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2 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

3 TECHNICAL SERVICE 25 CSI Двухконтурный котел с закрытой камерой сгорания АССОРТИМЕНТ Одноконтурный 35 RSI16 RSI 35 CSI (согласно EN 13203) (согласно EN 13203) комфорт ГВС комфорт ГВС

4 TECHNICAL SERVICE Новый теплообменник, отличный от аналогов конкурентов (меньший вес, меньшая инерционность, меньшая себестоимость) Пониженная мощность и высокий коэффициент модуляции, для обеспечения высокой скорости нагрева ГВС Широкий выбор аксессуаров для адаптации к любой системе отопления (также к системе «теплый пол») Новый простой пользовательский интерфейс 4 (сезонных) режима работы, для обеспечения максимального комфорта и максимальной еффективности в любой сезон года. НОВЫЙ ПРОЕКТ

5 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

6 TECHNICAL SERVICE 1. Датчик давления воды 2. Сбросной клапан 3. Бай-пасс 4. Сервопривод 5. Теплообменник ГВС 6. Насос 7. Автоматический воздухоудалитель 8. Инжектор 9. Трансформатор вентилятора 10. Конденсатный сифон 11. Датчик NTC обратной линии отопления 12. Анализатор соотношения газ/воздух 13. Дымоход 14. Трансформатор розжига КОНСТРУКЦИЯ 15. Автовоздушник 16. Датчик NTC отопления 17. Электрод ионизации 18. Горелка 19. Датчик уровня конденсата 20. Первичный теплообменник 21. Вентилятор 22. Смеситель 23. Расширительный бачок 24. Манометр 25. Датчик NTC ГВС 26. Ограничитель протока 27. Датчик протока 28. Газовый блок 29. Слив конденсата

7 TECHNICAL SERVICE Технические данные

8 TECHNICAL SERVICE * усредненные величины Технические данные

9 TECHNICAL SERVICE Технические данные

10 TECHNICAL SERVICE Технические данные

11 TECHNICAL SERVICE Технические данные

12 TECHNICAL SERVICE Технические данные

13 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

14 TECHNICAL SERVICE Нижняя крышка завершает эстетику котла и закрывает гидравлику. Состоит из трех частей и фиксируется одним винтом. КРЫШКА

15 TECHNICAL SERVICE НОВОЕ ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Большее расстояние от стены ( на 15мм) делает монтаж более удобным. старое - 148,5 мм новое - 163,5 мм + 15 мм

16 TECHNICAL SERVICE Более легкое НОВОЕ ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Новая гидравлическая группа производится из композитного материала, высокая прочность при меньшем весе. Все элементы гидрогруппы фиксируются с помощью шпилек для облегчения разборки при обслуживании.

17 TECHNICAL SERVICE F G I L N O P Q R H S E U V T Z W X A – Вход ХВ B – Выход ГВС C – Прямая отопления D – Обратная линия отопления E – Бай-пасс с обратным клапаном F – Сбросной клапан G – Трех-ходовой клапан H - Манометр I - Насос L – Автоматический воздухоудалитель M – Расширительный бачок N – Датчик NTC обратной линии отопления O – Автоматический воздухоудалитель P - Датчик NTC подающей линии (и предельный термостат) Q – Первичный теплообменник R – Аналоговый датчик давления в системе отопления S – Пластинчатый теплообменник T – Датчик NTC ГВС U – Ограничитель протока V – Датчик протока Z – Кран подпитки W – Обратный клапан X – Клапан автоматической подпитки DC B A M ГИДРАВЛИЧЕСКАЯ СХЕМА CSI

18 TECHNICAL SERVICE A – Подающая линия змеевика бойлера B – Обратная линия змеевика бойлера C – Подающая линия системы отопления D – Обратная линия системы отопления E – Вход ХВ F – Выход ГВС G – Сбросной клапан I – Бай-пасс L – Трехходовой клапан M - Насос N – Автоматический воздуховыпускник O – Расширительный бачок P – Датчик NTC обратной линии отопления Q – Первичный теплообменник R – Автоматический воздуховыпускник S - Датчик NTC подающей линии (и предельный термостат) T – Аналоговый датчик давления V – Накопительный бойлер ГВС ГИДРАВЛИЧЕСКАЯ СХЕМА RSI

19 TECHNICAL SERVICE Выход ГВ Вход ХВ Подача отопления Обратная линия отопления Пластинчатые теплообменники увеличенной мощности (25 кВт -> 28; 35 кВт -> 36) и теплоизолированные. Пластинчатый теплообменник ГВС

20 TECHNICAL SERVICE Гидравлические соединения выполнены на прокладках из термостойкой резины. Пластинчатый теплообменник ГВС

21 TECHNICAL SERVICE Давление в котле отслеживается с помощью простого манометра и дополнительно с помощью аналогового датчика давления, показания которого высвечиваются на основном дисплее. Давление в системе отопления

22 TECHNICAL SERVICE Характеристика аналогового датчика давления: Аналоговый датчик давления Давление в системе отопления (Бар) ВольтыВольты Graphic Tension - Pressure

23 TECHNICAL SERVICE Клапан автоматической подпитки котла. Гидравлика 1 - Соединение 2 – Электромагнитный клапан 3 – Обратный клапан

24 TECHNICAL SERVICE В котлах используются специальные насосы. 3-хскоростной с напором 6 м и 2-хскоростной с повышенным (7м) напором НАСОС


