Савинова Оксана Геннадьевна учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ 8 п. Сенной Темрюкского района Краснодарского края 2011 год.


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Савинова Оксана Геннадьевна учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ 8 п. Сенной Темрюкского района Краснодарского края 2011 год

Its a castle Its an old castle

The castle has: 1. a cellar 3. a lawn 2. a garden 4. a tower 5. stairs

a garden a cellar a tower stairs a lawn

Whats in the castle? What? What? Whats there? Whats near the river? Theres a castle. Theres a castle near the river. What? What? Whats there? Whats behind the castle? Theres a forest. Theres a forest behind a castle.

Whats in the castle? What? What? Whats there? Whats in the castle? There are towers. There are towers in the castle. What? What? Whats there? Whats under the tower? Theres a cellar. Theres a cellar under the tower.

Whats in the castle? Who? Who? Whos there? Whos in the cellar? There is a ghost. There is a ghost in the cellar.

Make up your verse: Whats there? Therere treesinthe river Theres a gardennearthe tree Theres a ghostbehindthe garden Theres a lawnonthe towers There're stairsunderthe lawn There're sheepthe stairs

Write the words: 1.tisasr 2.negrad 3.leralc 4.evrri 5.thosg 6.wetro 7.alnw 8.laects 9.sscrpine 10.kael stairs garden cellar river ghost tower lawn castle princess lake