- It is domestic animal.. - It is little. - It is little.


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- It is domestic animal.

- It is little. - It is little.

- It is white.

- It has got four legs.

- Its neck is short.

- Its body is long.

- Its tail is long.

- It has got hair.

- It is a short – haired animal.

- Its ears are little.

- Its eyes are big.

- It has got sharp teeth.

- It can swim.

- It can run.

- It can jump.

- It doesn, t eat grass.

- It doesn, t eat leaves.

- It eats meat.

- It eats fish.

- It eats bread.

- It doesn, t eat vegetables.

- It doesn, t eat fruit.

- It lives in the house.

- It is a cat.

Презентацию выполнил: Ученик 4 класса Пискунов Сергей