26 TECHNICAL SERVICE Насосы (ultra high v)

27 TECHNICAL SERVICE В котле имеется два воздуховыпускника: 1-й установлен в гидроблоке насоса 2-й в верхней точке на подающей линии первичного теплообменника для полного и надежного удаления воздуха из ситемы. Автоматические воздухоудалители

28 TECHNICAL SERVICE ТРУБКИ На подающей и обратной линиях при подключении к первичному теплообменнику имеются антивибрационные вставки для уменьшения шумности котла

29 TECHNICAL SERVICE Сервопривод усовершенствован за счет увеличения мощности исполнительного механизма. Усовершенствованная модель имеет нижнюю часть корпуса белого цвета. Сервопривод

30 TECHNICAL SERVICE Трех-ходовой клапан

31 TECHNICAL SERVICE Сервопривод 2. Возвратная пружина 3. Цельный картридж 4. Затвор (клапан) Трех-ходовой клапан

32 TECHNICAL SERVICE Срабатывает при далении 3 бара. Сбросной клапан

33 TECHNICAL SERVICE Сливной кран Гидравлическая группа Обратные клапана


35 TECHNICAL SERVICE При нормальном давлении – порог равен 2 л/мин При пониженном давлении - 1,2 л/мин Датчик протока Порог срабатывания 2 л/мин, при минимальном давлении 0,15 атм.

36 TECHNICAL SERVICE В котлах 25 кВт установлен ограничитель белого цвета (10 л/мин) В котлах 35 кВт установлен зеленый (14 л/мин) Ограничитель протока встроен в корпус датчика протока Датчик протока

37 TECHNICAL SERVICE Сливной коллектор Слив конденсата из камеры сгорания От сбросного клапана От сливного крана

38 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

39 TECHNICAL SERVICE Новый алюминиевый радиальный (спиральный) первичный теплообменник. Оптимальные форма и размеры, обеспечивающие максимальный КПД котла и уменьшающие вероятность образования накипи. Материал теплообменника – алюминиевый сплав без примесей железа и меди, устойчивый к воздействию кислотосодержащей воды. Масса теплообменника гарантирует безинерционный нагрев ГВС. Технология производства теплообменника исключает сварку для предотвращения электрохимической коррозии. Спираль теплообменника отливается под давлением на автоматизированной конвейерной линии. Внешняя поверхность теплообменника обрабатывается на каландре. Топочная группа

40 TECHNICAL SERVICE The newest and most important component in the combustion engine is the heat exchanger. Its correct dimensioning and shape directly determines the efficiency of the boilers (flue side exchanging surface, water side exchanging surface) and its performances in terms of residual head available towards the system (loss inside the pipe, limestone). Its material (aluminium based alloy with low percentage - 0 %- of copper and iron) wass chosen to resist in the time even in an acid ambient (around 4 pH). Its mass determines the rapidity (inertia) in stisfying the DHW needs (confort). The coil is built without any welding, to avoild problems related to eventual elettrochemical corrosion. Топочная группа

41 TECHNICAL SERVICE Детали топочной группы Экструдированная спираль Задатчик шага спирали Алюминиевый фланец Окошко визуального контроля пламени Анализ дымовых газов Дымовой коллектор из композитного материала Отвод конденсата из камеры сгорания Электрод розжига Датчик уровня конденсата Радиальная премикс-горелка Отвод конденсата дымовых газов Разделитель камер Подающая линия

42 TECHNICAL SERVICE Марка сплава Называется «первичный сплав». Состав: алюминий, легированный магнием и кремнием для увеличения прочности и твердости, а также защиты от коррозии. Кроме того, этот сплав идеален для технологии экструдирования (горячая штамповка выдавливанием). Использование «первичных сплавов» позволяет уменьшить толщину стенок теплообменника с 5 до 2 мм -> а это, в свою очередь, уменьшает вес и понижает инерционность. Топочная группа

43 TECHNICAL SERVICE Теплообменник производится из ребристой трубки (патентованная технология). Отводы вытягиваются из той же трубки (без пайки/сварки). Топочная группа

44 TECHNICAL SERVICE Переход от овального сечения на круглое без сварки! В котлах мощностью 16 кВт теплообменник имеет 8,5 колец В котлах мощностью 25 кВт теплообменник имеет 10,5 колец В котлах мощностью 35 кВт теплообменник имеет 12,5 колец Топочная группа

45 TECHNICAL SERVICE Теплообменник ведет себя как пружина. Поэтому шаг спирали фиксирован 5-ю специальными фиксирующими «гребнями», которые задают зазор между витками = 0,6 мм в овальной части трубки змеевика. Топочная группа


47 TECHNICAL SERVICE Благодаря своей форме новый теплообменник имеет наименьшее сопротивление на пути дымовых газов. EXCLUSIVE GREEN SUPER EXCLUSIVE GREEN Топочная группа

48 TECHNICAL SERVICE Water in Water out Air +gas +gas Condense drain Only in the second section (1/4 length) we have the production of condense. In this section the flue (around 160°C) goes back in the inner part of the spring, than is drained (less than 90°C). The flue circuit can be divided in two different section based on the path of the flue. The first 3/4 of the length of the heat exchanger and the last quarter. These two sections are divided by a « retarder » or « diaphragm ». In the first section the flue (around 900°C) goes from the inner part of the « spring » (the heat exchanger) to the external one. Топочная группа

49 TECHNICAL SERVICE Подающая линия Возвратная линия Слив конденсата 30°C 50°C Воздух + Газ Дымовые газы ~ 60°C Т о дымовых газов =960°C Т о дымовых газов =150°C Т о дымовых газов =70°C Топочная группа

