The world of limericks Донская Светлана Александровна учитель английского языка МОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа 9 г. Долгопрудный май 2011 г.


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The world of limericks Донская Светлана Александровна учитель английского языка МОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа 9 г. Долгопрудный май 2011 г.

The world of limericks Edward Lear ( ) «Жизнь видится мне в основе своей трагической и тщетной, и наши маленькие шутки единственное, что имеет в ней смысл» «Жизнь видится мне в основе своей трагической и тщетной, и наши маленькие шутки единственное, что имеет в ней смысл» (Эдвард Лир) Edward Lear ( ) «Жизнь видится мне в основе своей трагической и тщетной, и наши маленькие шутки единственное, что имеет в ней смысл» «Жизнь видится мне в основе своей трагической и тщетной, и наши маленькие шутки единственное, что имеет в ней смысл» (Эдвард Лир)

What is a limerick? A short funny poem Always has five lines Begins with There was a… 1-st line 2-nd line rhymes 3-rd line 4-th line rhymes 5-th line rhymes

There was a young lady from Niger, Who smiled as she rode on a tiger. After the ride She was inside, And the smile was on the face of the tiger Улыбались три смелых девицы На спине у бенгальской тигрицы. Теперь же все три -У тигрицы внутри, А улыбка - на морде тигрицы.

There was a little girl and she had a little curl Just down in the middle of her forehead When she was good, she was very, very good, And when she was bad, she was horrid. There was an old lady who said When she found a thief under her bed, Get up from the floor: You are too near the door, You may catch a cold in your head

There was a Young Lady whose nose Was so long that it reached her toes; So she hired an Old Lady Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose. There was a Young Lady named Esther, She lived in the county of Leicester. She went for a walk Had a great talk, And found she had gone right to Chester.

There was an Old Man from Eire, Who stuck his feet in the fire, Although he got burnt, He never learnt It was quite the wrong way to get drier! There was an Old Man, who when little, Fell casually in a kettle, But growing too stout, He could never get out, So he past all his life in that kettle.

There was an old man of Berlin Whose form was uncommonly thin, Till he once by mistake Was mixed up in a cake, So they baked that old man of Berlin Когда-то жил тощий берлинец Не толще, чем детский мизинец. Но раз о несчастье! Стал теста он частью Кому-то достался гостинец...

There was an old man of Peru Who watched his wife making a stew; But once by mistake In a stove she did bake That unfortunate man of Peru. Засмотрелся старик из Перу Как глазунью пекут поутру. Но у бабки-шалуньи Спёкся вместо глазуньи Наш глазастый старик из Перу.

There once was a student named Bessor, Whose knowledge grew lessor and lessor, It at last grew so small He knew nothing at all, And today hes a college professor. Англичанин Бессор науку постигал, Чем больше он учился, тем меньше понимал. Учёбы конец наступил у него, Не знал наш студент вообще ничего. А сегодня этот Бессор в известном колледже профессор!

There was a Young Man of Peru, Who wanted to ride a kangaroo; But when he came to the zoo, There was no kangaroo, And that saved the Young Man of Peru. Один молодой человек из Перу Захотел покататься на кенгуру. Но когда в зоопарк он пришел, Кенгуру он там не нашел. И это спасло чудака из Перу.

There once was a man from Harare, Who bought a brand new Ferrari. Now the buck and the gnu And the elephant too Hide away when he goes on safari Однажды мужик из Гагары Купил себе новый Феррари. Когда он гонял по Сафари, Все звери оттуда сбежали.

There was a young lady named Bright Who travelled much faster than light. She started one day In a relative way And returned on the previous night. Юная леди жила – Огонёк. Была в путешествиях каждый денёк. Ходила быстрее, чем движется свет – Исчезла сегодня и шлёт из вчера нам привет.

There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said,It is just as I feared!- Two Owls and Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard! Жил был бородатый старичок. Тут случилось то, чего он так боялся: Семь прекрасных птичек и цыплёнок Нынче в бороде его гнездятся.

There was an old man of Dumbree, Who taught little owls to drink tea, For he said, "To eat mice Is not proper or nice," That amiable old man of Dumbree. Пожилой господин из Дамбри Приучал юных сов пить чаи, "Есть мышей -о,пардон- Для всех птиц - моветон!" Объяснял господин из Дамбри.

At breakfast he said: Who spoke with a terrible stutter There was a man of Calcutta And b-b-b-butter! Give me b-b-b-bread There was a man of Calcutta Who spoke with a terrible stutter At breakfast he said: Give me b-b-b-bread And b-b-b-butter! In a terrible fright He awoke in the night Who dreamt he was eating his shoe. And found it was perfectly true! There was an Old Man of Peru, Who dreamt he was eating his shoe. He awoke in the night In a terrible fright And found it was perfectly true!

I save gallons of ink He said with a wink But simply not dotting my i s There was a clever old miser who tries Every method to e-co-no-mise There was a clever old miser who tries Every method to e-co-no-mise He said with a wink I save gallons of ink But simply not dotting my i s When it bored him, you know, There once was a bear at the zoo to go to and fro, Who always had something to do he reversed it and went fro and to. There once was a bear at the zoo Who always had something to do When it bored him, you know, to go to and fro, he reversed it and went fro and to.

Как-то в Дерри в предпраздничной давке Молли бросила зайца на лавке. С лавки слезть он не смог, И под ливнем промок, И кричал всем, что Молли мерзавка.

Наша Пегги безудержно плачет: В речку Банн уронила свой мячик. Тише, Пегги, не плачь! Не утонет твой мяч: По волнам океана он скачет.