CHMN747 Христианское лидерство 2007 ЕАД Добро пожаловать! Пожалуйста, передайте вперед копии отчетов по чтению. Убедитесь в том, что вы указали свое имя,


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CHMN747 Христианское лидерство 2007 ЕАД Добро пожаловать! Пожалуйста, передайте вперед копии отчетов по чтению. Убедитесь в том, что вы указали свое имя, название дивизиона, название модуля и дату.

Матфея 27: 35-54


Сдайте свои отчеты по чтению. Пожалуйста, передайте вперед копии отчетов по чтению. Убедитесь в том, что вы указали свое имя, название дивизиона, название модуля и дату.

Лидером будущего будет являться тот человек, который осмелится увидеть за своей ненужностью в современном мире Божественное призвание, которое позволит ему ощутить понимание той боли, которая скрывается под блеском успеха, а также принести туда свет Иисуса. Henri Nouwen

Суть и структура: Докторской программы 32 кредита Четыре модуля Без отрыва от служения Видение Самостоятельное управление

Акцент на лидерстве Портфолио Проект, ориентированный на служение Четыре или пять лет Преобразующее действие

Модуль один Введение в программу План развития служения Шесть важных элементов лидерства и четырнадцать административных практик Теория лидерства, теология лидерства, видение, целостность, лидерство в многообразии

Цели модуля 1 Создать хорошую атмосферу для обучения Теория Теология Видения Целостность/этика Многообразие Организовать рабочие группы Начать мысленное планирование проекта Введение (рабочая группа, портфолио, проект, журналы) Разговор о компетенции


Длинная и полная страданий история церкви – это история людей, которые снова и снова подвергались искушению выбрать власть, а не любовь, контроль, а не крест, позицию ведущего (лидера), а не ведомого. Henri Nouwen

Обзор теории лидерства

Ваш личный лучший опыт лидерства Проведите 5 минут, размышляя об одном из положительных опытов лидерства. Опишите его в одном кратком абзаце. Повернитесь к другому человеку Каждый человек должен описать свой опыт лидерства, а его напарник должен внимательно слушать и записывать то, что в рассказе первого ему показалось очевидным проявлением лидерства Что вы узнали о лидерстве?

Определение лидерства – что вы думаете об этих высказываниях (Как бы вы исправили их?) Обсуждение Лидерство значит иметь видение и сделать так, чтобы другие его поняли Лидерство это способность реализовывать управленческие функции, ассоциируемые с положением власти

Обзор теорий лидерства Хорошего человека Великого человека Исторический Ситуационная Влияния Адаптивной работы Отношений

Чем лидерство не является

It is not leadership from any one person that is required, it is an aspect of leadership each of us summons from within. In this respect, the same qualities we have sought in one person can be found distributed among many people who learn, in community, to exercise their "leadership" at appropriate moments. This occurs when people are vitally concerned about issues or when executing their responsibilities. Leadership thus becomes a rather fluid concept focusing on those behaviors which propel the work of the group forward. J. Nirenberg

Лидерство влечет за собой перемены – Белл и Дадли Опубликовано в AUSS Fall 2002 «Формирование лидерства в подготовке служителей: оценка и анализ лидерских качеств у пасторов в Северной Америке Есть ли связь между пасторским успехом и проявлением лидерских качеств Обзор лидерских практик Кузеса и Познера Определение критериев успеха Формирование двух групп для примера

Проведя большую часть последнего десятилетия в исследовании поведения в организации и влияния, которое оказывает служение, я убедился, что существует всего несколько ключевых составляющих успешного служения. Одной из неотъемлемых характеристик служения, которое способно изменить жизнь, является лидерство. George Barna

«Лидерство как взаимоотношения»

Лидерство как взаимоотношения состоит из четырех основных компонентов

Введение в план развития служения

Ведение журнала

Как выглядит церковь (или другая организация) когда реализуется лидерство взаимоотношений?