50 TECHNICAL SERVICE Топочная группа

51 TECHNICAL SERVICE This side in the last quarter, to avoid the insulating material to get wet Топочная группа

52 TECHNICAL SERVICE The modulating inox steel cylinder burner is produced by FURIGAS. We have two different burner with the followings characteristics: For the 25 kW and 35 kW the burner length is 120 mm. Only for the 16 kW there is a special burner with inside a baffle, its smaller compared the one used in the 25 kW and 35 kW, the length is 90 mm.The diameter is the same for all the models: 70 mm. Топочная группа - горелка

53 TECHNICAL SERVICE Можно легко снять горелку без разборки мелких деталей. В горелке используется тот же электрод розжига, что и в старых конденсатных котлах, а также вентилятор с низковольтным питанием. Проверка и обслуживание

54 TECHNICAL SERVICE Вентилятор Низковольтный вентилятор имеет встроенный блок контроля частоты вращения. Контроль скорости вращения основан на эффекте Холла. Напор вентилятора равен (на расстоянии 0,5 м + 90°): 16 кВт -> 57 Па (0,57 мбар) 25 кВт -> 110 Па (1,1 мбар) 35 кВт -> 209 Па (2,09 мбар)

55 TECHNICAL SERVICE В котле джва трансформатора: один – в цепи питания вентилятора, второй – для розжига. Трансформаторы

56 TECHNICAL SERVICE Воздух ГазГазГазГазвоздух воздух Газомагнитный блок газ Газо-воздушная смесь образуется в смесительной камере непосредственно в самом вентиляторе. Скорость потока газа пропорциональна воздушной, и определяется разрежением в смесительной камере, которое передается в медную трубку и сопло, встроенное в газовый блок. Топочная группа Смеситель воздух/газ Соотношение газ/воздух регулируется изменением диафрагмы.

57 TECHNICAL SERVICE Выход газового блока соединяется с воздушной камерой компенсационной силиконовой трубочкой. Топочная группа

58 TECHNICAL SERVICE Материал теплоизоляции камеры сгорания тот же, что и в стандартных котлах. Топочная группа

59 TECHNICAL SERVICE Коллектор для дымоудаления выполнен из пластика, потому что температура дымовых газов очень низка. Он фиксируется на шпильках и имеет соединение с сифоном для слива конденсата. Это защищает теплообменник от загрязнения. Прокладка Водный коллектор Отверстие для газоанализа Дымовой коллектор Соединение со сливным сифоном

60 TECHNICAL SERVICE Конденсатоотводный сифон Внизу находится конденсатосливной сифон, соединенный как с камерой сгорания, так и с коллектором дымовых газов. Имеется две раздельные камеры (каждая с поплавком) для слива как конденсата из дымовой трубы, так и из камеры сгорания.

61 TECHNICAL SERVICE При отсутствии воды отверстия через которые она удаляется заперты. Когда камеры заполняются конденсатом, поплавки всплывают и открывают сливные каналы. Конденсатоотводный сифон

62 TECHNICAL SERVICE При запирании сливного канала, давления вентилятора достаточно для закрытия поплавков и герметизации камеры сгорания. Эта защита работает достаточно надежно. Конденсатный сифон

63 TECHNICAL SERVICE Датчик представляет из себя изогнутый электрод (производитель - NICROTAL), который фиксирует уровень поверхности конденсата и выключает котел, защищая вентилятор и ограничивая выброс СО. Смотровое окошко с зеркалом Резистор 560 кОм Датчик уровня конденсата Разноцветные провода. Дополнительная аварийная сигнализация

64 TECHNICAL SERVICE В первичном контуре установлено два датчика NTC (10кОм при 25°C). Функционально те же, что в обычном котле Exclusive, но накладные. Датчики NTC

65 TECHNICAL SERVICE Предельный термостат Самоперезапускающийся предельный термостат такой же, как в стандартных котлах. Сопротивление = 50 mΩ. It opens 102 ( 3) °C, and closes 72 ( 6) °C. To increase our products safety, it has been added a thermostat (white colour) to check the temperature on the aluminum flange around the burner. It automatically reset and has a resistance of 50 mΩ. It opens 170 ( 5) °C, and closes 150 ( 7) °C.

66 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

67 TECHNICAL SERVICE The new electronic board has many functions previously managed with jumpers. One driver is the easiness of use both for the final user and for the engineers. Electronic

68 TECHNICAL SERVICE The back part of the panel has the two doors for the electric connections and the cap to be removed for the firmware programming. Dashboard

69 TECHNICAL SERVICE The left door is for the connection of low tension devices: OT+, DHW clock, CH circuit limit thermostat, external probe... …while the right one is for the connection of high tension devices: mains supply, mains supply OUT, fuse, room thermostat, clock, additional CH pump. Connection doors

70 TECHNICAL SERVICE The back dashboard cover is fixed with only two screws and clamps. Its important to use always the two screws. Remember that the IP degree is referred to the normal position of the dashboard! Dashboard Under this door you can find the spare fuse

71 TECHNICAL SERVICE Inside the dashboard there are the PCBs that allow the boiler to work. PCBs

72 TECHNICAL SERVICE 1 3 1: fan supply board. 2a: MCU1(S). Power and safety PCB 2b: MCU1(S). Ignition and flame detection PCB 3: MCU2(F). Boiler management. 2a 2b PCBs

73 TECHNICAL SERVICE MCU1(S) - Power J3J9J8 J3 Room thermostat (betw. 1&2) Mains (among 3&4&5) J9 J8 Boiler Pump (betw. 1&2) Diverter Valve (among 1&2&3) 2nd Pump (betw. 4&5)

