Технология развития «Критического мышления» Этапы урока 1.Вызов индивидуальная / парная / групповая работа; мозговая атака; прогнозирование содержания;


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Технология развития «Критического мышления» Этапы урока 1.Вызов индивидуальная / парная / групповая работа; мозговая атака; прогнозирование содержания; проблемные вопросы 2.Осмысления Ученик учится отслеживать свое понимание и не игнорировать пробелы, а записывать в виде вопросов то, что не понял для выяснения в будущем.. 3.Рефлексии Учащиеся размышляют о связи с тем, что они узнали на уроке, закрепляя новые знания, активно перестраивают свои представления с тем, чтобы включить в них новые понятия. Последняя стадия рефлексии подразумевает именно творческое применение полученных знаний, навыков, умений. И, таким образом, реализуется еще один критерий эффективности инновационного процесса. Мы формируем личность, способную к непрерывному обучению, самообразованию.

Технология критического мышления Технология дает ученику: - повышение эффективности восприятия информации; - повышение интереса как к изучаемому материалу, так и к самому процессу обучения; - умение критически мыслить; - умение ответственно относиться к собственному образованию; - умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими; - повышение качества образования учеников; - желание и умение стать человеком, который учится в течение всей жизни.

Технология критического мышления Технология дает учителю: - умение создать в классе атмосферу открытости и ответственного сотрудничества; - возможность использовать модель обучения и систему эффективных методик, которые способствуют развитию критического мышления и самостоятельности в процессе обучения; - стать практиками, которые умеют грамотно анализировать свою деятельность; - стать источником ценной профессиональной информации для других учителей.

l. What do you know about Christopher Reeve? What was his famous film role? What terrible thing happened to him in real life? Have you ever been in a terrible situation? It is the first paragraph of the story you are going to read. What do you think the story is about? A.The history of the cinema B.Friends and friendship C.A wife and a husband D.The life of a great actor

2. The life of a great actor. Not long ago, Christopher Reeve had everything. He was a successful actor, famous for the Superman films. But in 1996, when he appeared at Hollywood's Oscar ceremony, he went….. A.With his wife B.In a beautiful suit C.In a wheelchair D.With his friends Wheelchair – инвал. коляска

3. …in a wheelchair. Disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and broke his back. The doctors did not expect him to live. What's happened next? A.However he has made a remarkable progress. B.He died. C.He was depressed. D.His friends helped him. disaster - беда

4.However, since then he has made remarkable progress. At first he couldn`t breath without a machine, but now he can breath on his own. His personal campaign to promote research into spinal injuries is also impressive. Christopher was given talks all over the USA about his experiences. This was drawn attention to the issue of spinal injuries. From their home, Christopher and his wife Dana spoke about…. A.a government. B.his films. C.the accident. D.their life since the accident.

5. …about their life since the accident. Did he suffer from depression after the accident? A.Yes B.No. C.Sometimes D.Always

6.- No. Four days after the injury, I came to, and realized my situation. Dana and I were in the hospital. The doctor said I was not going to pull through. Dana said: But you are still you, and I love you. And that saved my life. Since that moment I have never thought of giving up. Of course, I've had moments of feeling sorry for myself, but I've never had any thoughts of suicide Did he think that his marriage was so strong? A.Yes. B.No. C.Not so. D.It's impossible

7. Yes, because Dana's so terrific. We have always got on really well. Our relationship has always been fantastic. How did his parents react to the accident? A.Both went to the doctor B.They become closer. C.They were upset. D.They didn't know what to do.

8.- They divorced when I was four. They've got closer since the accident What medical research is there into injuries like his? A.The scientists don't know what to do. B.They are working on a cure. C.They can't help. D.They know exactly what to do.

9.- Scientists are working on a cure. They've already proved that it's possible for nerves in the spinal cords of animals to regrow and reconnect. So, I'm very optimistic If you were the author of the story, what conclusion would you make?

10.Now read the conclusion of the author: Christopher Reeve has a new purpose in his life. He has raised lots of money for the American Paralysis Organization. His achievements since his accident have shown him to be a real – life superman.

12.What do you think the title of the story is? A.American actor B.Christopher Reeve C.Superhero. D.The real life.