Play footballplay tennis run roller skate ride a bike jump the rope walk play in the park On Sunday I …………..


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The Present Continuous Tense I am giving classes right now My mother is working now. The students are paying attention at this moment.

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She or He She He She He She or He? She He.
Present Continuous Tense be + глагол ing He is reading She is running.
Итоговый урок Тема: Can/Must. Spring The 7 th of May.
1 Copyright © 2005 – 2006 Walk Run.
Составила: Дуженкова Елена Витальевна учитель английского языка ФГКОУ СОШ 8 г. Севастополя.
3 form 3 form. Would you like to be healthy ? Doctor Health : 1. Do you eat apples? 2. Do you eat carrots? 3. Do you drink milk? 4. Do you drink juice?
Well, welcome white winter! [ w ] Winter, White, Well, Welcome. Well, welcome white winter!
Спортивные игры. I can play football I can play basketball.
Утвердительное предложение Подлежащее am/is/areV ing I am working – Я работаю. You are working – Ты работаешь. He is working – Он работает. She is working.
Form 5-6 Действие происходит в момент говорения. * He is reading a book at the moment. Временная ситуация * He is looking for a new job at the moment.
Аудирование You can play tennis. I can see bus. We can swim in the lake. We cant ride a bike.
Leisure /le ʒ ə/. Shes reading. Shes running. Theyre talking.
What do you like doing? I like doing: I dont like doing:
Презентация по английскому языку к Уроку 28 по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. для 2 класса « Enjoy English » Выполнена учителем английского языка МБОУ СОШ 1.
Ive got a cat, Her name is Hat. She is not fat. We like to chat.
actions walking standing sitting lying crawling.
Eat carrots, apples and cabbage. Have porridge, cheese and milk for breakfast. Drink juice every day(каждый день).

play footballplay tennis run roller skate ride a bike jump the rope walk play in the park On Sunday I …………..

I (ai)-я Sit in the park Eat ice-cream Write homework Wash the car Play tennis Ride a bike He- он She- она * Sits in the park * Eats ice-cream * Writes homework * Washes the car * Plays tennis * Rides a bike