74 TECHNICAL SERVICE MCU1(S) - Ignition/detection/gas J6J7J10 J6 J7 J10 Ignition (betw. 1&2) Flame detection Gas valve (betw. 3&4)

75 TECHNICAL SERVICE MCU1(S) - Low tension J15 ORSA (betw. 8&9) External probe (betw. 1&3) External tank NTC (betw. 1&2) OT+ (betw. 6&7) J15 J12 Limit thermostats (betw. 4&5)

76 TECHNICAL SERVICE Fan Supply PCB TACHO fan (IN) PWM fan (OUT) V trafo 24 V trafo

77 TECHNICAL SERVICE TLBT 2 Return NTC probe (betw. 1&2) Condense sensor (betw. 3&4) Flow NTC probe (betw. 5&6) 3 MCU2(F) 3 DHW NTC probe (betw. 13&14) Flow switch (betw. 10&11) CH pressure transd. (betw. 7&8&9)

78 TECHNICAL SERVICE 2 1 MCU2(F) 1 Display 2 PC Connection

79 TECHNICAL SERVICE Display button and encoder 1. Encoder to decide the water T° (40-80°C) in heating system 2. Button selection: ON/OFF/RESET 3. Button selection function: Autumn/Winter/Spring/Summer (KLIMA) 4. Button INFO - Visualised information about the functioning of the boiler. 5. Button automatic filling water boiler 6. Encoder to select water T° sanitary (37-60 °C)

80 TECHNICAL SERVICE New interface more user friendly. Display

81 TECHNICAL SERVICE Display Proportional indication (10 segments) of CH set-point and functional icon Antenna icon Proportional indication (10 segments) of DHW set-point and functional icon Low pressure in CH circuit Anti-frost function in execution Flame present Remote control connected Shows the power, the temperature, the AL code. Shows which season is selected Outside sensor connected Is necessary to reset the boiler with the correspondent button Anomaly icon 4-digits display. Shows the system pressure


83 TECHNICAL SERVICE KLIMA On this new boilers we have the button called KLIMA. With this button we can browse among the different seasons in this order (from left): AUTUMN WINTER SPRING SUMMER Each season enables different functions, in order to improve the end users CONFORT in a really easy way.

84 TECHNICAL SERVICE Active Functions Advantages Absolute thermostats Stable temperature even with warm inlet water S.A.R.A. BOOSTER Faster system response to the radiators Relative thermostats Traditional D.H.W. production Absolute thermostats Stable temperature even with warm inlet water KLIMA

85 TECHNICAL SERVICE It works: If in the boiler the water pressure is inferior respect the parameter selected Is possible to start with the automatic filling cycle. In this situation, the display visualised the charge symbol,, switch on the signal temporary alarm, (41), for 1, and the symbol of the key. If, before 1 minute, the user push the bottom FILL, start the cycle, other wise will be visualised the alarm block (40) and the symbol RESET. In this situation the user has to push button RESET and after the button FILL. When the user push the button FILL the electric valve open the water passage for 10, the set point water pressure is 1,2 bar (if there is pressure in the net). The display visualised the drops in sequence. Automatic filling water

86 TECHNICAL SERVICE The electric valve close when the water pressure arrive at 1,2 bar. The electronic board check the increasing of the water pressure valour (P2) respect the initial valour(P1). It remain stop for 10, after read again (P3) the actual water pressure (it wait the stabilisation of the pressure valour). If P2-P10,15 bar finish the cycle (probably there is a leakage in the installation). If P2-P1>0,5 bar and P2-P3

87 TECHNICAL SERVICE Control for the over pressure: if during this 60 the pressure arrive at 1,2 bar, the electric valve close and the cycle is finish. During the cycle all the other request of the boiler are not considerate. It is possible, by parameter, disabling the possibility of the automatic filling water. Automatic filling water

88 TECHNICAL SERVICE Info On this boards we have two different levels of information we can get from the PCB regarding itself. Pushing ONE TIME we go into the INFO section. Pushing INFO button we scroll the different information. If the INFO button is not pressed within 10 seconds, the PCB will automatically exit the procedure. Otherwise to exit the procedure is sufficient to push KLIMA button. Being in INFO function and holding pressed for 3 the INFO button, we can access the INFO SERVICE (INF ll ) section, that will give more and more detailed information.

89 TECHNICAL SERVICE 1. T°C External probe 2. Water pressure in boiler 3. T°C set point heating 4. T°C set point sanitary 5. T° set poin 2nd circuit (only if is connected) Display Info

90 TECHNICAL SERVICE Display Info ll 1. T°C flow heating 2. T°C return heating 3. T°C output sanitary 4. T°C Condensing valour (provisory) 5. Internal R&D

91 TECHNICAL SERVICE Display Info ll 6. T°C Flow heating probe ll circuit 7. Internal R&D 8. Fan speed 9. T°C External tank probe 10. T° eventual room probe 11. Signalised the last 8 alarm code, starting from the recently

92 TECHNICAL SERVICE In this new generation of PCBs the functioning and the adjustment to the system needs can be called by parameter, as on the MCBA. There are 2 different type of parameters: DYNAMIC parameters SERVICE parameters Parameters

93 TECHNICAL SERVICE DYNAMIC parameters: those parameters that can be changed in real-time by the end user (on- off, set-point, season). No special procedure is needed (on-off button, encoder, KLIMA button) to set. SERVICE parameters: are the parameters that substitute the old jumpers or that adapt the boiler to the system characteristics and needs. Are set by the factory to determine the boiler configuration (i.e. only heating), or by the Service in the field to optimise the boiler functioning (i.e. absolute DHW thermostats), or even in the spares PCBs for the substitution. They are divided into: GENERIC PARAMETERS SETTING (ADJUSTMENT) PARAMETERS. Parameters

