Таинственный лабиринт. 1. Which can run fast? A dolphin (t) A hippo (o) A penguin (f) A kangaroo (m) 2. Which can`t climb? A pelican (i) A monkey (d)


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Таинственный лабиринт

1. Which can run fast? A dolphin (t) A hippo (o) A penguin (f) A kangaroo (m) 2. Which can`t climb? A pelican (i) A monkey (d) cheetah (r) A puma (b) 3. Which can`t jump? A tiger (k) A kangaroo (n) A crocodile (l) A zebra (a) 4. Which can`t swim? A crocodile (s) A hippo (e) A penguin (v) A cheetah (k)

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