Формирование познавательных универсальных действий на уроках домашнего чтения по английскому языку Книги – это корабли мысли, странствующие по волнам времени.


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Формирование познавательных универсальных действий на уроках домашнего чтения по английскому языку Книги – это корабли мысли, странствующие по волнам времени и бережно несущие свой драгоценный груз от поколения к поколению. Френсис Бекон Потенциал среднестатистического человека определяется по размеру его личной библиотеки. И обратно пропорционален размеру его телевизора. Jim Rohn

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a mysterious manikin a greedy king a boastful father a shy and dutiful daughter a helpful messenger CHARACTERS

FIND THE PARTNER FOR THE WORD repeat offer a terrible listen to break lose promise new names game regularly headache her heart and lungs

FILL IN THE PREPOSITIONS He was proud __ his daughter The miller was fond __ boasting Make fool __ a King The tiny man was dressed __ silver The name started __ R



What I found most interesting / funny / amusing about this tale is… What I found most terrible / awful / shocking about this tale is…

Screen Adaptation Now well watch four passages from the story. Were going to adapt these passages for the screen. Well work in four groups: Each group needs a film director who will coordinate the work of the actors and help them to play their parts. The lines for each actor will be given to you. Do not learn the written parts, use your imagination and feelings. The improvisation will be excellent.

FAIRY TALES LESSON FOR US TO LEARN: Dont be greedy and angry to people! Be kind and friendly! First think then promise!

MY FEELINGS AFTER THE LESSON I FEEL HAPPY because… I did all the tasks I knew the answers I learnt interesting things I was active I helped my friends I FEEL SAD because… I didnt answer all the questions I wasnt active I forgot many things I didnt work hard

Self-evaluation card Home Reading Lesson 15 NameCircle + q or - Match the words+ q - Prepositions+ q - Crossword+ q - Answer the questions+ q - Retelling or Poster+ q - Reading+ q - Screen adaptation+ q - My mark for the lesson + хороший ответ q средний ответ - не отвечал Hometask: write a letter to your friend and give him \ her advice to read this fairytale. Explain why you like it. Draw a picture if you like.

Text presentation and reading activities The Wolfs Tale By Louise Cooper You all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood, right? Well, I'm sure of one thing. You don't know what really happened. No one does, except me. I know people don't believe in fairy tales these days, but the Riding Hood story happens to be true. I should know. You see, I'm the wolf 1. And the rest of themthe girl, the woodsman 2, all the other peoplethey got it wrong. All wrong. They think I killed 3 and ate old Granny. I didn't. I wouldn't have harmed 4 a hair of her head, but when I tried to tell them so, of course they couldn't understand me. So the woodsman cut me open. Oh, how that hurt 5. I can remember the pain 6 ; it was horrible. Even now I have nightmares 7 about it, and I shudder 8 and cry out 9 in my sleep, until I wake up screaming 10. They didn't kill me, you see. They thought they did, but they didn't. I can't be killed that way. It has to be something else. A silver bullet 11, that's the only thing that will work. A silver bullet, for a werewolf 12. Because that's what I really am. I was attacked by a werewolf one night, years ago. It bit 13 me, and infected me with its curse 14. I'd give anything to be free. I'd rather die 15 than live like this, changing every full moon 16 into a monster that no one can control. I'd give anything to be what I used to be. A harmless 17 human being. A little old lady, who was kind 18 to everyone. Red Riding Hood thought she knew all about her dear granny. But she didn't. No one does. Only me... and, now, you.

The author: 1.Find about Louise Cooper by visiting her website: 2. In groups find the information on her life Group 1: on her childhood and teenage life Group 2: on her adult life and publication Group 3: on her hobbies and lifestyle

The Wolfs Tale Glossary Key: 1. Wolf (n.): a wild animal similar to a large dog that lives in groups. 2. Woodsman (n.): a man who lives or works in a forest and cuts down trees, hunts, etc. 3. To kill (v.): to make a person or other living thing die. 4. To harm (v): to injure, damage or have a bad effect on someone or something. 5. To hurt (v.): to feel pain somewhere in your body. 6. Pain (n.): a feeling that you have in a part of your body when you are hurt or become ill. 7. Nightmare (n.): a very frightening and unpleasant dream. 8. To shudder (v.): to shake violently 9. To cry out (v.): to make a loud noise because you are in pain or because you are afraid or shocked. 10. To scream (v.): to make a loud high noise because you are hurt, frightened or excited. 11. Bullet (n.): a small piece of metal that is shot from a gun and causes serious damage to the person or thing it hits. 12. Werewolf (n.): an imaginary creature who is human during the day but becomes a wolf at night when there is a full moon. 13. To bite (v.): to use your teeth to cut or break something, usually in order to eat it. 14. Curse (n.): a word or sentence used to ask a magical power to do something bad to someone or something; something that causes trouble or harm 15. To die (v.): to stop being alive. 16. Full moon: the moon when it looks like a complete circle. 17. Harmless (adj.): not causing any harm. 18. Be kind to (v.): behaving in a way that shows you care about other people and want to help them.