94 TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERIC parameters: (PASSWORD) 53 To access to these parameters follow the hereunder procedure: 1. Set the boiler in OFF (the display visualises--) 2. Push at the same time KLIMA and INFO for 1 second, until the display (4-digits) visualises CODE and 00 in turn. 3. Push KLIMA and set with the DHW ENCODER the password 53. Confirm with KLIMA. 4. On the 2-digit display will appear the number of the parameter, while on the 4-digit will appear its value. REMARK: if a wrong PASSWORD is set, the boiler will go back automatically to pt. 2. Repeat the procedure with the correct PASSWORD. Parameters

95 TECHNICAL SERVICE To modify the parameter value: push KLIMA: the parameter value blinks. Set with the DHW ENCODER the desired value. Confirm your choice pushing again KLIMA. Now to change number of parameter, use the DHW ENCODER. To go out from the procedure push INFO or wait for 10 seconds. IF ON/OFF/RES is pushed, the boiler will go out from the procedure, but NO PARAMETER WILL BE SAVED. Parameters

96 TECHNICAL SERVICE Parameters PASSWORD 53 CH1= first CH circuit CHC2=second CH circuit

97 TECHNICAL SERVICE Parameters PASSWORD 53 (1)= only with 2nd CH circuit PCB (2)= Only if an external sensor is fitted *= the value is shown on the display as rpm/100( i.e. 3700/100=37)

98 TECHNICAL SERVICE Parameters PASSWORD 53 (1)= only with 2nd CH circuit PCB (2)= Only if an external sensor is fitted *= the value is shown on the display as rpm/100( i.e. 3700/100=37)


100 TECHNICAL SERVICE ADJUSTMENT parameters: to get these parameters follow the same procedure wrote for the GENERIC parameters, the PASSWORD is 18 Parameters PASSWORD 18 (*)= Only if an external sensor is fitted (**)=Only if PAR 20 is set 6 (Connect 2 heating circuit)


102 TECHNICAL SERVICE Parameters PASSWORD 18 Detailed description of parameters and functions: HP The HP function allows to modify, only if strictly necessary, the value of the ABSOLUTE maximum fan speed and consequently the maximum power of the boiler. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE WELL FUNCTIONING OF THE BOILER IF IT WILL BE SET TO AN HIGHER VALUE THAN THE ONE SHOWN IN THE BOOKLET! LP The LP function allows to modify, only if strictly necessary, the value of the ABSOLUTE minimum fan speed and consequently the minimum power of the boiler. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE WELL FUNCTIONING OF THE BOILER IF IT WILL BE SET TO A LOWER VALUE THAN THE ONE SHOWN IN THE BOOKLET! SP The SP function allows to modify, only if strictly necessary, the value of the fan speed during the soft light procedure. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE WELL FUNCTIONING OF THE BOILER IF IT WILL BE SET TO A DIFFERENT VALUE THAN THE ONE SHOWN IN THE BOOKLET! Differences between Hp, LP and PAR.23 and PAR.24: The parameters HP and LP are correspondent to the fan ABSOLUTE functioning limits (DHW), while PAR.23 and PAR.24 can be set only within (at limit equal to) HP and LP and are only related to CH functioning.

103 TECHNICAL SERVICE Parameters PASSWORD 18 HH The HH function is necessary to carry out the combustion analysis, or the set the gas valve in order to obtain the CO2 nominal percentage at the maximum power. Using this function the boiler will work continuously for 15 min at the maximum power, related to PAR.1, PAR.2 or HP. During this function the boiler wont modulate according to the CH set-point. In case of floor heating systems, or whenever the CH system is not sufficient to exchange all the heat, can be suggestible to open all the DHW taps at the maximum flow after removed the diverter valve.

104 TECHNICAL SERVICE Parameters PASSWORD 18 LL The HH function is necessary to carry out the combustion analysis, or the set the gas valve in order to obtain the CO2 nominal percentage at the minimum power. Using this function the boiler will work continuously for 15 min at the minimum power, related to PAR.1, PAR.2 or HP. Attention: see the remark for function HH. MM When accessing the MM function the boiler will work at the soft light fan speed. Using the CH encoder will be possible (like with a car accelerator) to make the boiler work to another fan speed. This can be useful when interested in checking the gas valve linearity. ANY ACTION CARRIED OUT IN THIS PHASE WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON THE SOFT LIGHT FAN SPEED. Attention: our note pour function HH.

105 TECHNICAL SERVICE Parameters power in HW

106 TECHNICAL SERVICE The function is active only if the CH set-point is between 55°C e 65°C and NO EXTERNAL PROBE is connected (temperature bar flashing when entering) and PAR.42 is set to AUTO. If the R.T. is closed (request from ambient) after 20 minutes the CH set-point is increased of 5°C and a new timer starts. After another 20 minutes, if the R.T. is still closed, there is a further and final increase of 5°C. When the R.T. opens, the cycle is finished and we go back to the original set- point. The flow temperature is limited by PAR.21 (MAXIMUM CH SET-POINT ). S.A.R.A.

