Географический детерминизм (урок-семинар). Географический детерминизм (от лат. determino определяю), - учение, согласно которому развитие общества, причины.


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Географический детерминизм (урок-семинар)

Географический детерминизм (от лат. determino определяю), - учение, согласно которому развитие общества, причины войн и революций, человеческие обычаи, нравы имеют "естественное происхождение" и определяются прежде всего географической средой. Сторонников географического детерминизма можно обнаружить ещё в древности (Геродот). Основоположник ШАРЛЬ ЛУИ МОНТЕСКЬЁ (Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu) (1689–1755)


Понятие «ноосфера» ввел выдающийся естествоиспытатель и мыслитель В.И. Вернадский. Ноосфера (от греч. noos ум, разум), представляет собой сферу живого и разумного.

ГО ЧЕЛОВЕК Географическая среда

ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ СРЕДА – это та часть природы, являющаяся средой обитания человека, источником основных ресурсов на данном этапе исторического развития, постоянно подверженная антропогенному воздействию охота и собирательство земледелие ремесло промышленное производство НТР приспособление человека к природным условиям без видоизменения природной среды видоизменение природной среды человеком с целью удовлетворения своих потребностей

Роль географической среды в жизни и развитии общества ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ СРЕДА – ЧАСТЬ ВНЕШНЕЙ ПРИРОДЫ, В ПРЕДЕЛАХ КОТОРОЙ СУЩЕСТВУЮТ ОБЩЕСТВО И ЧЕЛОВЕК, СЛУЖАЩАЯ УДОВЛЕТВОРЕНИЮ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ПОТРЕБНОСТЕЙ. Группы природных богатств Содержание Хронология ведущей роли Первая группа: источники необходимых средств существования Естественное плодородие почвы, водные ресурсы, лесные угодья Возникновение общества – вв. Вторая группа: источники средств трудовой деятельности Металлы, уголь, нефть, газ, энергия (солнце, вода, ветер) Промышленная революция вв. – настоящее время

? ? ? ? Влияние географической среды на сферы общественной жизни

Влияние географической среды на сферы общественной жизни Сферы общественной жизни Элементы сферы Примеры Экономическая Социальная Политическая Духовная

Экономическая сфера

Социальная сфера

Политическая сфера

Духовная сфера

The Influence of Geography on People and Their Lifestyles


Australia is the worlds largest island and its smallest continent. The continent is south of the equator.

Australia is washed by the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is surrounded by the water from every side.

Many cities are also the countrys main ports.

Some parts of Australia are so far from the rest of the country that people have to send a radio messages to the flying doctor service if they become ill.

It has a very sunny climate. Most of the continent is sunny the whole year.

The whole central part of the country is dry: it never rains, there are no large rivers and no water there, so people suffer from the shortage of the water.

Due to a dry climate there are no fertile lands and agriculture is not developed here.


The USA is the fourth largest country in the world.

Three quarters (3/4) of the country is washed by the oceans, so millions of Americans participate in water sports, such as swimming, surfing, sailing and water skiing.

People live within 4 time zones. Practically every climate in the world is represented here.

The southern parts of the country have warm temperatures all year round, but the northern parts have very cold winter.

Such climate is useful for the life of people.

The centre of the country is watered by the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.

Agriculture is developed. Agriculture is developed.

Fresh grapefruits, oranges, lemons are not imported. Low-cost, high-quality fruits, juices and vegetables are available any time of the year.

But in the USA earthquake and tornado happen often.

They carry with them terrible consequences such as death of people, destruction of houses, etc.

So in the USA conditions are more friendly to life and activity of people, but there are disadvantages as well.

The UK

It has a mild climate. It is never very cold or very hot.

Theres steady rainfall throughout most of the year.

Britain has a rich, fertile countryside.

Farming, gardening are well developed here.

Britain is located close to the ocean so fishing has always been an important industry.

There are optimal conditions for the life of people there.

упражнение Great deserts A mild climate Steady rainfall Flat landsisThe USA Deep canyons Flat plains and hills aretypical ofGreat Britain Severe droughts MountainousAustralia Heavy forests and extensive deserts WHAT CLIMATE AND LANDSCAPES ARE TYPICAL OF WHICH COUNTRY? TYPICAL OF WHICH COUNTRY?

HOW DOES THE GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION INFLUENCE THE PEOPLES LIFE IN GREAT BRITAIN The British live on a very small island with a mild climate and a history of centuries of efficient road building. This is partly because we have excellent road- building materials. They rarely have severe winter frosts that damage (портить) the roads very much, and we do not normally suffer from heat, drought or flooding. About 44 per cents of the population spend time gardening. The climate is ideal. They also grow flowers and have a passion for lawns of grass which stay green throughout the year. It was the British who started the fashion for seaside holidays. Not surprisingly, nobody in Britain lives more than one hundred and twenty kilometers from the sea. The British love of compromise is the result of the physical geography. This may or may not be true that the land and climate in Britain dont have extremes (крайности). Britain has mountains, but none of them are very high, it also has flat land, but you cannot travel far without seeing hills, it has no big rivers, it doesnt usually get very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer, it has no active volcanoes.

HOW DOES THE AUTHOR EXPLAIN THE REASON WHY there are excellent roads in England? a lot of people like gardening? most British people spend their holidays at the seaside? English people like compromise?

А – природа; В – человек; АВ – географическая среда Круги Эйлера Самодетерминация

А – природа; В – человек; АВ – географическая среда Круги Эйлера «Человек первоначально всего лишь эпизод без последствий для природы» Ф.Ницше Природная детерминация

А – природа; В – человек; АВ – географическая среда Круги Эйлера Двойная детерминация

А – природа; В – человек; АВ – географическая среда Круги Эйлера Социальная детерминация

А – природа; В – человек; АВ – географическая среда Круги Эйлера

А – природа; В – человек; АВ – географическая среда Круги Эйлера Самодетерминация