Worldviews evolve beyond dominance, toward relational dialogue, and finally relational meaning-making

CLC определение CLC определение Христианское лидерство это динамический процесс взаимоотношений, в котором люди под влиянием Духа Святого вместе стремятся к достижению общей цели – служить другим через лидерство и быть лидером через служение.

Шесть важных элементов преобразующего лидерства _____ Четырнадцать административных практик успешных лидеров церкви

Шесть важных элементов Богом данное рвение, движущее общее видение Богом данное рвение, движущее общее видение Проявление надежды, основанной на вере Проявление надежды, основанной на вере Проявление твердой принципиальности Проявление твердой принципиальности Мужество для того, чтобы бросить вызов существующему положению вещей Мужество для того, чтобы бросить вызов существующему положению вещей Непоколебимая уверенность в воодушевлении людей Непоколебимая уверенность в воодушевлении людей Философия «избытка» Философия «избытка»

Развитие лидерства Это больше, чем обучение административным навыкам Это даже больше, чем развитие лидерских навыков – то, что мы называем важными элементами Прежде всего, это преобразование

Иисус о лидерстве служения Matthew 20:20-28 Mark 10:35-45 Mark 9:35 Luke 22:24-27 John 13: Peter 5:1-3 Romans 12:1

Лидерство служения – это практическая философия, которую демонстрируют люди, сделавшие выбор в пользу того, чтобы сначала послужить, а потом повести за собой, делая таким образом вклад в личную судьбу людей и организаций.

«Слуга-лидер это, прежде всего, слуга…. Все начинается с естественного чувства, что человек желает служить, сначала служить. Затем осознанный выбор подталкивает человека к стремлению вести. Такой человек резко отличается от того, кто сначала лидер, возможно, из-за нужды удовлетворить небывалую жажду власти или материального достатка. У таких людей выбор в пользу служения делается потом – после того как удалось решить вопрос с лидерством. «Сначала лидер» и «сначала слуга» это два крайних типа. А между ними располагаются оттенки и смеси бесконечного разнообразия человеческой природы.

Разница проявляется в том, что «сначала слуга» заботится о том, чтобы первостепенные нужды других людей обслуживаются. Вот как можно это проверить: растут ли те, кому служат, как личности? Когда им служат, становятся ли они здоровее, умнее, свободнее, независимее? Проявляют ли они желание самим стать слугами? И как меняется жизнь наиболее обездоленных в обществе; получат ли они от этого пользу или, по меньшей мере, не опустятся ли они еще ниже» Servant Leadership - Greenleaf

Отличительной чертой лидерства служения является мотивация, которая стоит за нашими действиями как лидеров

Лидерство служения значит, что забываем о личной выгоде, мы идем на жертвы и ставим нужды других людей превыше того направления, в котором нам самим хочется пойти.

Лидерство служения нельзя назвать слабым, оно обладает большей силой и влиянием, чем лидерство, основанное на силе, награде или эгоизме.

Лидерство служения, если посмотреть глубже, является естественным. Оно вытекает из нашего опыта формирования в себе духовной личности.

На протяжении многих лет я говорил своим студентам, что хотя существует большое количество книг по лидерству, есть только одна серьезная книга, которую студентам нужно прочитать – Лидерство служения by Robert K. Greenleaf…. Гринлиф приглашает читателей задуматься над лидерством, которое основывается на смысле слова «быть», а не «делать». Он говорит, что первый и самый важный выбор, который делает лидер, это выбор в пользу служения, без которого способность человека вести ограничивается. Этот выбор не является действием в обычном понимании этого слова – это не то, что вы делаете, а выражение того, кем вы являетесь». Peter Senge, 1996, from the introduction to Jaworskis Synchronicity

Christian Leadership Center Position Paper..\CLC\Servantleadershippositio npaper.doc..\CLC\Servantleadershippositio npaper.doc

Servant Leadership Robert K. Greenleaf

Who is the servant leader? How may one become a servant leader? Describe the servant organization. What are the implications of servant leadership for churches? Describe the behaviors of a specific person in modern history who demonstrates servant leadership.