107 TECHNICAL SERVICE : BOOSTER FUNCTION: The function is enabled with any CH set-point, EVEN IF AN EXTERNAL PROBE IS CONNECTED, if the PAR.43 is set to AUTO. If the R.T. stays closed (ambient request) after 10 minutes from the first set- point reaching the set-point temperature is increased of 5°C. at the reaching of this new set point, if the R.T. stays closed, after another 10 minutes the set-point is increased of further 5°C. this cycle is repeated until the MAXIMUM CH SET- POINT (PAR.21) is reached. The boiler will then modulate according to this value. When the R.T. opens, the cycle is finished and we go back to the original set- point. In floor heating system is usefully set the PAR43 in OFF position Booster Tmand 60°C TEMPO T mand Campo di regolazione T mand 10 minuti 10 minuti Tmand 65°C 10 minuti Tmand 70°C Tmand 75°C Tmand 80°C 10 minuti

108 TECHNICAL SERVICE PRE-HEATING FUNCTION: If the PAR.41 is set to 1 or 2 (see seasons) when the temperature read by the DHW probe is less than 35°C and the read temperature by the CH FLOW NTC is less than 55°C, the board simulate an heat request in DHW. The burner is switched on at the minimum +15% until the read temperature of the CH FLOW NTC reaches 55°C. the burner is then stopped, the fan and the pump run for other 30. ABSOLUTE THERMOSTAT FUNCTION: In DHW mode the adjusted set-point isnt considered, but the switch off will be made if the read temperature by the DHW NTC reaches 65°C, and will be re-lighted if that temperature drops down to 63°C. DHW special functions

109 TECHNICAL SERVICE Is possible to modify the functions enabled in each season following the procedure in the section GENERIC PARAMETERS and paying attention to these rules: OFF = the function will be disabled IN ALL the seasons AUTO = the function is enabled ONLY in those seasons foreseen by the factory, as DEFAULT ON = the function is enabled in ALL the seasons Parameters

110 TECHNICAL SERVICE Each time that an heat request is made, the fan speed is checked. If it is less than REST FAN STATUS (300 rpm) the fan is supplied at PRE_PURGE SPEED (3760 rpm) for 2 seconds. The fan then runs at IGNITION SPEED (3700 rpm) for 1,2 sec. At the end of this time the gas valve operators are supplied and the spark is enabled, while the spark is produced after 1 sec. The flame is detected. To be valid, the flame signal must be present for at least 0,25 sec. The board wait for the STABILISATION_TIME (2 sec) since when the flame was sensed and declared valid. The fan is now free to modulate according to the current heat request. If no flame is sensed, the fan is held to the IGNITION SPEED, the supply is taken off from the gas valve. Only after a RE_IGNITION WAITING TIME (10 sec) a new try is allowed. The maximum number of tries is 5. Ignition procedure

111 TECHNICAL SERVICE Time Fan Heat Request Ignition Gas Valve Flame 0 Pre-purge speed Ignition speed Pre- purge stabilisa tion Ignition Pre- Stabilisation Modulation 2 1,2 1 0,5 2 Ignition procedure

112 TECHNICAL SERVICE If the PAR.10 is set to a value different from 0, the flow switch closed means a DHW heat request. During the normal DHW functioning (see seasons) the boiler shuts off if the temperature read by the DHW NTC is >= DHW set-point +5°C (or the flow NTC reaches 90°C) and re-ignites when the DHW NTC read temperature drops down to DHW set-point +4°C (or the return NTC drops to 80°C). If the DHW NTC is broken the boiler modulates on the FLOW CH NTC to a fix value equal to 55°C. The shut off is at 60°C, the re-ignition at 55°C, always on the FLOW CH NTC. The correspondent alarm code is shown only if the boiler is in stand-by (no heat request). DHW

113 TECHNICAL SERVICE During the CH functioning (and DHW) the contact of TLBT is constantly checked. If PAR.20 is set to a value different from 0, during the normal CH functioning (see seasons) the boiler shuts off when the read temperature by the FLOW CH NTC is >= to the CH set-point +5°C and re-ignites when the read temperature by the probe drops to the CH set-point -5°C. The set-point can be indifferently the one set by the end user or the one calculated by the PCB (Thermoregulation). If a problem occurs to that probe or to the CH RETURN NTC the boiler shuts off (see alarms). If the switch off of the burner is due to a reached temperature (Set- point+5°C) reason OR EVEN TO A R.T. INTERVENTION, if the PAR. 30 (CH timer selection) is set to 1 the following ignition is done after a delay time (in minutes) equal to PAR. 29. After this forced switch off, the boiler begins to work at 75% of the maximum fan speed for a time in minutes equal to PAR. 28. CH

114 TECHNICAL SERVICE Alarms Management. In this new generation of boards its possible to have more detailed alarm signals compared to the past (Icxx, CPxx, MCxx). This is made to give to the service the chance to know with an higher level of precision where the problem is, and avoid in this way loss of time and/or the substitution of functioning components. Alarms

115 TECHNICAL SERVICE There are TWO different kind of alarm (temporary-final) and THREE kind of signals: ONLY WRENCH: its a temporary alarm, that the boiler attempts to solve automatically (in the meanwhile it will go on working). If the correct functioning is not reached, we can have two different situations: (A) the WRENCH disappears, appears RESET with a different code; or (B) WRENCH + RESET, different alarm code. A RESET DURING THIS PHASE WILL HAVE NO EFFECT. (A) ONLY RESET: its necessary to reset the boiler with the RESET button. The fault is due to a random situation. If the alarm is repeated in the time, is strongly suggested to call the Service (B) WRENCH + RESET: it necessary to call the Service. Alarms

