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Времена в английском языке. Сводная таблица времен

Речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая буквально так, как она была произнесена, называется прямой речью (direct speech). Речь, передаваемая не слово в.
Tregubenko N.V. 1 Sequence of Tenses Согласование времён.
Выполнил: учитель английского языка Феденко Г. В. МООУ «Санаторная школа- интернат 2»
Выполнил: учитель английского языка Феденко Г. В. МООУ «Санаторная школа- интернат 2»
Perfect Tenses Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous.
Past, Present, Future. 5 класс (УМК Биболетовой).
Френдак Галина Емельяновна, учитель английского языка Копьёвской средней школы.
The theme is The tenses of the verb in the English language: Present Simple Past Simple Present Perfect.
English Grammar In Use Present Perfect and Past Simple.
Present Perfect Progressive (Напишите перевод) ( Напишите форму глагола)
Present Perfect Настоящее свершенное время Разработано и составлено: Учитель английского языка МОУ гимназия 2 г.Раменское Погодина Е.О.
Использование Present Simple и Present Continuous Что общего между этими временами и чем они отличаются? Общее то что они выражают действие в настоящем.
The theme is Present Simple Past Simple Present Perfect.
Автор: преподаватель иностранного языка ВКК Салаева Н.А. Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Департамента здравоохранения.
Simple Tenses. Contents 1. Present Simple Present Simple Present Simple 2. Past Simple Past Simple Past Simple 3. Future Simple Future Simple Future Simple.
FUTURE in English. Автор Ефременкова Г. И., учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ 2 г. Сухиничи Калужской области.
Direct and Indirect (Reported) Speech. Direct Speech Прямая речь – это речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая без изменений, непосредственно так, как она.
SimpleProgressivePerfect Progressive Present Past Future.


Сокращения V – инфинитив глагола без частицы to. V Vs – глагол в третьем лице ед.ч. Vs V/2 – глагол в форме Past – 2 столбик дднепр. гл. V/2 V/3 – глагол в форме Past Participle – 3 столбик дднепр. гл. V/3 Ving – глагол с окончанием ing V

Таблица 1 времён английского языка SimplePerfectContinuous Perfect Continuous Present Present SimplePresent PerfectPresent Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Past Past SimplePast PerfectPast Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Future Future SimpleFuture PerfectFuture Continuous Future Perfect Continuous

Таблица 2 времён английского языка Simple / Indefinite всп.гл. DO Continuous / Progressive всп.гл. BE Perfect всп.гл. HAVE Perfect Continuous всп.гл. HAVE BEEN Present V(ES) /DO/DOES+V I play AM/IS/ARE +VING I am playing HAVE/HAS+ V3 I have played HAVE/HAS BEEN I have been playing Past DID+V I played WAS/WERE+VI NG I was playing HAD+V3 I had played HAD BEEN I had been playing Future WILL + V I wil play WILL BE+VING I will be playing WILL HAVE+V3 I wil have played WILL HAVE BEEN+VING I wil have been playing

Present Simple Образуется: V / V(e)s Всп. Гл. DO/DOES VV(e)s Пример: He writes a poem. Применение: Общеизвестные факты: Water freezes at zero. Обычное действие, регулярно повторяющееся: I feed my dog every day. Ряд последовательных действий в настоящем: She gets up, walks to school and has breakfast. Расписания: The train leaves at three oclock. Наречия времени: never, always, usually, often, rarely, constantly, every day/week…, in the morning/afternoon…

Present Continuous Образуется: am/is/are + VingVing Пример: We are waiting for the flight. Применение: Процесс в данный момент: They are playing in the garden. Они играют в саду. Действие, происходящее вокруг момента говорения: She is looking for a job. Описание действия в агрессивном тоне: She is always talking to my like that! Запланированное действие, которое должно произойти в ближайшем будущем: We are going to have a party tonight. Описание постепенного изменения ситуации: It is getting hot Наречия времени: now, at the moment, at present.

