Speaking about seasons and the weather. Найдите слово с общим значением для каждой строки Seasons, months, sports, numerals 1) first, second, ninth, third.


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Speaking about seasons and the weather

Найдите слово с общим значением для каждой строки Seasons, months, sports, numerals 1) first, second, ninth, third 2) football, table tennis, hockey 3) winter, spring, summer, autumn 4) December, June, August, September

Solve the crossword 1)…………is the first month of autumn. 2)…………is the twelfth month of the year. 3)…………is the third month of spring. 4)…………is the eighth month of the year. 5)…………is the second month of autumn. 6)…………is the eleventh month of the year. Solve the crossword 1) ………… is the first month of autumn. 2) ………… is the twelfth month of the year. 3) ………… is the third month of spring. 4) ………… is the eighth month of the year. 5) ………… is the second month of autumn. 6) ………… is the eleventh month of the year.

Weather [weðə] - погода Cold [keuld] – холодно, холодный Night [nait] - ночь Snowball [snəubɔ:l] - снежок Cool [ku:l] – прохладно, прохладный Warm [wɔ:m] – тепло, тёплый Field [fi:ld] - поле Flower [flauə] - цветок Hot [hot] – жарко, жаркий Usually [ju:ʒuəli] - обычно Rain [rein] - дождь

Correct the mistakes: 1) The weather is hot in winter. 2) The days are short and the nights are long in summer. 3) It usually rains in winter. 4) You go to school and meet your friends in summer. 5) Spring is white.

Homework: нарисовать любимое время года,погоду и кратко описать его (письменно)

There are 4 seasons in the year: WINTER SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN

Months Winter months are December, January, February. Spring months are March, April, May. Summer months are June, July, August. Autumn months are September, October, November.

Thank you!