Тайна Стоунхенджа Драновская Мария Александровна Краснодарский политехнический техникум Отделение: очное Курс: 2, гр. 185 КМ Руководитель: Шелуха Ольга.


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Тайна Стоунхенджа Драновская Мария Александровна Краснодарский политехнический техникум Отделение: очное Курс: 2, гр. 185 КМ Руководитель: Шелуха Ольга Ильинична, канд.пед.наук, доцент

Plan 1.Stonehenge, what is it? 2.The heel stone 3.Stages of construction of Stonehenge 4.HOW Stonehenge looked like? 5.What DOES Stonehenge tell us? 6.my assessment of the topic

1.Stonehenge, what is it? is It the work of giants? Or the magic of the druids? Can Merlin moved them here? These and other questions asked by many scientists for a long time.

Stonehenge is a megalithic stone structure. Stonehenge is a structure of 82 five-ton megaliths, 30 stone blocks, each weighing 25 tons and 5 huge trilithons, stones weighing 50 tons. The stone blocks form the arches, which served as a perfect indicator of the world.

Its origin nobody can explain. Perhaps this place of power, because there is no sense in such a Grand structure, if it cannot accompany a person in a secret world of magic. Architect I. Jones has suggested that Stonehenge was built by ancient Romans.

2. The heel stone With the heel stone a legend is associated : once the devil hiding among the stones saw a monk. Before monk managed to escape the devil HE threw a huge boulder that crushed his heel. The heel stone lies North-East of the entrance oF the ring.

3.Stages of construction of Stonehenge From Preselected mountains to Stonehenge in a straight line 220 km. To transport the stones bouts were used And trimarans, which were driven by six men with poles. The sea route along the gently sloping shores of Wales was the most convenient.

ONE Part of the journey took place by land, it took hundreds of pairs of hands. The stones were transported from early may to late August. People used oxen as draft animals, and were United in a well organized society. Honor and glory awaited those who will not return with empty hands.

4. HOW Stonehenge looked like In 1998 by computer scientists AND astronomers IT WAS able to recreate the original appearance of StoneHEnge. It turned out that according to this model, the Solar system consists of twelve planets! The age of Stonehenge is years. it was determined by David Bowen in 1994.

5.What Stonehenge tells us Ancient monolith is an accurate model of the solar system in cross section. In this model, the solar system, not nine, but twelve planets, two of which are located beyond the orbit of Pluto, and another one is between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.

A characteristic of all ancient megaliths is their high earthquake resistance. In the construction a special platform was used, completely extinguishing or mitigating the tremors. Foundations are almost no shrinkage of soil, which occurs in modern construction.

6.my assessment of the topic In conclusion I would like to say that Stonehenge is a great creation of mankind, it was created to ensure that at all times people wondered, what is it? and for what it is created?

1. stounhendzh.html 2. Список источников