The Leadership Challenge A Book Discussion

Form a group of four or five and prepare a six minute presentation… Review part one of the book. Describe the nature of leadership. Review part three of the book. Describe the nature and process of shared vision. Review part six of the book. Describe a process for creating community. Review part seven of the book. Describe an informed leadership development program.

Selecting Administrative Skills

Orientation to the Portfolio

Leadership and Integrity

People must think of us as Christs servants, stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God. What is expected of stewards is that each one should be found worthy of trust. 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2 JB

Martin Luther King; …create leaders who embody virtues we can respect, who have moral and ethical principles we can applaud with an enthusiasm that enables us to rally support for them with confidence and trust.

The Drive By Incident A Narrative and Discussion

Integrity is the accumulated response to the Holy Spirit leading our personal life.

Project Orientation

Christian leaders cannot simply be persons who have well informed opinions about the burning issues of our time. Their leadership must be rooted in the permanent, intimate relationship with the incarnate Word, Jesus. Henri Nouwen

If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything. Mark Twain

Lack of integrity destroys trust

Three Guiding Insights: My beliefs determine my integrity My beliefs determine my integrity My thoughts develop my integrity My thoughts develop my integrity My actions demonstrate my integrity My actions demonstrate my integrity

I. Beliefs Predicated on our worldview Predicated on our worldview Perception of integrity impacted by differing worldviews Perception of integrity impacted by differing worldviews Personal values are predicated on our beliefs Personal values are predicated on our beliefs Integrity is the honest extension of our values as informed by our beliefs and worldview Integrity is the honest extension of our values as informed by our beliefs and worldview

II. Thinking Integrity grows with the person Integrity grows with the person Beliefs evolve with experience, revelation and reflection Beliefs evolve with experience, revelation and reflection Values are in dynamic flux as we learn and grow Values are in dynamic flux as we learn and grow Integrity flexes with growth in order to remain in sync with values, beliefs, and worldview Integrity flexes with growth in order to remain in sync with values, beliefs, and worldview

III. Actions Behavior is the fruit by which integrity is judged Behavior is the fruit by which integrity is judged Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. or does it? Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. or does it? As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. or is he? As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. or is he? Integrity requires congruence between the internal and external self. Integrity requires congruence between the internal and external self.

When Values Collide: The 2010 Executive Committee Meeting of the West Penn Conference An Exercise

Philosophical Foundations Integrated Me Protestant Belief: SDA Christian Philosophy: Protestant Religious Philosophy: Christian Worldview: Theistic

Integrity, Personal Individualism, and Alignment of Values in an Organization

Who are we to be? Traditional focus is on the how and what aspects of being a leader (competency) Traditional focus is on the how and what aspects of being a leader (competency) Little attention is given to who is doing the what and how of leadership Little attention is given to who is doing the what and how of leadership The WHO impacts the WHAT and HOW in establishing integrity The WHO impacts the WHAT and HOW in establishing integrity

So the point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, to use yourself completely all your skills, gifts and energies in order to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must, in sum, become the person you started out to be, and enjoy the process of becoming. Warren Bennis

Developing the WHO Know yourself (not an easy task) Know yourself (not an easy task) Understand your worldview Understand your worldview Be clear on your belief structure Be clear on your belief structure Understand the forces that shape you Understand the forces that shape you All these forces converge at our identity All these forces converge at our identity Know your shadow i.e. fears, anxieties, insecurities (Jung) Know your shadow i.e. fears, anxieties, insecurities (Jung)

Who…. Know your leadership strengths Know your leadership strengths Know your leadership weaknesses Know your leadership weaknesses Know your personality Know your personality Know your temperament Know your temperament Claim your gifts Claim your gifts Practice meta-cognition Practice meta-cognition

Self-respect is the key indicator of our integrity as a person. Smith, F., & Goetz, D. L. (1999).

