Since many years we can observe our constantly deteriorating environment. Followed by pollution increase in air, water and soil. It is increasingly difficult.


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Since many years we can observe our constantly deteriorating environment. Followed by pollution increase in air, water and soil. It is increasingly difficult to find a quiet place for recreation and regeneration of our body, even in such a small and picturesque town like our Winowno. This is due to close contact with major communication routes, and industrialized part of Silesia. "Green resources", creating our immediate surroundings, give us a visual pleasure to act on our sense of beauty. These aesthetic themes of environmental protection are often underestimated, because the influence of nature on the formation of aesthetic attitude is not a tangible value.

The development of industry in Silesia, which is about. 40 km away from our village, inappropriate location of industrial facilities, in comparison to nearby natural resources often results in a decrease in forest and farmland. Valuable plant communities disappear. There is an urgent need to prevent these negative phenomena. This requires a deliberate rational action in all areas of our lives, even in our small community, Winowno.

Pollution of water Clean water is undoubtedly a problem in the world. In developed countries, there is no longer an option to drink water directly from rivers, but also the quality of tap water raises doubts. Contamination of rivers and groundwater, from which man draws drinking water continues to grow. This water, which indeed flowing sewage, is treated of course, but the most advanced technologies will not be able to eliminate all pollutants. In addition, the effluent from industry, agriculture and households increasingly degrades the status of water.

Until the industrial revolution and the development of sewerage facilities, the problem of water pollution on a large scale practically non-existent. It was not until the industrial revolution gave rise to the danger of chemical pollution, and intensive discharge of waste water - danger of biological contamination.

Some practices in agriculture also pollute the water. This topic, due to the agricultural nature of our village is the closest to us. Fertilizers and pesticides currently used by most farmers, as well as manure from the pig, bring the water nitrates. Just as phosphates from washing powders and nitrates as well cause eutrophication, namely the rapid growth of algae and aquatic plants, clogging of water supply equipment and give it its bitter taste.

R E M E M B E R ! In carrying out proper management of water you should be thinking about the future, not just about fulfilling current needs. Please note that water resources in a given place, as a result of human activities, can be exhausted, may be polluted or contaminated and then cease to serve the people, plants and animals. In carrying out proper management of water you should be thinking about the future, not just about fulfilling current needs. Please note that water resources in a given place, as a result of human activities, can be exhausted, may be polluted or contaminated and then cease to serve the people, plants and animals.

Types of air pollutants : -smoke from the chimneys -car exhaust -bonfires -smoking -wild fires

Causes of air pollution : Most air pollution gets into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels in power plants, industrial production and transport. However, in developed countries, the pollution of communication play a central role in the cities. In our area the pollution of air is also caused by gases and smoke released during production and combustion of artificial Christmas trees.

In the case of our city, air pollution is a serious problem due to the fact that it is located near the main road linking the north and south of Poland. A very large impact on air pollution in Winowno also has a small distance from the cities of Silesia, quite heavily urbanized, industrialized, and populated by humans. This is due to smoke from factories, the farms, cars, which directly pollute the air over cities, but these contaminants reach us and adversely affect our environment and health. Area at risk WINOWNO !

Air pollution is caused by emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Most of these substances are different types of products of combustion, which in combination with steam produce precipitation, including acid. This rain is called acid rain. Acid rain causes damage to buildings made of stone, metal corrosion, acidification of soil and groundwater, as well as damage to the stands. Examples of such defects observed in our neighborhood you see in the form of dead trees, as well as households in the form of damage to farm buildings.

What is soil pollution? Contamination of soils and land are all chemical compounds and radioactive elements, and microorganisms that occur in soils in increasing quantities. The most widespread pollutants of soils and land use include: organic compounds - pesticides, detergents, heavy metals - lead (Pb), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As) and other salts - nitrates, sulfates, chlorides

Sources of contamination of soils The largest amounts of pollutants leak into the soil and ground with the waste water, dust and solid and liquid waste generated by industry. Mining industry generates huge amounts of highly saline mine waters. Many industrial plants emit harmful gases into the atmosphere and dust, which then as a result of deposition from the air contaminate the soil. All the above mentioned sources as possible reflect the causes of soil degradation in our area due to the fact that in the near distance is Polish largest coal mining center, as well as some of the biggest smelters and industrial plants. In addition, due to improper agricultural activities on soils and land contamination leak from used in excess of mineral and organic fertilizers. Particularly hazardous compounds derived from this industry are pesticides and other agrochemicals. All fertilizers have very adverse effect on the environment pollution.

The main source of soil contamination in our area is, unfortunately, human activity. People throw their rubbish everywhere, especially into forests. They leave cans, bottles, plastic bags, tyres and many other things that need hundreds of years to be decomposed. - Cotton fabric months -tissue paper - 3 months - the rind of the fruit - 6 months - woolen material years - cigarette years - chewing gum - 5 years - cloth covers years - aluminum can years - a small plastic bag years - glass bottle years 50 – 90 years 600 years 6 months

Protection and remediation of soils To prevent the total destruction of the soil, we should start to counteract the deterioration of soils due to human activity. Soil devastated by human activity must reclaim - to restore their former biological function and value.Deterioration of soils may be limited as a result of appropriate agricultural practices. To restore soil to its original mineral content in natural proportions, should complement the deficiency of vital elements. In order to prevent excessive acidification of soils, you need to adjust the pH of the soil, for example by liming.

Already a man reached the moon, he begins to dream of Mars. But still holding up the earth and returns to it stubbornly. His love for the Mother - the planet is going to reveal bizarre. Because every act of his genial nature, he wants to change slightly. Too much is at our vermin! It does not matter. Already scientists think. Like here on our planet to make such a paradise on Earth. Just sprinkle LUX - powder, because a spring is here it comes. That case and others will die - well, one not please everyone. Mans dream has always been to facilitate change for the better. How wonderful it would change the world order today. Although it seemed, everything as before, but seemed to have. that nothing changes. At the feet of people the same, but the Earth will be dead. Forecast

For educational purposes only. Niemczyk Izabela Wawrzak Ewelina