Праздники и традиции во Франции и Великобритании! La France Great Britain.


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Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Many of them carve.

Christmas Easter. Christmas day Christmas is joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.The Christmas story comes from.
Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31.
Designed by: Anastasia Kuptsova Moscow,Russia Gymnasuim #1562 Gymnasuim # C Form 6 C Form Coordinator: Oksana Oksana Semyonovna Semyonovna Kirpota.
Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31.
1. Halloween is one of the oldest festivals in Great Britain. 2. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st. 3. The full name of the festival is All Hallows.
Презентация "Рождество во Франции"
British Holidays. There are a number of holidays, which are celebrated in Great Britain every year. There are a number of holidays, which are celebrated.
Form 8 «V» It is certain that Christmas is celebrated all over the world.Perhaps no other holiday has developed a set of customs and symbols. Thisis the.
Traditions and customs Of Great Britain. Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important.
Celebrations of Britain. Customs and Traditions So many countries so many customs, an English proverb says. The combination of the words tradition & custom.
go to church to watch fireworks go to bed after midnight to give roses dress up as the witches chocolate eggs to blow up the Houses of Parliament hang.
Le 25 décembre: Noël en France Le 25 décembre: Noël en France.
Christmas On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives.
Презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме: Презентация о традициях празднования праздника Хэллоуин в Англии.
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Holidays А.М.Рудакова, Christmas On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards.
C HRISTMAS W E WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU ABOUT C HRISTMAS IN A MERICA. Christmas Day has been a federal holiday in the United States since People in.
On October 31st British people celebrate Halloween. It is the most colorful and exciting holiday of the year.
Выполнил: Шугуров Антон. Halloween is a festival is a festival that takes place that takes place on October 31 on October 31.

Праздники и традиции во Франции и Великобритании! La France Great Britain

Le 31 décembre cest la nouvelle année. Lannée française commence et finit par une grande fête. Le 31 décembre est le jour de la Saint-Sylvestre. Cest le dernier jour de lannée. Noël est une fête de famille, mais le 31 décembre on fait le réveillon: on sort, on va danser avec les amis, et on attend minuit pour sembrasser et boire du champagne, pour fêter la nouvelle année qui commence. Chaque ville organise un feu dartifice. Ce nest pas une fête religieuse simplement, on ne travaille pas et on se repose après avoir beaucoup bu et dansé.

Cest une fête de famille Les quatre semaines incluant les quatre dimanches précédant la veille de Noël correspondent à lAvent. Lambiance du réveillon de Noël est spéciale et différente de la nuit du Jour de lAn. Cest une fête de famille, la célébration des liens entre les générations réunies. Pour un soir nous oublions les rancunes, les jalousies, les disputes. Avent, du latin adventus qui signifie venue, arrivée.

Le 14 février Le 14 février, cest la Saint-Valentin. Cest la fête des amoureux. En France, par tradition ce sont les hommes qui offrent des fleurs et des cadeaux aux femmes.

Les Paques Pâques est une fête religieuse, qui rappelle la résurrection de Jésus Christ. Il est difficile de savoir la date exacte de Pâques, mais cest toujours un dimanche, en mars ou en avril. A lépoque de Pâques, on vend partout des œufs et des lapins en chocolat. Les vrais Catholiques vont à léglise, mais les autres se contentent de manger du chocolat! Pour Pâques, les étudiants ont deux semaines de vacances.

La Fête des Mères La Fête des Mères, dont lorigine remonte à lAntiquité romaine, cest toujours le dernier dimanche du mois de mai. Les enfants préparent des petits cadeaux à lécole, et les papas achètent des cadeaux plus chers dans les magasins.

Le 1er avril en France Le 1er avril en France comme en Russie il est en usage de faire une plaisanterie, voire un canular à ses connaissances ou à ses amis. En France cette tradition sappelle «poisson davril».Pour les enfants, il consiste à accrocher un poisson de papier dans le dos de personnes dont on veut se gausser. Le 1er avril en France

Le 14 juillet (14 июля День взятия Бастилии) Le 14 juillet est la fête nationale de la France. Ce jour- là, les Français et les Françaises célèbrent lanniversaire de la prise de la Bastille, ancienne prison dEtat, détruite par le peuple français en 1789 (mille sept quatre-vingts-neuf). Toutes les villes et tous les villages sont en fête. Les drapeaux tricolores flottent sur toutes les façades. Les estrades, dressées à tous les carrefours, les terrasses de cafés sont ornées de guirlandes et de lampions. Cest une fête à mille visages. Elle commence la veille par des retraites aux flambeaux et des bals dans les rues. Tout le monde est dehors. On se dirige vers les places où des orchestres jouent des airs à la mode. On danse jusque tard dans la nuit.

Holidays in Great Britain

Christmas Christmas is a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is based on the Biblical event described in Luke 2 and Matthew 1-2 of the New Testament. Luke tells the story of how an angel appeared to shepherds and told them that a Saviour had been born to Mary and Joseph in a stable in Bethlehem. Matthew tells of the Three Wise Men of the East (the Magi) who followed a wondrous star, which led them to the new-born child, whom they presented with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The majesty and poetry of these lovely verses has won the hearts of listeners throughout the ages.


Some families open their presents on Christmas Eve, December 24th, to the glow of a crackling fire and "White Christmas," "Jingle Bells," and other even older Christmas carols such as "Silent Night," "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," and "The Wassail Song," playing softly in the background.

New Year in Great Britain In Wales, the back door releases the Old Year at the first stroke of midnight: it is then locked "to keep the luck in", and at the last stroke the New-Year is let in at the front. It is commonly believed that New Year's Day is less important in England than Christmas. It is true in the southern and eastern parts of the country. However, even there, the welcoming of the New Year is growing in popularity, particularly among younger people who prefer to spend Christmas with kin, but New Year with friends. New Year's parties go all night through.

New Year in Great Britain

Easter Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and time for giving chocolate Easter eggs, the day of parties, and above all a celebration that Jesus raised from the dead and lives forever. Eggs play an important part in Easter celebration; they are predominantly given to children. The eggs are either hollow or have a filling, and are usually covered with brightly colored silver paper.

Halloween Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Many of them carve jack-o'-lantens out of pumpkins. Fortunetelling and storytelling about ghosts and witches are popular activities. The main Halloween activity for children is trick-or- treating. Children dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying "trick or treat". The neighbours give children such treats as candy, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them.