How Leaders Demonstrate Integrity

Levels of Integrity 1. Personal Personal values and behavior provide a foundation 2. Team Team is a unit that must adopt values and congruent behavior in order to be effective and to survive 3. Corporate Organizational values inform practices

Three qualities of integrity in leadership Self Consistency: Wholeness or Compartmentalization? Self Consistency: Wholeness or Compartmentalization? Principles span all areas of life and leadership Principles span all areas of life and leadership Personal Efficacy: High or Limited Sense of Agency? Personal Efficacy: High or Limited Sense of Agency? Sense of empowerment that allows action to express values Sense of empowerment that allows action to express values Scope of Awareness: Global or Circumscribed? Scope of Awareness: Global or Circumscribed? A sense that global citizenship brings responsibility beyond ones own corner of the world A sense that global citizenship brings responsibility beyond ones own corner of the world Bennis and Goldsmith, 1997, p.139 Bennis and Goldsmith, 1997, p.139

Case Study and Exercise - Frito Lay

How Do You Practice Integrity Daily?

Every one understands how praiseworthy it is in a Prince to keep faith, and to live uprightly and not craftily. Nevertheless, we see from what has taken place in our own days that Princes who have set little store by their own word, but have known how to over-reach men by their cunning, have accomplished great things, and in the end got the better of those who trusted to honest dealing. Be it known, then, that there are two ways of contending, one in accordance with the laws, the other by force; the first of which is proper to men, the second to beasts. But since the first method is often ineffectual, it becomes necessary to resort to the second. A Prince should, therefore, learn how to use well both the man and the beast…. Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, (1513)

Decisions in the Moral Realm... A Personal, Professional, Spiritual Competency of Leadership

(Moral & Immoral Decisions)

Those human actions which significantly impact the well-being of another human being.

(Moral & Immoral Decisions) Those human actions which significantly impact the well-being of another human being.

(Moral & Immoral Decisions) Those human actions which significantly impact the well-being of another human being.

(Moral & Immoral Decisions) Those human actions which significantly impact the well-being of another human being.

(Moral & Immoral Decisions) Those human actions which significantly impact the well-being of another human being.

(Moral & Immoral Decisions) Those human actions which significantly impact the well-being of another human being.

(Moral & Immoral Decisions) Those human actions which significantly impact the well-being of another human being.

PRECONDITIONS OF OPERATING IN THE MORAL REALM Benevolent Sensitivity to Others Accepted Constraints on My Behavior Moral Issues are Special

Investigation in the Moral Realm Rules of the Game Open & Honest Inquiry (Trust) Assumes Good Intention Respect for Persons During All Differences Find Agreement Before Disagreement Focus on Reasons vs. Actions/Actors Asks for & Expects Accurate & Relevant Reasons Without Defensive Posture

(Moral & Immoral Decisions)

ETHICS The philosophically based behavior regulations from which a group of people who share a mission agree to operate

(Moral & Immoral Decisions)

James White Library

Real Power Book Discussion Divide into work groups Discuss the outline of each stage, one per group Report and discuss

The soul…never thinks without a picture. Aristotle

There is no freeway to the future. No paved highway from here to tomorrow. There is only wilderness. Only uncertain terrain. There are no road maps. No signposts. So pioneering leaders rely upon a compass and a dream. Kouzes and Posner, The Leadership Challenge

A God Given Passion Stirring Vision – Understanding Vision

A God Given Passion Stirring Vision – What Vision Does

Vision must be shared. Leadership creates shared vision.

