Дидактический сценарий урока в 11 классе по теме «Типы туризма и туризм в Беларуси» по учебному предмету Английский язык (повышенный уровень)


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Дидактический сценарий урока в 11 классе по теме «Типы туризма и туризм в Беларуси» по учебному предмету Английский язык (повышенный уровень)

4. Активизация лексики. There are different types of tourism. Lets revise them. Look at your sheets. Match the words with the definitions. You have 2 minutes. Who will go to the board? Lets check, who is ready? Вспоминают названия видов туризма и соединяют их с дефиницией (Приложение 1). Проверяют результаты с помощью интернет- программы learningapps. 1-e, 2-d, 3-g, 4-b, 5-j, 6-h, 7-i, 8-a, 9-c, 10-f

1. Интеллектуальная физкультминутка. Now I `d like you to stand up. Come here, I have several ropes, pull one. Find a pair to your rope in the classroom and say what type of tourism is it? 1. Visiting the Great Barrier Reef. 2. Going to Africa to give food to the children. 3. Flying to China to learn Chinese. 4. Visiting Australia to surf the big waves. 5. Travelling to Paris, then leaving for Amsterdam, then visiting London and Cardiff. 6. Going to Israel to get some new medicine. 7. Spending summer at the Black Sea. 8. Walking along the Great Canyon in America with good friends and a big rucksack with you. Вытягивают карточку с описанием и ищут ей пару с названием типа туризма по классу: 1. Doom tourism. 2.Pro-poor tourism. 3. Educational tourism. 4. Adventure tourism. 5. International tourism. 6. Medical tourism. 7. Domestic tourism. 8. Backpacker tourism.

1. Подготовка к прослушиванию текста. Снятие трудностей. We are going to watch the video about a girl. Her name is Keisha. She will tell about the type of tourism she likes. To understand the text we need the words: Experience/to experience Skills/life-skills To be pushed into a situation Tolerant Patient Scenery Choice To party To figure out Опыт/испытывать, переживать Умения/жизненные умения Быть поставленным в какую-то ситуацию Толерантный Терпеливый Пейзаж Выбор Ходить на вечеринки Обнаружить

1. Дотекстовый этап. Первое прослушивание (Pre-listenning). Watch the video and answer the questions: 1. What kind of tourism does Keisha experience? 2. How long has she been practicing this type of tourism? 1. Keisha experiences backpacker tourism. 2. She has been backpacking for two years.

1. Текстовый этап. Второе прослушивание (While-listening). Take the cards. Tick the points Keisha likes about backpacking. Задание на карточке. Отмечают утверждения, которые упоминаются в видео. 1. Послетекстовый этап (Post-listening). Answer the questions: 1. What has backpacking become for Keisha? 2. What new things can you experience every day when you backpack? 3. Would you like to backpack? 1. Backpacking has become a life-style for Keisha. 2. You can meet new people/climb up volcanoes/see smoke/see pink flamingoes/ etc. 3.Yes, I would/ No, I wouldnt….because…

I can experience and see something new every day. I can eat new exotic food. I can meet people from all over the world. I can have fun when I learn about new cultures, music, dancing and styles. I can party with people of different nationalities. I can get education in foreign countries. I can learn life-skills I would never learn anywhere else and discover something new in myself. I can escape everyday life. I can make my choice because no one tells me what to do. I can learn to be tolerant and patient. I can avoid stress I experience at home. I can do something new every day.

Чтение. Lets see what the situation with tourism in our country. Read the following article and answer: Why is domestic and international tourism important for our countrys economy? Изучают кейс (приложение 3) и при необходимости задают вопросы по его содержанию. Отвечают на вопросы учителя по содержанию кейса, повторяя ключевую лексику. Money and jobs from tourism provide conditions for preserving countrys environment and heritage.

1. Групповая работа. Дебаты. Now you know that domestic and international tourism is very important for our country. Money and jobs from tourism provide conditions for preserving countrys environment and cultural heritage. How to make Belarus more popular tourist destination for both foreign and domestic tourists? Offer some solutions to the problems and give your reasons. A hearty debate is going to be held now. Divide into 3 groups. В группах обсуждают и вырабатывают способы решения проблемы, заполняют таблицу (возможно заполнение не всех граф таблицы, приложения 5) и готовят монологическое высказывание, используя возможный план выступления (приложение 6) и фразы-клише (приложение 5). 1. Применение новых знаний. Are you ready? So, please, leaders of the groups, present your solutions to the problem. Other representatives of the groups, be ready to ask the questions to each leader. Лидер группы представляет результаты. Другие группы задают вопросы по выступлению. Учащиеся выбирают лучший способ(ы) решения проблем кейса, аргументируют свой выбор.

1.Рефлексия. Thank you for being active in the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Now, evaluate yourself using your sheets for reflection. What is your score? Your marks for the lesson are the following… Анализируют и дают оценку собственной деятельности на уроке. 15. Информирование о домашнем задании. How much do you know about Britain's history? You will work on britishcouncil.org. Watch this video to see how Britain's industrial past is being used for a newer industry: tourism. Do the task after watching video. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!