HOW TO WRITE AN . 5 main things: 1) To/From 2) Subject 3) Salutation 4) Body of Message 5) Signature.


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5 main things: 1) To/From 2) Subject 3) Salutation 4) Body of Message 5) Signature

Dont forget to write to who and from who. Write in address format. To/From

The subject is the first thing the people will see in your message together with your name. Your subject should be brief, like a summary of your message. For instance, if you write about your city "Description of my city". Subject

Depending of the person you are writing to you may use "Dear Mr X" if you don't know the person (more formal) or "Hi XXXXX" if it is more informal, like a friend. Salutation

Your message should be correct and clear in relation to content, grammar and spelling. Write in paragraph please. Each paragraph has one main idea and the most important paragraph/idea should come first. Body of Message

You should always include your name at the end of your message. Signature

Sample To : From : Subject : Greetings from Penang Dear Lofa, Hello Lofa. How are you? It has been awhile since we last spoke. I decided to send you an instead of calling you on your busy schedule. Hows your family especially on your recent flood incident? I hope you and your family are in a good shape. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care and send my warmest regards to your family. Best wishes, Fadhli

You have recently joined and you have decided to write an to your new friend. Based of the given information: Choose a keypal friend Reasons to make friend with him/her Other relevant details Question:

Choose a person from the handout to be your new friend.

1) Write To and From

2) Write the subject of your / keypal

3) Write salutation

4) Write the body of the

Greet the person Ask his/her well-being Explain the reason why do you write to him/her Reasons to support your writing What should you write?

You can choose to write like this : End your I look forward to _____________ing from you. _____________ing you. _____________ reply. hear meet your

Kind regards,Regards, __________ ________ Warm wishes,Yours truly, __________ ________ 5) Sign your name name