A God Given Passion Stirring Vision Some examples of vision statements 1. Lenscrafters – Helping the World to See 2. The Christian Leadership Center CLC vision statementCLC vision statement 3. The Doctor of Ministry program DMin vision statementDMin vision statement

Sample Vision Statement..\Leadership\Vision Statement - my personal.doc..\Leadership\Vision Statement - my personal.doc

Formation of Your Personal Vision Statement

Prepare a Draft of Your Personal Vision Statement – You Will Share It With Your Group Next Session

My movement from Harvard to LArche made me aware in a new way how much my own thinking about Christian leadership had been affected by the desire to be relevant, the desire for popularity, and the desire for power. Too often I looked at being relevant, popular and powerful as ingredients of an effective ministry. The truth, however, is that these are not vocations but temptations. Jesus asks, Do you love me? Jesus sends us out to be shepherds, and Jesus promises a life in which we increasingly have to stretch out our hands and be led to places we would rather not go. He asks us to move from a concern for relevance to a life of prayer, from worries about popularity to communal and mutual ministry, and from a leadership built on power to a leadership in which we critically discern where God is leading us and our people. Henri J. M. Nouwen, In the Name of Jesus, pp 21-22

Review of the Objectives for the First Intensive Establish the Cohort as a Learning Community Theory Theology Vision Integrity/Ethics Diversity Establish Work Groups Initiate Thinking Regarding Project Orientation (work group, portfolio, project, journaling) Establish the Competencies

Share Your Vision Statement Draft Each read your statement in your group Provide feedback

Embracing Diversity – A Book Discussion Each group assigned a summary report of two chapters

A God Given Passion Stirring Vision – Casting Your Vision Effectively

Evaluation of Intensive

Leadership and the New Science - Discussion In the quantum world, relationships are not just interesting: to many physicists, they are all there is to reality p.32 What are the implications for human evolution of the concept of monotheistic trinitarianism (the nature of God understood in relationship)? Field theory can educate us in several ways about how to manage the more amorphous side of organizations. p.53 Identify the fields in the church and describe their effect. …freedom and order - turn out to be partners in generating viable, well ordered, autonomous systems. p.95 Is the church a self-organizing system? Why? Is it experiencing life that way? The system has infinite possibilities, wandering wherever it pleases, sampling new configurations of itself. p. 123 Relate chaos to Gods activity. Does creation come from chaos? Does the church create chaos? Eliminate chaos? Are you seeking chaos? There is, even among simple cells, an unerring recognition of the intent of the system, a deep relationship between individual activity and the whole. p. 146 What are the implications for the Adventist church as it faces a new millennium, post modernism in some cultures, and growth to 30 or 40 million?

Discussion Regarding Projects

The soul…never thinks without a picture. Aristotle

Being is relational, not individual. M. Huber

The leader of the future will be the one who dares to claim his irrelevance in the contemporary world as a divine vocation that allows him or her to enter into a deep solidarity with the anguish underlying all the glitter of success and to bring the light of Jesus there. Henri Nouwen

People must think of us as Christs servants, stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God. What is expected of stewards is that each one should be found worthy of trust. 1 Corinthians 4: 12 JB

The long painful history of the Church is the history of people ever and again tempted to choose power over love, control over the cross, being a leader over being led. Henri Nouwen

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me save that Thou art. Thou my best thought by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light Riches I heed not, nor mans empty praise Thou my inheritance, now and always Thou and Thou only, first in my heart High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art. High King of heaven, when victory is won May I reach heavens joys, O bright heavens Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall Still be my vision, O ruler of all

Formation of a Development Group for the Four Year Development Program

Selection of Five Administrative Practices

The Fourteen Administrative Practices Practice One: They Foster Participation Practice One: They Foster Participation Practice Two: They Facilitate Effective Planning Practice Two: They Facilitate Effective Planning Practice Three: They Emphasize Quality Practice Three: They Emphasize Quality Practice Four: They Manage Resources Responsibly Practice Four: They Manage Resources Responsibly Practice Five: They Communicate Effectively Practice Five: They Communicate Effectively Practice Six: They Build Effective Teams Practice Six: They Build Effective Teams

