A m u r T i g e r 5- «Э» class, Abramov Georgy. The Amur tiger is in Russia's Red Book of Endangered animals. Hunting for tigers is prohibited since 1947.


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A m u r T i g e r 5- «Э» class, Abramov Georgy

The Amur tiger is in Russia's Red Book of Endangered animals. Hunting for tigers is prohibited since There are only about 500 adults that live in the Russian Far East.

The Amur tiger is one of the largest tigers. Its body length with head makes up 2 meters and with tail it can reach up to 3 meters. The tiger can weigh 300 kg.

Amur tiger has the reddish-brown coat with black or brown stripes. In summer the coloring is brighter, and in winter the fur becomes longer.

Tigers can travel great distances, covering from 20 to 100 km per day.

This large cat is active in the evening, the first half of the night and in the morning. Each adult tiger needs a huge area of land for its territory up to 40km. Amur tigers catch large prey such as deer.

The tiger in Russia faces a number of threats: hunting of prey, illegal poaching, traditional Chinese Medicine, loss of habitat.

Think about the ways of protecting these animals!