательные в английском языке имеют три степени сравнения: положительную (the Positive Degree) сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) превосходную (the Superlative Degree). Listen, read and learn: Warm – warmer – the warmest Cold – colder – the coldest Clean – cleaner – the cleanest Kind – kinder – the kindest Tall – taller – the tallest

big - bigger – the biggest

Who is more beautiful? D__G C__T

Who is faster? HO_SE P__NGUIN

Who is bigger? __AMEL CO__

Who is uglier? DO__PHIN CROCOD__LE

Who is the tallest? G__RAFFE ELE__HANT K_NGAROO

Who is the largest? R__BBIT M_USE BE__R

Who is stronger? WOL__ F__X

Who is the funniest? MONK__Y WH__LE T__GER

If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. If youre happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. ( stromp your feet, nod your head)

Look at the screen and say: What animal is happier?



CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: taller, biggest, older, cleverest, longer, long, nice 1.The giraffe has a _________ neck. 2.Russia is the __________ country in the world. 3.My father is ___________ than my mother. 4.My little brother is very __________. 5. I am __________ than my sister. 6. Bob is the __________ pupil in the class. 7. Monkeys tail is ________ than cats tail.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: taller, biggest, older, cleverest, longer, long, nice 1.The giraffe has a long neck. 2.Russia is the biggest country in the world. 3.My father is older than my mother. 4.My little brother is very nice. 5. I am taller than my sister. 6. Bob is the cleverest pupil in the class. 7. Monkeys tail is longer than cats tail.

Test Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of adjectives 1.Books are ________ than films(interesting). 2.The horse is ________ than the wolf(big) 3.Winter is the___ season of the year(cold) 4.The weather today is ______ than it was yesterday(bad) 5.St.Petersburg is the _____ city in the world.(big)

Test Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of adjectives 1.Books are more interesting than films. 2.The horse is bigger than the wolf. 3.Winter is the coldest season of the year. 4.The weather today is worse than it was yesterday. 5.St.Petersburg is the biggest city in the world.

Name the missing word. interesting ___the most Interesting _______ more dangerous ______ Difficult _________ __________ Wonderful _______ _________

Name the missing word. small_____ the smallest big – bigger _________ funny _______ _____ ___ ____ the happiest _____ cleverer_______ long _______ the longest _____ _____ the hottest

Тест на образование степеней сравнения прилагательных. Choose the right letter. 1)Who is the cleverest animal? a) dolphin c) hen b) monkey d) penguin 2) Who is the biggest animal on the land? a) camel c) giraffe b) elephant d) cow 3) Who is the fastest animal on the land? a) tiger c) leopard b) eagle d) horse

Exercise 1 Compare the animals. Use the words: clever, big, strong, beautiful, funny. Ex: An elephant is bigger than a lion.

Exercise 2.