The Fourteen Administrative Practices - 2 Practice Seven: They Affirm Others Practice Seven: They Affirm Others Practice Eight: They Manage Change Well Practice Eight: They Manage Change Well Practice Nine: They Manage Conflict Effectively Practice Nine: They Manage Conflict Effectively Practice Ten: They Evaluate Practice Ten: They Evaluate Practice Eleven: They Confront Practice Eleven: They Confront Practice Twelve: They Follow Through Practice Twelve: They Follow Through Practice Thirteen: They Make Meetings Matter Practice Thirteen: They Make Meetings Matter Practice Fourteen: They Mentor Others Practice Fourteen: They Mentor Others

There is no freeway to the future. No paved highway from here to tomorrow. There is only wilderness. Only uncertain terrain. There are no road maps. No signposts. So pioneering leaders rely upon a compass and a dream. Kouzes and Posner, The Leadership Challenge

Christian leaders cannot simply be persons who have well informed opinions about the burning issues of our time. Their leadership must be rooted in the permanent, intimate relationship with the incarnate Word, Jesus. Henri Nouwen

Being is relational, not individual. M. Huber

The leader of the future will be the one who dares to claim his irrelevance in the contemporary world as a divine vocation that allows him or her to enter into a deep solidarity with the anguish underlying all the glitter of success and to bring the light of Jesus there. Henri Nouwen

People must think of us as Christs servants, stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God. What is expected of stewards is that each one should be found worthy of trust. 1 Corinthians 4: 12 JB

A leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells, Wrong jungle! Stephen Covey

Building the Portfolio The Doctor of Ministry leadership concentration portfolio is a reported documentation of demonstrated, observable, leadership practice It is a tool to help you grow as a leader It includes key elements of the program – journal, group records, papers done, etc. Let the Ministry Development Plan shape your portfolio Reference all eight leadership essentials in terms of specific practice Reference all fourteen administrative practices The project is a core element Organize with a file drawer, a box, or electronically

Much Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships and have opted for power and control instead. Many Christian empire builders have been people unable to give and receive love. Henri Nouwen

The Function of Shared Vision in Organizational Transformation Vision predicts our personal future Shared vision transforms communities

The Function of Shared Vision in Organizational Transformation What vision does 1. Clarifies values 2. Creates enthusiasm 3. Evokes commitment 4. Builds loyalty 5. Promotes involvement 6. Increases productivity

Casting a Compelling Vision Learn to cast a compelling vision 1. Embrace the vision yourself 2. Cast the vision one on one 3. Cast the vision publicly 4. Clarify the vision 5. Recast the vision 6. Let stories carry the message

The Eight Essential Habits Inspiring a God Given Passion Stirring Vision Demonstrating Faith Based Optimism Exercising Solid Integrity Modeling the Way Courage to Challenge the Status Quo Unswerving Belief in Empowering People Motivating Others Abundance mentality

The Fourteen Administrative Practices Practice One: Foster Participation Practice Two: Facilitate Effective Planning Practice Three: Emphasize Quality Practice Four: Manage Resources Responsibly Practice Five: Communicate Effectively Practice Six: Build Effective Teams

The Fourteen Administrative Practices - 2 Practice Seven: Affirm Others Practice Eight: Manage Change Well Practice Nine: Manage Conflict Effectively Practice Ten: Evaluate Practice Eleven: Confront Practice Twelve: Follow Through Practice Thirteen: Make Meetings Matter Practice Fourteen: Mentor Others

Challenging the Status Quo Leadership exercises the courage to change the way things will be done in the future - to change things

Challenging the Status Quo - 2 Four perspectives of courageous leadership 1. The courage to try new things 2. The courage to challenge the status quo 3. The courage to confront 4. The courage to fail

Challenging the Status Quo – 3 The Ten Commandments of Failure 1. Change your attitude 2. Change your vocabulary 3. Appreciate the value of failure 4. Let failure redirect you 5. Keep a sense of humor 6. Determine why the failure – not who 7. Dont take failure personally 8. Make failure a learning experience 9. Dont give up 10. Dont become familiar with failure

