Copyright © 2005 – 2006 At the Playground.


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Places around Town

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Can you tell me the way to the zoo, please. school cinema library.
Copyright © 2007 the classroom the music room.
bank office hotel library bridge shop market theatre park zoo hospital cinema police station bus river.
Over the mountains, Over the plains, Over the rivers Here come trains. Carrying passengers, Carrying mail, Over the country, Here come trains.
Match the signs and their descriptions Children zoo Café, restaurant Disabled Facilities Information Centre Bus Stop Underground station (метро) Toilet.
New Vocabulary. City Town Village House School.
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Locations part 1 a shop There are different kinds of shops. This is a shop where You can buy clothes – dresses, skirts and blouses for women and suits,
Travelling to Wonderland. Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Конструкция: There was There were. Вопросы для повторения: Конструкция There is / There are. Глагол to be в Простом Настоящем времени и в Простом Прошедшем.
Starter (lesson 8). 1.читать 2.писать 3.бегать 4.спать 5.гулять 6.смотреть 7.петь 8.взбираться на 9.есть 10.рисовать 2.write 4.sleep 5.walk.
Г. Нефтеюганск. Конструкция: There was There were Выполнил учитель по английскому языку МОУ «СОШ 6»: Белкина Светлана Михайловна.
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At the seaside (47) In the country (25) In their native town (20) In the foreign country (5) In the mountains (3)
Where do people usually spend their holidays? at the seaside 47 in the country 25 in their native town 20 in the foreign country 5 in the mountains 3.
Слайд 1 Слайд 2 Слайд 1 Слайд 2 МОУ ПСОШ 1 Погорелова И.В. Слайд 1 Слайд 2.
street objects road pavement bridge tunnel bus stop.
Our Tatarsk. Town (since 1911) in Novosibirsk region, Russia. The population of 26,1 thousand people. The city is located in 457 kilometers to the West.

Copyright © 2005 – 2006

At the Playground

At the Library

At the Supermarket

At the Police Station

At the Bus Stop

At the Fire Station

At the Hospital

At the Park

At the Amusement Park

At the Museum

At the Lesson

At a Restaurant

At the Zoo

At the Railway Station

At the Airport