Present Perfect Образуется: have/has + V/3V/3 Пример: She has bought a chair. Применение: Сообщение о жизненном опыте: I have tasted pizza in Italy. Сообщение новости или результата действия: You have passed the exam. Сообщение о действии, начавшемся в прошлом и продолжающемся до сих пор: I have known her for a year. Наречия времени: for, since, just, yet, already, recently, never, ever.

Present Perfect Continuous Образуется: have/has + been + Ving Пример: We have been playing in the garden. Применение: Подчёркивание длительности действия: She has been reading since five oclock. Описание действия, имеющее видимые результаты: Hes been swimming. Ситуация, вызывающая агрессию, критику: Who has been touching my cases? Наречия времени: for, since, so far

Past Simple Образуется: V/2 Всп. Гл. DID V/2 Пример: I went to hospital yesterday. Применение: Перечень действий в прошлом: I took my key, locked the door and went away. Событие в прошлом, не связанное с настоящим: Pushkin wrote a lot of poems. Описание привычек: When I was five, I went home with my mother. Наречия времени: yesterday, last week/month…, ago, in 1978, then.

Past Continuous Образуется: was/were + Ving Пример: I was doing my homework at six oclock yesterday. Применение: Описание длительного действия в прошлом: He was talking to me this time yesterday. Описание длительного события в прошлом, прерванное кратким: I was washing the dishes, when Paul came in. Описание нескольких длительных событий в прошлом, происходящих одновременно: While Petra was flying to New York, Ken was having dinner with Karla. Наречия времени: while, when, as, this time/at six oclock yesterday.

Past Perfect Образуется: had + V / 3 Пример: Before they came home, they had bought some food. Применение: Описание действия в прошлом, произошедшего до другого действия в прошлом или до определённого времени: We had already prepared the food before Mike came home. He had found the key by 3 oclock. Наречия времени: before, after, just, yet, already, ever, never, when, by, by the time.

Past Perfect Continuous Образуется: had + been + Ving Пример: I had been helping my mother for three hours before she let me go. Применение: Описание продолжительного действия в прошлом, происходящего до другого действия в прошлом : I had been cleaning the car until Karol told me to stop. Описание продолжительного действия в прошлом, имеющее видимые результаты: Her eyes are red. She had been crying all evening. Наречия времени: for, since, till/until.

Future Simple Образуется: will + VV Пример: You will go to school tomorrow. Применение: Описание действия в будущем, сопровождающееся придаточным предложением или условием: If I see Peter, I will give him the present. Описание повторяющегося действия в будущем: They will phone you every day, when you go abroad. Предсказания, прогнозы, опасения: Mandy thinks it will be sunny next week. Наречия времени: tomorrow, next week/month…, often, every day, soon, the day after tomorrow, in a week/year…

Future Continuous Образуется: will + be + Ving Пример: I will be tidying my room this time tomorrow. Применение: Описание длительного действия, которое произойдёт в определённый момент будущего: She will be studying at six oclock next week. Описание длительного действия в будущем, во время которого произойдёт ещё одно действие: Mary will be doing make-up, when I come. Описание параллельных действий в будущем: When I will be eating, she will be having a shower. Наречия времени: at, when, while, tomorrow.

Образуется: will + have + V / 3 Пример: I will have solved the problem by six oclock. Применение: Описание действия, завершённого до определённого момента в будущем: They will have grown flowers by autumn. Наречия времени: by, before, tomorrow. Future Perfect

Future Perfect Continuous Образуется: will + have + been + Ving Пример: We have been doing the washing-up for half an hour, when she comes. Применение: Описание продолжительного действия в будущем, происходящего до определённого момента в будущем: I will have been sleeping for three hours, before I wake up. Наречия времени: by, before, tomorrow, when.

