Учитель англ. яз.:Учитель англ. яз.: Ахвледиани О. Г.Ахвледиани О. Г. I категорияI категория Г. ОренбургГ. Оренбург.


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This is our little puppy Spot. It is small. It likes its house and it likes to walk in the garden. It can run, jump, play with other animals. But it is.

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Guess … Who is it? It is clever and funny. It can jump, run, play and make faces. It lives in a tree. It likes bananas.
WHO KNOWS ANIMALS BEST? своя ИГРА Wild animals Farm animals Birds Pets
Fox This is a fox. It lives in the forest. It likes chickens, hares and ducks.
[h], [h], [h] [n], [n], [n] [z], [z], [z] [ei], [ei], [ei] [v ], [ v], [v] [f ], [ f ], [ f] [k ], [k ], [ k] [ g ], [ g ], [ g ] [ai], [ai], [ai] [m],
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Funny animals. [ɪ] [e] [æ] [ɔ] [ʌ] [u:] silly let clap want one zoo swim clever have dolphin sun do little fun cool lizard monkey sit big hippo.
Animal world. Hunt – охотиться Hunt – охотиться Climb - карабкаться Climb - карабкаться Spots – пятна Spots – пятна Stripes – полоски Stripes – полоски.
Урок английского языка в 5 классе. Цель урока Научить правильно называть животных на английском языке.
It doesnt speak, Nor does it sing, Or at the door-bell Give a ring, But still it lets Its master know Someone wants to see him. I have a bushy tail, Sometimes.
Презентация по теме «My Favourite Animals» Ученика 4 класса А Северодвинской прогимназии 1 Ермолина Леонида Учитель английского языка Назарочкина Татьяна.
Урок по английскому языку, интегрированного с ИКТ. Учитель: Соломина Оксана Николаевна ГБОУСОШ 1246 Тема: «The wonderful world of animals»
Стихи для фонетической зарядки по английскому языку.
WELCOME TO LONDON ZOO. London Zoo is one of the most famous of all London attractions. It was opened in 1828 by the Zoological Society of London.
Animals. I think it is a (an)... Who is it? It is a BEAR! Who is it? It is a MONKEY!
Nickolay Drozdov. Animals world My dear, friends! Im glad to meet you. I hope you love animals very much. I want to invite you to my program and I will.
Clever animalsLizardSnakeElephantWhale-[(h)we ɪ l]
WELCOME TO LONDON ZOO. London Zoo is one of the most famous of all London attractions. It is situated in Regents Park and was opened in 1828 by the Zoological.

Учитель англ. яз.:Учитель англ. яз.: Ахвледиани О. Г.Ахвледиани О. Г. I категорияI категория Г. ОренбургГ. Оренбург

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a dog Ive got a pet. It is not very big. It is red. It can swim, run and jump. It likes to play with me. I love my pet.

a cow It is big. It is red or white or black or brown. It can run and jump. It lives on the farm. It eats grass. It gives us milk. I like milk. grass - трава

a frog It is small and green. It lives in the forest. It cant run. It can jump and swim. It eats insects. insects - насекомые

an elephant It is very big. It lives in Africa and Asia. It also lives in the Zoo. It is grey. It can walk and run. It cant sing.

tall giraffe eat from a tree silly monkey laugh at me clever dolphin swim in the sea; little seal clap one, two, three; lazy lizard sit in the sun; big whale have lots of fun; baby hippo learn how to run; one crocodile cry on its own.

A: Look at the monkey! B: Oh, yes! Its laughing at me! A: Look at the dolphin! B: Oh, yes! Its swimming in the sea! A: Look at the seal! B: Oh, yes! Its clapping one, two, three! A: Look at the lizard! B: Oh, yes! Its sitting in the sun! A: Look at the whale! B: Oh, yes! Its having lots of fun! A: Look at the hippo! B: Oh, yes! Its learning how to run!

p.59., ex.3p.59., ex.3

Look at the picture. Name all the animals.