Ability by HERBER. I can You can He can She can It can We can You can They can AFFIRMATIVE.


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[k] [l] [æ] [p] [h] [n] [d] [z] [t] [m] [w] [s] 1. Clap your hands, clap your hands Listen to the music, clap your hands. 2. Turn around, turn around.
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Копытко Людмила Михайловна. Методический материал по теме «Модальные глаголы CAN/CANT» Работа выполнена учителем английского языка средней.
Present Progressive (Continuous). Present Progressive I he, she, it we, you, they is am are V + ing.
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Contents: meaning of the verb to be forms of the verb: positive forms negative forms interrogative forms drills reflection.
Present Continuous. Look at the picture. What is he doing now?
CAN YOU?...CAN YOU?.... Can you hop like а rabbit? Yes, I can.
Modal verb Модальный глагол CAN. Рассказать о том, что мы умеем или можем делать, нам поможет глагол CAN. I can play football. Я умею играть в футбол.
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The Present Continuous is: Pronouns or nouns + am / is / are + doing / going etc. I am speaking now.
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ability by HERBER

I can You can He can She can It can We can You can They can AFFIRMATIVE

Parrots can talk Yes, we can

Kangaroos can jump

Humans can jump too

Cheetahs can run very fast

Some people can run very fast too

Dolphins can swim

Many people can swim too

NEGATIVE I cannot I cant You cannot You cant He cannot He cant She cannot She cant It cannot It cant We cannot We cant You cannot You cant They cannot They cant

Parrots cant swim No, we can´t

Kangaroos cant talk

Dolphins cant run

Elephants cant jump

INTERROGATIVE Ican? Can I? Youcan? Can you? Hecan? Can he? Shecan? Can she? Itcan? Can it? Wecan? Can we? Youcan? Can you? Theycan? Can they? Yes, I/you can No, I/you cant Yes, he/she/it can No, he/she/it cant Yes, we/you/they can No, we/you/they cant QUESTIONSSHORT ANSWERS

Can dolphins swim? Yes, they can

Can elephants jump? No, they cant

Can kangaroos fly? No, they cant

Can parrots talk? Yes, they can


Can I clean the blackboard, please?

Can I open the window, please?

Can I sharpen my pencil, please?

Can I go to the toilet, please?