EX.1 Copy the sentences and note if they refer to the present, past or future. Write the tense against each sentence. Example: He cut his finger with a knife. (Simple Past) 1. He often cuts himself. 2. What time did John arrive? 3. I never forget anything. 4. Are you sitting comfortably? 5. We drank a lot of Coke at the party. 6. It was raining all night. 7. The train will leave in a few minutes. 8. I put on a clean shirt yesterday. Ответы 1 Present Simple/indefinite, 2 Past Simple/Indefinite, 3 Present Simple/indefinite, 4 Present Continuous/Progressive, 5 Past Simple/Indefinite, 6 Past Continuous/Progressive, 7 Future Simple / Indefinite, 8 Past Simple/Indefinite

Ex. 2 Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Continuous or Past Continuous 1. I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner. 2. You __________ (buy) this book yesterday? 3. Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film. 4. When __ your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening? 5. Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present. 6. What ______those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road? 7. ___you __________ (read) this book? 8. While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV. 9. When I __________ (be) young, I __________ (think) Mary __________ (be) nice but now I __________ (think) shes fantastic. 10. Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husbands car outside the cinema 11. Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school. 12. Jacks father __________ (not work) in London he __________ (not speak) English. 13. Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday. 14. Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts. 15. While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive). Ответы 1 was listening / was cooking, 2 did you buy, 3 went / wanted, 4 does your brother usually get, 5 brings, 6 are people doing, 7 have you read, 8 was sleeping / was watching, 9 was /thought / think, 10 was walking / saw, 11 are running, 12 doesnt work / doesnt speak, 13 bought, 14 goes, 15 were sleeping / arrived.

Ex. 3 раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple. 1. Arent you about to finish with the dishes? You _______ (wash) the dishes for thirty minutes or more. How long can it take you to wash the dishes? 2. We _______ (go) to the Steak House restaurant many times. The food is excellent. 3. A: What is that sound? B: A car alarm _______ (ring) somewhere down the street. It _______ (drive) me crazy I wish it would stop! It _______ (ring) for more than twenty minutes. 4. Can you translate this note from Stockholm? I understood Swedish when I _______ (be) a child, but I _______ (forget) it all. 5. Whats that dent in the side of the car? You _______ (have) an accident? 6. Im sorry, Johns not here; he _______ (go) to the dentist. He _______ (have) trouble with a tooth for some time. 7. This cassette recorder is broken. You _______ (play) about with it? 8. Your Italian is very good. You _______ (study) it long? 9. Do you mind if I clear the table? You _______ (have) enough to eat? 10. Ann never _______ (go) camping. She _______ (not sleep) in a tent. 11. Frank, where have you been? We _______ (wait) for you since 1 p.m. 12. Im not surprised he _______ (fail) that exam. He _______ (not / work) hard recently. Ответы 1 have been washing, 2 have gone, 3 is ringing/ is driving /has been ringing, 4 was /have forgotten, 5 have you had, 6 has gone / has had, 7 have you played, 8 have you been studying, 9 have you had, 10 has never gone / has never slept, 11 have been waiting, 12 has failed, hasnt been working

Ex. 4 Pаскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple или Present Perfect Continuous. 1. Oh no! The children _______ (cook). Look at the state of this kitchen! 2. How many times Wendy _______ (be) late for work this week? 3. Im going to give that cat some food. It _______ (sit) on the doorstep for hours. Im sure its starving. 4. I _______ (do) grammar exercises all morning. I deserve a treat for lunch. 5. You _______ (not / buy) your mother a present? Thats really mean of you. 6. She _______ (work) in Australia for 2 years. Then she moved. 7. Now where are my keys? This is the third time I _______ (lose) them today 8. You _______ (ever/play) chess? You should try it. Im sure its the sort that youd like. 9. Oh do be quiet. You _______ (grumble) all day! 10. Your tennis _______ (really / improve)! You _______ (practice) in secret? Ответы 1 has been / was, 2 met /have met, 3 have done / did, 4 bought / hasnt bought, 5 has already spent / spent, 6 broke / have never broken, 7 has been working hard / was / worked, 8 came / hasnt come, 9 hasnt been, 10 felt / has felt

Sources 1. Native-English: 2. НomeEnglish: 3. StudyEnglish: 4. - Учим английский вместе!Учим английский вместе! glagola/