UDC O. Burdeinyi, Bachelor student O. Pidtychenko, PhD in Tech. Sciences, As. Prof., research advisor S. Kobzar, senior lecturer, language advisor.


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UDC O. Burdeinyi, Bachelor student O. Pidtychenko, PhD in Tech. Sciences, As. Prof., research advisor S. Kobzar, senior lecturer, language advisor Zhytomyr State Technological University MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLER OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM OF A PRIVATE HOUSE

Comfort - is cosiness, convenience (a set of household facilities). This interpretation is present in almost all information sources

to simultaneously use water at several water outlet points without a substantial influence on each other to use equipment for water heating to use home appliances, which have a requirements to water pressure in the pipeline system to prevent equipment failure due to overpressure to vary the pressure in the pipeline system for maximum comfort to prevent the inconvenience when the pressure differential during rush hour

ready-made technical solutions pump stations with pressure switch pump stations with frequency converter

A pump station with a pressure switch pump pressure switch hydraulic accumulator The pump is controlled by the relay law: switching-on when the pressure drops to the lowest limit and switching- off after reaching the upper limit

A pump station with a pressure switch The advantages of such solutions are: low price; ready-made solution. Among the drawbacs should be noted: high noise level while working; the equipment takes up a lot of space; the presence of frequent on / off switching while active use of water; low lifetime because of the frequent switchings; noticeable pressure jumps while active use of water.

A pump station with a frequency converter pump pressure sensor frequency converter hydraulic accumulator or hydroblow protection The pump is controlled by the PI, PD or PID control laws. Provides for a different intensity of the operation of pump, depending on the different deviation from the target value of the pressure, which varies due to the different magnitude of the flow rate.

A pump station with a frequency converter The advantages of such solutions are: low level of noise; stable pressure that doesn`t depend on the consumption value; long lifetime due to smooth working modes; ready-made solution. Among the drawbacks should be noted: hight price; low maintainability.

The essence of my work The essence of my work is to create a water supply system, which will have all the advantages of a pumping station with a frequency converter, but at the same time will cost not much more than a pumping station with a pressure switch. small price &comfort

ready-made components: pump; pressure sensor; hydraulic accumulator or protection against hydroblow. subject to development: frequency converter control unit

STM32F103C8T6 its computing power is sufficient to perform the functions of both the control unit and the frequency converter simultaneously

Additional advantages of this approach: the flexibility of the system; the possibility of replacing an individual component in case of its failure; the possibility of installing both surface pumps and submersible pumps; the possibility of further modernization and improvement, as well as the addition of new functions if necessary

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