"Economics of the Great Britain and the USA" Agriculture and the chemical industry of the Great Britain Student group of БСН – Yana Kamko.


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"Economics of the Great Britain and the USA" Agriculture and the chemical industry of the Great Britain Student group of БСН – Yana Kamko

Vocabulary consumed - потребляемый agriculture – сельское хозяйство barley - ячмень oats - овес poultry - домашняя птица wheat - пшеница beef and veal - говядина и телятина livestock and crop - скот и урожай herd - стадо bred - разводить fodder - корм daffodils - нарциссы hyacinths and tulips – гиацинты и тюльпаны chemical industry – химическая промышленность detergents and disinfectants - моющие и дезинфицирующие средства dyes - красители, краска fertilizers - удобрения ammonia – аммиак, нашатырный спирт nitrogen and sulfuric acid - азот и серная кислота organic solvents - органические растворители

Agriculture of Great Britain employs only about 2% of the working population. However, the UK produces more than 75% of agricultural products consumed by the population. Main produсed products: barley, oats, potatoes, poultry, pork, eggs, milk. However, imported 80% of butter, 65% sugar, 50% of wheat and bacon, 25% consumed in the country of beef and veal. Agriculture of Great Britain employs only about 2% of the working population. However, the UK produces more than 75% of agricultural products consumed by the population. Main produсed products: barley, oats, potatoes, poultry, pork, eggs, milk. However, imported 80% of butter, 65% sugar, 50% of wheat and bacon, 25% consumed in the country of beef and veal.

Livestock and crop production give respectively 65 and 35% of the value of agricultural production of the country. Primarily livestock farms are located in the Western of the UK. The herd has 13 million heads, sheep – 36 million the number of pigs 8 million heads. Different breeds traditionally bred in certain areas: in South Devon red Devon cows, in Dorset – black-and-white.

Red Devon cow Pigs

For a century and a half selling pedigree cattle is an important source of income. In the course of several centuries starting from the 13th century, England was one of the largest suppliers of sheep wool. In our days the coat provides only 1% of the value of agricultural production, and sheep are raised mostly for the sake of the lambs that go for meat. Most sheep are bred in the mountainous regions of Wales, Northern England and Scotland. Sheep

From crops sown mainly barley and wheat. The barley used to make malt and whiskey, food for the population and for fodder. Local traditional culture – the potato, especially in Northern Ireland, on the East coast of England and Scotland. Fodder is also cultivated fodder beet and Kale. However, the needs of livestock feed far exceeds our own resources, so much of the supply is imported from abroad.

Gardens and greenhouses occupy only 1.5% of rural land, but they give 12% of the value of agricultural products. They are located in warm areas such as the Cornish Peninsula, the channel Islands and in Kent, which called the "garden of England". South-West of the West Midlands growing hops. Important crop - flowers (daffodils, hyacinths and tulips).

The chemical industry of the UK

The chemical industry is concentrated mainly in Birmingham. Mainly the production of plastics, detergents and disinfectants, dyes, fertilizers. The UK is one of the largest exporters of dyes in the world. High level of development reached the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Chemical industry – production of synthetic materials, dyes, perfumes. 90% of all products of basic chemistry is controlled by giant transnational group ICA. He owns the largest chemical plants of the CE-wernside, Humberside and many other enterprises. Enterprise of inorganic chemistry located mainly in such old industrial areas like Lancashire, where the chemical industry was associated with the textile industry and local resources of salt, and also chemical plants use local rock salt and seawater, as well as coking products, coming from local steel mills. In the area of the R. Tees created one of the world's largest centers for the production of ammonia, nitrogen and sulfuric acid, and various organic solvents.