Game Yes – No -The lion has two legs. -The dog is not an animal. -There are not animals at the Zoo. -The birds have no feathers. -Cats like milk and fish.


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[h], [h], [h] [n], [n], [n] [z], [z], [z] [ei], [ei], [ei] [v ], [ v], [v] [f ], [ f ], [ f] [k ], [k ], [ k] [ g ], [ g ], [ g ] [ai], [ai], [ai] [m],
1. Choose the correct variant. …Smiths have a dog and a cat. a) … b) The c) A 2. He knows how to work on … computer. a) a b) an c) … 3. She was the first.

Game Yes – No -The lion has two legs. -The dog is not an animal. -There are not animals at the Zoo. -The birds have no feathers. -Cats like milk and fish. - Mice can sing.

Думал и запоминал: Животное … Мишка косолапый ходит еле-еле. Мишка, медвежонок по-английски … Стреляли в волка: пиф и пуф! Волк по-английски … Рыжий-рыжий чудо флокс! Рыжая лисичка … Дед траву граблями грабит. Хочет есть наш кролик … Прыгнула из грядки, прямо на порог Зелёная красавица, по-английски … По деревьям кто-то прыгал. Оказалась белка …

Средь зверей интеллигент, Слон, слонёнок … Очень ножки тонки, У ослика … Так забавны и ловки Обезьянки … Трудный вам задам вопрос: «Как назвали лошадь?» … Легко запоминаю: Корова значит … Свинья есть хочет каждый миг, Свинью мы называем … Курица известна всем, По-английски она … Целый день всё кряк да кряк,

Как назвали утку? … Даже Диккенс, даже Диккенс Называл цыпляток … Ой, утонет! Это так? Называй утёнка … Запоминайте эти строки: Индюшка по-английски … Гусей я до сих пор боюсь. Гусь по-английски просто … Кот мой съел вчера омлет, Он воришка, этот … Крыса в доме. Ужас! Бред! Крыса по-английски …

Где увидеть, отгадай-ка, В городе тигрёнка, … Или горную козу? Только в зоопарке … Кто в далёких странах не был, Здесь найдёт верблюда, … И конечно Крошку Ру, Кенгурёнка, … Любят сушки и баранки Добродушный ослик, … И похожая на тигра Вся в полоску зебра, …

Дал банан я обезьянке. Рада обезьянка, … И тюлень обжора, … Тут же рыбы попросил. Жаль, чем угостить не знал Крокодила, … Предложил ему конфету – Он обиделся за это. Подходить не велено Мне к слонёнку, … Он ужасно озорной: Обливает всех водой

… how long animals live? The animal which lives the longest life is the tortoise (черепаха). It sometimes lives between 300 and 400 years. The crocodile can live for 300 years, the elephant and the eagle (орёл) – for 100 years. … that elephants are very good swimmers? … that they can pick up a coin (монета) with their trunk?

… that in the eighteenth century in France there was a big wolf which killed and ate 90 men before people could kill it? … that mice can sing? Some kinds of mice make sounds that resemble the sounds which birds make. … that cats cant see in the dark?

… that cats love their homes better than people? A cat often runs away when the people take it with them to a new home, finds its old home and lives there. … that the Chinese had hen more than three thousand years ago?

…that once there lived a sheep on a farm in America with the grass growing on its back? … that the cleverest domestic animals are the horse and the dog? Animals can talk to one another?

CAT CA* *AP MA* M*N PEN Dicks … is black. Look at the …. Our teacher is …. I see four … in the street.


I see a big black …. 2. Peters cat is under the …. 3. Three cats and five cats are … cats. 4.… is a white cat and that is a grey cat. 5. My cat likes to sit on the …. 6.… has a nice cat at home. 7. Kate has … cat at home.

1c1ca 2t2tre 3e3eigh 4t4thi 5s5sof 6A6An 7n7no

Ogd Gerti Tarbib Noil Omsue Tra Bare Pelanteh Frog

1. This animal is white in winter and grey in summer. 2. This animal is a king of animals. It lives in Africa. 3. This is a domestic animal. It is very clever and you can ride it. 4. This animal is green and small. It lives in pond. 5. It is a domestic animal. It likes fish. 6. This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk.

7. It is very big and grey. 8. This animal lives at home or out of doors. It barks and it bites, it lets nobody into the house. It is a man friend. 9. It isnt a domestic animal. It can eat meat. Its grey. 10. It is a wild animal. It likes bananas. 11. It is a domestic bird. It gives us eggs. 12. As strong as … 13. As fat as … 14. As busy as …

As quiet as … 1) an owl As light as … 2) a fox As proud as … 3) a feather As wise as … 4) a peacock As stubborn as … 5) a mouse As sly as … 6) an elephant As clumsy … 7) a mule

Little Mouse, Where is your house? Little Cat, I have no flat. I am poor Mouse, I have no house. Little Mouse, Come to my house. Little Cat, I cannot do that. You want to eat me.

Pats black cat is in Pats black hat. Great gray goats. There was a young fisher named Fisher who fished for a fish in a fissure. Six sick sea – serpent swam the seven seas.

It is … It lives … It likes … It has got … It can …

1. How long do rabbits (sheep, cats, dogs, goats, cows, pigs, horses, camels) live? 2. Where do rabbits (sheep, cats, dogs, goats, cows, pigs, horses, camels) live? 3. Who can live in water?

4. Who can swim in water? 5. Who lays eggs? 6. Who has a trunk? 7. Who has a long tail? 8. Who can eat grass? 9. Who can live in the forest? 10. Who can live at home?

Remembered (Вспомнила) Knew (Знала) Troubled (Затруднилась) I