116 TECHNICAL SERVICE AL10 - end of available attempts This alarm is generated because the boiler failed the ignition for the 5 attempts available. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). Post- circ: 30, Post-vent: 5. AL11 - parasite flame in cycle This alarm is generated because the boiler sensed the flame before the IGNITION PHASE (spark+gas ope). The boiler stops the ignition and goes in STD- BY. If the situation resets, the boiler will work, otherwise AL15 AL12 - ignition try This alarm is generated from the 2nd attempt. If the ignition is successful the boiler will work at the requested thermal load, otherwise, if the 5th attempt is failed, AL10. AL13 - AL14 This alarm is generated because there is a problem on the bridge on the wiring harness, J13 between 3-4. Check. AL15 - flame presence without reason in STD-BY This alarm is generated as the evolution of AL11. Check the electrode connections, the ignition transformer, the wiring harness. Alarms


118 TECHNICAL SERVICE AL20 - limit thermostats This alarm is generated because the boiler sensed the intervention of one of the two thermostats described in the section LIMIT THERMOSTATS of this presentation. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). Post-circ: 60, Post-vent: 5. AL21 - AL 22 - AL23 - AL29 This alarm is generated because there is a problem on the bridge on the wiring harness, J13 between 1&2. Check. The resistance should be k. AL24 - flow NTC limit temperature This alarm is generated because the boiler sensed that the value of flow NTC exceeded the value of 105°C continuously for more than 120. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). Post-circ: 60, Post-vent: 5. AL25 - flow NTC limit temperature This alarm is generated because the boiler sensed that the value of flow NTC exceeded the value of 105°C continuously for more than 2. The burner will be switched off, pump and fan running. If the situation doesnt reset automatically, the alarm will become AL24 AL26 - return NTC limit temperature This alarm is generated because the boiler sensed that the value of return NTC exceeded the value of 95°C continuously for more than 120. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). Post-circ: 60, Post-vent: 5. AL27 - return NTC limit temperature This alarm is generated because the boiler sensed that the value of return NTC exceeded the value of 95°C continuously for more than 2. The burner will be switched off, pump and fan running. If the situation doesnt reset automatically, the alarm will become AL26 AL28- differential NTC return - flow This alarm is generated because the boiler sensed that the following values (RETURN-FLOW): 40°C for more than 30 OR 20°C for more than 60 OR 10°C for more than 90 Alarms


120 TECHNICAL SERVICE AL30 - AL 31 - AL36 - AL38 Wrong parameter from factory AL33 - Fan fault in cycle LOW This alarm is generated because the fan during the ignition cycle didnt reach within 10 at least the value of 600 rpm. Similar to AL03 on MCxx during ignition. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). AL34 - Fan fault TACHO This alarm is generated to check the fan PCB during the ignition cycle. It is generated if the TACHO frequency didnt reach within 5 at least the value of 5 Hz. Complementary of AL33. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). AL35 - Fan fault TACHO This alarm is generated when after 15 from the FAN OFF command the PCB still senses a TACHO signal. AL37 - Fan fault in cycle HIGH This alarm is generated because the fan during the ignition cycle exceeded after 10 at least the value of 7500 rpm. Improvement of AL03 on MCxx during ignition. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWROFF). AL40 - CH system pressure This alarm is generated because the CH system pressure was under 0,3 bar for more than 60. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). AL41 - CH system pressure This alarm is generated because the CH system pressure was under 0,3 bar.If the pressure goes over 0,4 bar within 60 the boiler will work normally, otherwise AL40. AL42 - transducer fault This alarm is generated when the transducer gives to the PCB immediately (without passing through the previous two alarms) a value of tension correspondent to a pressure of 0 or 6 bar (short circuit, open circuit). The 4-digit display will show Alarms



123 TECHNICAL SERVICE AL60 - DHW NTC fault it is generated because the DHW NTC value has been continuously: over 120°C for more than 2 - under -10°C for more than 2. The alarm will automatically reset if the temperature will return for more than 2 within the limits: 118°C - -8°C. The fault will be shown ONLY when the boiler is in STD-BY and ONLY if the PAR.10 is set to 1, 2 or 4. The boiler will continue to produce DHW, but modulating on the FLOW NTC at a fix value of 55°C, switching off at 60°C and switching on at 55°C. (SURVIVOR FUNCTION) AL70 - Flow NTC s.c./open it is generated when the detected value of the CH flow NTC stays continuously for more than 2 over 120°C or under -10°C. Its necessary to reset the boiler AL71 - Flow NTC over temperature it is generated when the detected value of the CH flow NTC stays over 95°C when the flame is present. The burner is switched off. Every 0,25 an OVER TEMP. COUNTER is updated. AL72 - Return NTC s.c./open it is generated when the detected value of the CH return NTC stays continuously for more than 2 over 120°C or under -10°C. Its necessary to reset the boiler AL74 - Overheat/no circulation Every time that the boiler ignites and the flame is present, the boiler checks the temperatures both on return and flow NTC. The alarm is generated if one (or both) the temperatures increased more than 8°C within the first 4. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). Post-circ: 60. AL77 - Low temperature thermostat it is generated when the contact of the TLBT that protects an eventual floor system opens. CH stops. If no TLBT is connected, check the wiring. AL78 - T Flow-return it is generated when the flow temperature exceeds the return temperature of more than 35°C when the flame is present. Every 0,25 an OVER TEMP. COUNTER is updated. AL79 - T Flow-return it is generated when the OVER TEMP. COUNTER exceeds the value of 100 attempts. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). Post-circ: 30, Post-vent: 5.

124 TECHNICAL SERVICE Alarms V d.c. from the condense circuit NORMAL AREA R=560 K LOW LIMIT 1,2 V d.c HIGH LIMIT 2,39 V d.c ALARM AREA: OPEN ALARM AREA: C.C.

