1.Far and near the fields are teeming With the waves of ripened grain; Far and near their gold is gleaming Oer the sunny slope and plain. 784Здесь и там.


Похожие презентации
1.Far and near the fields are teeming With the waves of ripened grain; Far and near their gold is gleaming Oer the sunny slope and plain. 784а Здесь и.

1.Saviour, lead me, lest I stray, Gently lead me all the way; I am safe when by Thy side, I would in Thy love abide. 200Сам Твоё дитя веди 1.Сам Твоё дитя.
1.There shall be showers of blessing: This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. 11 Благословений потоки.
1.Lifetime is working time, spend no idle days; Jesus is calling thee on the harvest ways; Working with a willing hand, sing a song of praise; Work, ever.
1.There shall be showers of blessing: This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. 11аБлагословений потоки.
1.Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us; Much we need Thy tender care. In Thy pleasant pastures feed us; For our use Thy folds prepare. 184Пастырь добрый 1.Пастырь.
1.Pass me not, O gentle Saviour; Hear my humble cry! While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. 16 Не пройди, Иисус, меня Ты 1.Не пройди, Иисус,
1.There is a place of quiet rest, Near to the heart of God; A place where sin cannot molest, Near to the heart of God. 854Есть место сладкой тишины 1.Есть.
1.Hark, the voice of Jesus calling, Who will go and work today? Fields are ripe and harvests waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away? 541Слышите ли Божий.
1.Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus, When the cares of life upon you roll; He will heal the wounded heart, He will strength and grace impart; Oh, the.
1.Jesus is coming to earth again, What if it were today? Coming in power and love to reign, What if it were today? 323С неба Спаситель придёт 1.С неба.
1.Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always, And feed on His Word. 858К святости стремися 1.К святости стремися, В Боге пребывай,
1.Take the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe. It will joy and comfort give you; Take it then whereer you go. 713Призови Христа на помощь.
1.At even, ere the sun was set, The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay; O, with how many pains they met! O, with what joy they went away! 222В вечерний час.
1.O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy powr throughout.
1.Faith of our fathers, living still In spite of dungeon, fire and sword! O how our hearts beat high with joy Wheneer we hear that glorious word! 616Живая.
1.Why do you wait, dear brother, Oh, why do you tarry so long? Your Saviour is waiting to give you A place in His sanctified throng. 399Что же ты медлишь?
1.The head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glory now; A royal diadem adorns The mighty victors brow. 436Венец терновый возложил 1.Венец.
1.O safe to the Rock That is higher than I, My soul in its conflicts And sorrows would fly; 626О, как рвётся душа 1.О, как рвётся душа от греха и обид.
1.To the work! To the work! We are servants of God; Let us follow the path That our Master has trod; 525Все к труду! 1.Все к труду! Все к труду, слуги.

1.Far and near the fields are teeming With the waves of ripened grain; Far and near their gold is gleaming Oer the sunny slope and plain. 784Здесь и там поля белеют 1.Здесь и там поля белеют С драгоценнейшим плодом, Всюду нивы золотеют, Уж налитые зерном.

Refrain Lord of harvest, send forth reapers! Hear us, Lord, to Thee we cry; Send them now the sheaves to gather Ere the harvest time pass by. Припев О, Господь, Тебя мы молим, Посылай жнецов в поля, Пусть пшеницу собирают, Пока жатва не прошла.

2.Send them forth with morns first beaming, Send them in the noontides glare; When the suns last rays are gleaming, Bid them gather everywhere. 2.Шли же их вперёд с рассветом И в полдневную жару Поработать знойным летом, Послужить Христу Царю.

Refrain Lord of harvest, send forth reapers! Hear us, Lord, to Thee we cry; Send them now the sheaves to gather Ere the harvest time pass by. Припев О, Господь, Тебя мы молим, Посылай жнецов в поля, Пусть пшеницу собирают, Пока жатва не прошла.

3.O thou, whom thy Lord is sending, Gather now the sheaves of gold; Heavnward then at evening wending, Thou shalt come with joy untold. 3.Кто для Бога рад трудиться, Жатву с поля собирать, В царство с нивы возвратится Вечной радостью объят.

Refrain Lord of harvest, send forth reapers! Hear us, Lord, to Thee we cry; Send them now the sheaves to gather Ere the harvest time pass by. Припев О, Господь, Тебя мы молим, Посылай жнецов в поля, Пусть пшеницу собирают, Пока жатва не прошла.