Comparability and Compatibility of Qualifications and Curricula Dr. Anna Muravieva, Centre for VET Studies, Moscow.


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Comparability and Compatibility of Qualifications and Curricula Dr. Anna Muravieva, Centre for VET Studies, Moscow

2 Instruments National qualifications framework National qualifications framework Regional QFs Regional QFs Sector QFs Sector QFs Occupational standards Occupational standards Recognition/validation tools (e.g. ECVET) Recognition/validation tools (e.g. ECVET)

3 Key question : Key question : what makes qualifications and curricula compatible? what makes qualifications and curricula compatible? Basis: Basis: learning outcomes – as a link between education/VET and the world of work learning outcomes – as a link between education/VET and the world of work

4 Learning outcomes Learning outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or programme. Learning outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or programme. In other words, learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course or programme In other words, learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course or programme

5 Qualification Qualification is a formal outcome of an assessment or validation which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards and/or possesses the necessary competence to do a job in a specific area of work. A qualification confers official recognition of the value of learning outcomes in the labour market and in education and training

6 Benefits of LOs They allow to describe requirements to graduates that are relevant for the labour market (as occupational or qualification standards), that serve the foundation for VET standards, curricula and assessment criteria They allow to describe requirements to graduates that are relevant for the labour market (as occupational or qualification standards), that serve the foundation for VET standards, curricula and assessment criteria They make possible international comparability of qualifications and curricula They make possible international comparability of qualifications and curricula

7 Qualifications Frameworks Qualifications frameworks – are structured level-based descriptions of qualifications recognized nationally and internationally. Qualifications frameworks – are structured level-based descriptions of qualifications recognized nationally and internationally. A means for linking the supply and demand of qualifications. A means for linking the supply and demand of qualifications. Serve to measure and compare learning outcomes and establish a hierarchy of diplomas and certificates. Serve to measure and compare learning outcomes and establish a hierarchy of diplomas and certificates..

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