Challenging the Status Quo - 4 Ten Reasons People Resist Change (Rosabeth Kanter) 1. It makes people feel out of control 2. It creates uncertainty 3. It is new to people 4. It disrupts routine 5. It makes people lose face 6. It makes people feel uncertain about their competence 7. There is a ripple effect on others and their efforts 8. Things that are new are more work 9. People may have anger about the past 10. There may be a real threat

Challenging the Status Quo - 5 Why will people change? (Bennis) 1. Hope for a better life 2. To pass on a better future 3. To achieve goals they believe in 4. To receive a reward 5. Because they love

Courage to Challenging the Status Quo - 6 E. How to help people change – ten practices Of successful change agents (Rosabeth Kanter) 1. Provide a clear picture of the change 2. Allow room for participation 3. Share information 4. Divide change into small steps 5. Minimize surprises 6. Give people a chance to digest the ideas 7. Make people feel good about their competence 8. Reward the pioneer supporters 9. Help people feel compensated for extra work 10. Try to redeem those who lose something

F. How to Lead an Organization Through Change 1. Defuse Resistance a. Create a perception of need b. Develop a favorable attitude c. Gain the support of legitimizers d. Develop psychological ownership e. Assure a successful launching f. Seek enhancement of the innovation

2. These Six Tasks Warm the Atmosphere, Diffuse Resistance, and Accomplish the Objectives Needed for Change a. Clarify goals and priorities b. Relate innovation to values c. Involve opinion makers d. Involve constituencies e. Plan carefully f. Evaluate and receive feedback

Challenging the Status Quo - 8 Mert Strommen Search Institute Minneapolis Rosabeth Kanter The Change Masters Kotter and Haskett Corporate Culture and Performance Senge The Fifth Discipline

Exercising Solid Integrity Martin Luther King; …create leaders who embody virtues we can respect, who have moral and ethical principles we can applaud with an enthusiasm that enables us to rally support for them with confidence and trust.

Exercising Solid Integrity - 2 A. Integrity is an essential element of church leadership B. Integrity in leadership means the same values guiding the organization guide the life of the leader C. Lack of integrity destroys trust

III. Exercising Solid Integrity - 3 D. How do you practice integrity? 1. Devotion to Jesus 2. Moral purity 3. Ethical consistency 4. Competency 5. Admitting mistakes 6. Placing what is best for the church ahead of your agenda

Leadership is an act of faith in other people.

Unswerving Belief in Empowering People A. The benefits of empowering people 1. People will experience their potential 2. Effectiveness will be multiplied 3. There is joy in seeing others grow 4. Creativity is unleashed 5. Participation increases 6. Ownership increases

Unswerving Belief in Empowering People - 2 B. The barriers to empowering people 1. Insecurity 2. Pride 3. Resistance to change 4. Lack of confidence in others 5. Insistence on controlling

Unswerving Belief in Empowering People - 3 C. How to empower people 1. Genuinely love them 2. Trust them 3. Look for the best from them 4. Look for their inner potential 5. Affirm them often 6. Give them challenges 7. Give them what they need, not what they deserve

Unswerving Belief in Empowering People - 4 D. How to build new and better leaders 1. Cast a vision 2. Give responsibility 3. Affirm 4. Teach and train 5. Encourage creativity 6. Allow risks 7. Provide accountability

Christian leaders cannot simply be persons who have well informed opinions about the burning issues of our time. Their leadership must be rooted in the permanent, intimate relationship with the incarnate Word, Jesus. Henri Nouwen

The Fourteen Administrative Practices Practice One: They Foster Participation Practice Two: They Facilitate Effective Planning Practice Three: They Emphasize Quality Practice Four: They Manage Resources Responsibly Practice Five: They Communicate Effectively Practice Six: They Build Effective Teams

The Fourteen Administrative Practices - 2 Practice Seven: They Affirm Others Practice Eight: They Manage Change Well Practice Nine: They Manage Conflict Effectively Practice Ten: They Evaluate Practice Eleven: They Confront Practice Twelve: They Follow Through Practice Thirteen: They Make Meetings Matter Practice Fourteen: They Mentor Others