Pre-reading activities 1. Fairy Tales What is a fairy tale? Do you know any? Dictionary: a story about magic or fairies, usually for children. Is that your definition or are there any differences? What are the ingredients of a good fairy tale? Complete with your ideas: Fairy tales An evil character

Pre-reading activities 3. Think of Little Red Riding Hood. Who are the characters in the tale? Find the characters from the tale in the box and put them in the basket. Put the wrong ones in the dustbin! a woodsman a hunter a fox Little Red Riding Hood a mother Sleeping Beauty a fairy a godmother a wolf a fireman a dwarf a granny a werewolf two wicked stepsisters a stepmother

Pre-reading activities 4. Do you remember the story well? Match a – f with 1 – 6 to write sentences about Little Red Riding Hood. a. Little Red Riding Hood wore…. b. Her grandmother lived… c. She was ill and needed… d. Little Red Riding Hoods mother told her… e. Little Red Riding hood carried… f. As she set out on her way through the woods, the girl met… 1. far away in the woods. 2. some care and attention. 3. a beautiful red velvet cap which her granny had given her as a gift. 4. a basket with some cakes which Little Reds mother had baked. 5. a wicked wolf. 6. never to leave the path to avoid the dangers of the woods.

Pre-reading activities 5. Imagine you were interviewing Little Red Riding Hood, Granny and the woodsman at the end of the story. What would they say about the wolf?

While-reading activities 1. Read this extract from a story You all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood, right? Well, I'm sure of one thing. You don't know what really happened. No one does, except me. I know people don't believe in fairy tales these days, but the Riding Hood story happens to be true. 2. Now answer the following questions: a. What do you think the story is about? b. Who do you think is going to tell it? Do you need any suggestions? Read these: I can remember the pain I wouldn't have harmed a hair of her head So the woodsman cut me open

While-reading activities 3. Heres the title of the story: The Wolfs Tale Were you right? 4. Now read the next paragraph in the story. I should know. You see, I'm the wolf. And the rest of themthe girl, the woodsman, all the other peoplethey got it wrong. All wrong. Well, in what way do you think they got it wrong? What do you think is the wolfs version of the story? Work in groups and write your ideas. Then compare them with the rest of the class.

While-reading activities 5. Now read a few more sentences. Were you right? Do you believe in the wolfs story? They think I killed and ate old Granny. I didn't. I wouldn't have harmed a hair of her head, but when I tried to tell them so, of course they couldn't understand me. So the woodsman cut me open. Oh, how that hurt. I can remember the pain; it was horrible. Even now I have nightmares about it, and I shudder and cry out in my sleep, until I wake up screaming. They didn't kill me, you see. They thought they did, but they didn't. I can't be killed that way. It has to be something else. Discuss: 1. Why couldnt they kill the wolf? 2. How do you think a wolf can be killed? 6. Writing activity – group work: Create your own ending. Think of a possible conclusion to this story. You can write your suggestions in no more than 3 – 4 lines or draw a comic strip.

While-reading activities 7. Now read the ending of the story as the author imagined it. Was this what you expected? A silver bullet, that's the only thing that will work. A silver bullet, for a werewolf. Because that's what I really am. I was attacked by a werewolf one night, years ago. It bit me, and infected me with its curse. I'd give anything to be free. I'd rather die than live like this, changing every full moon into a monster that no one can control. I'd give anything to be what I used to be. A harmless human being. A little old lady, who was kind to everyone. Red Riding Hood thought she knew all about her dear granny. But she didn't. No one does. Only me... and, now, you.

While-reading activities 9. Read the following statements about the tale and decide if they are right or wrong. Tick A (YES = right) or B (NO = wrong). 1. The narrator of the story is Little Red Riding Hood. 2. The wolf knows the real story of Riding Hood. 3. The wolf in the story is in fact a werewolf. 4. The werewolf killed and ate old Granny. 5. The werewolf was killed by the woodsman. 6. Only a silver bullet can kill a werewolf. 7. Little Red Riding Hood was attacked by a werewolf. 8. A curse is something that may change your life. 9. The werewolf is very happy with its life. 10. Little Red Riding Hood knows her granny very well. V A B YES NO

While-reading activities 10. Now answer the following questions. 1. Who is the narrator of the story? 2. Why does the wolf have nightmares? 3. How did old Granny become a werewolf? 4. What secret do you share with the narrator? 5. Do you sympathise with the wolf/werewolf? Why?

Post-reading activity Write and have fun! 1. You are writing a mystery story about werewolves. You meet the werewolf who was once Little Red Riding Hoods Granny. Make a list of the questions you would ask it. 3. Louise Coopers Wolf Story looks at the traditional story Little Red Riding Hood in a new way. Why dont you and your friends have a try at transforming a fairy tale too? Here are some suggestions: What would happen if Cinderella did not lose her shoe on the way out of the ball? Write the story. Suppose Little Red Riding Hood meets Robin Hood in the woods. Write the dialogue. What advice would Snow White give Little Red Riding Hood?

Over to you: Are there any proverbs or stories about wolves and werewolves in your culture? Have you seen any films where werewolves appear? Do you believe in these stories? Do a web search to find out more about how different cultures see the wolf. See if you can find any interesting stories! Look up information in books or on the Internet and fill in this ID (Identity Card) for the wolf: Canis Lupus Class:_____________________________ Order:_____________________________ Family: ____________________________ Physical characteristics: Reproduction rituals: Forms of Communication: With the information you have gathered, try to give and accurate, realistic picture of the wolf and present it to the rest of the class in a poster or presentation.

Today, wolves are in danger of extinction: this means that soon wolves may no longer exist! They have long been classed as an endangered species. Men are responsible for the survival of wolves. How can YOU help the wolf? You can't do it all yourself, but you can pick one action to take today. Have a look at this list of suggestions and try to: 1. Learn more about wolves, then talk to the people you know about wolves. 2. Think globally, act locally – get involved in local environmental projects. Everything is connected, so every improvement to the environment will help wolves. 3. Write articles and letters to publish your opinion. 4. Give an educational talk about wolves at your school or in other public places in your area.