Reading lesson 9 Writing a letter Revision:, Pets, Appearance, Family, Nationalities, Countries, Jobs, Questions, to be, ca, have got, Pronouns, Demonstrative.


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Reading lesson 9 Writing a letter Revision:, Pets, Appearance, Family, Nationalities, Countries, Jobs, Questions, to be, ca, have got, Pronouns, Demonstrative pronouns – this these, that, those, Plural forms of the nouns,

s Например [s] [z]sock, bees, pupils, sing, strong, wallets, cheese, house, wor[w ə: ]work, world, worm wa war [w כ :] Water, warm, war, what, rh[r]rhino oy, oi boy, coin, toy, roy ow ou bow, out, how, brown, cow, ew new, dew, few oa boat, road, coat oo zoo, book, look, crook ea bead, meat, lead ee bee, see, meet, teen er в конце слова sister, letter, matter, joker o +th /ve mother, brother, father, love, dove y в начале слова yes, yellow, yell, yet all alk Talk, walk, wall, ball y в конце слова mummy, daddy, very, baby ck clock, cock, rick, tack ng ring, ping-pong, song, long, qu queen, quick ph phone, photo, elephant th this, these, those, that, with th thick, thin, ch cheese, chat, chuck, chop sh fish, she, sheep, ship, shut, shout, shone wh whip, when, whir, which, whose*, whom*, whole, kn knit, knock, knee wr wrap, wrote, written, igh sight, high, night, knight, g barge, gin, cage, log, grey, large, green, bag, c car, class, cock, prince, clock, dance, glance

Буквосочетания Суффиксы, немые согласные Буквосочетания Примеры au aw [o:]taut, applaud, raw, bawd, saw i+nd i+ld [aind] [aild] kind, mild, find, wild, bind o+ld [ould] cold, gold, wold almalm[a:m]palm, calm, - climb* able[eibl]cable, table, fable, able ast ass [a:st] [a:s] last, fast, cast, stststst [s]fasten, hustle, bustle, castle ouble[ʌbl]double, trouble, tion cian cious \ tious [ ʃ n] [ʃ ǝs] dictation, fiction, motion, caution musician, politician, optician cautious, suspicious, sure[ ʒ ə ]pleasure, leisure, ture[ʧ ə][ʧ ə]picture, torture,

Прочитай, напиши транскрипцию над выделенными буквосочетаниями. bees, pupils,, wallets, housework, world, Water, warm, what, rhino, coin, roy,bow, out, dew, coat, crook,bead, joker, dove, talk, walk, shout, mummy, queen, knee, written, sight, knight, Прочитай, над словами поставь 1, 2, 3 тип чтения, напиши транскрипцию подчеркнутых слов. cute, curl, cell, dance, circle, barge, huge, go, gin, yell, white, when, whale, wrap, knap, wrong, dose, Jack, sing, strong, quick, phone, with, thick, chuck, shut, knit

Round up 3 p.13 ex. 9,10, p. 154 ex.8-9,

* P. 14 * p 18

* P17 / p 18 * Ask questions tail beak a shiny shell sharp teeth claws huge/tiny body naughty /quiet / noisy unusual wild/ domestic be afraid of eat look like a…. name age appearnace habbits abilities food where it live

* A Poem about Paul * Wb p 10 ex * Pb p. 20 ex I-J

Revision Unit 1- 3 Writing a letter 1. Round up 3 p.22 ex. 6, p. 25 ex. 3, p. 152 ex.4-6, 2. Test 1 Round up 3. Test 1 Welcome 4. Распечатка на артикли 5. Pupils Book p ( optional) 6. Повторить стихи Grammar poems (см распечатки) – This is a boy…,Her name is Emily., Ive got a friend. Wait for me I am coming… 7. Повторить правила чтения, используя карточки- таблицу, сделать упражнения на распечатке – см распечатку по чтению буквосочетания+ домашнее задание Урок 9