125 TECHNICAL SERVICE Alarms AL92 - Condense presence or condense electrode This alarm is generated when the AL93 lasted for more than 30 continuously. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). AL93 - Condense presence or condense electrode This alarm is generated when the tension detected by the condense circuit is under the LOW LIMIT for more than 5. It will be automatically reset if the signal comes back in the normal area for more than 5. AL94 - Condense electrode or open circuit This alarm is generated when the AL95 lasted for more than 30 continuously. Its necessary to reset the boiler (NO PWR OFF). AL95 - Condense electrode or open circuit This alarm is generated when the tension detected by the condense circuit is over the HIGH LIMIT for more than 5. It will be automatically reset if the signal comes back in the normal area for more than 5.

126 TECHNICAL SERVICE If an external probe (12 K -25°C) is connected and if the PAR. 44 (thermoregulation) is AUTO and if the PAR. 51 (heat request) is set to 0*, then the CH set-point will automatically set between PAR. 22 (min CH set-point) and PAR. 21 (MAX CH set-point), as follows: CH S-P=(((20°C+CORTMP)-VCTEA)x(OTC CURVE/10))+(20°C+CORTMP) where: 20°C = reference room temperature CORTMP = modifiable by the user (+5/-5°C) VCTEA = external probe composed contribute OTC CURVE = PAR. 45 *heat request generated ONLY by R.T. connection CLOSED Thermo regulation

127 TECHNICAL SERVICE Acting on the CH encoder, the end user can change degree by degree the hypothesised room temperature from the original 20°C, down to 15 °C or up to 25°C, This will change the origin of the correspondent climatic curve, from (20;20) to, i.e., (15;15) or (25;25) Thermo regulation

128 TECHNICAL SERVICE The value of VCTEA is calculated as follows: VCTEA=(VCTEAprec x 255/256)+(VTE/256) Where: VCTEAprec = previous value of VCTEA VTE = real value read by the outdoor NTC. This calculation is made every X minutes, where X is the value of PAR. 3 (kind of building light-heavy). It determines the rapidity in adapting the CH flow temperature to the changing weather conditions. The lower is the PAR.3 value, the quicker will be the modification. Thermo regulation

129 TECHNICAL SERVICE The value of OTC curve (PAR. 45, min 2.5, max 40, step 2.5) determines the gradient of the climatic curve. Its formula is the following: OTC= 10 x (Tm-20)/(20-Te) Where: Tm = the CH flow temperature, as it results from the project Te = the minimum external temperature, depending on the geographic area. Thermo regulation The following behaviour is determined by the value of PAR. 20 (CH type), if whether is 1 (CH direct) or 3 (CH with second pump). The boiler diverted valve is brought in CH, and depending on PAR. 20 only the boiler or even the external pump is supplied. If we have a switch off in CH, the boiler will restart only after a number of minutes equal to PAR. 29, and will go for a time equal to PAR. 28 to a maximum power that is the 75% of the nominal one. Is always possible to delete the CH timings (PAR. 28 and 29) setting PAR. 30 to 1.

130 TECHNICAL SERVICE Thermo regulation PAR. 20 = 1 PAR. 20 = 1 PAR. 20 = 3 Additional pump in the same heating circuit. The PAR.20 decides what kind of system we are working on: PAR. 20 = 6 PAR. 20 = 6 2 heating circuits with differential T°C


132 TECHNICAL SERVICE If an external probe (12 Kohm-25°C) is connected and if the PAR. 44 (thermoregulation) is AUTO and if the PAR. 51 (heat request) is set to 1* R.T. connection is used for the PARALLEL SHIFT, where an open contact on usual R.T. connections enables the parallel shift (lower curve).The TEMPERATURE DISPLACEMENT has a fix value, equal to 4°C *heat request generated by CH FLOW NTC. Parallel Shift

133 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

134 TECHNICAL SERVICE NO-FROST function The anti-frost protection is activated by the CH FLOW NTC and/or by the DHW NTC and is always active, even if the boiler is in OFF (--) condition. No function is foreseen for an eventual 2nd circuit, external, ambient or tank probe.

135 TECHNICAL SERVICE NO-FROST function CH The PCB will check the CH FLOW NTC. If the reading is under the value correspondent to PAR.62, the boiler will start at 2000 rpm in 120. When the CH FLOW TEMPERATURE reaches 35°C. the burner will be switched off, while the pump will run for another 60 NO-FROST function DHW The PCB will check the CH FLOW NTC that should be under 50°C. If then the reading of the DHW NTC is under the value correspondent to PAR.61, the boiler will start in CH at 2000 rpm in 120. When the CH FLOW TEMPERATURE reaches 55°C. the burner will be switched off, while the pump will run for another 60 Each time that the fan is energised for an heat request, there is ALWAYS a post- ventilation of 6 seconds. At the end of every CH heat request there is a 60 post-circulation. PLUS: if the CH mode is activated (see seasons) and the CH FLOW NTC senses more than 78°C and is stopped at 75°C. Post circulation - Post ventilation

136 TECHNICAL SERVICE Pump anti-blocking function After 24 h from the last heat request (CH and/or DHW) the pump is energised for 30. ANY other heat request during the 30 is priority. If the PAR. 20 (CH TYPE) is set at a value >= 2, when the boiler pump is energised is energised the 2nd pump, too, with the same timings/rules. Every time that the PCB is energised the anti-blocking time is set at 45 minutes. Chimney sweeper (combustion analysis) The PCB doesnt manage a specific function for the combustion analysis, but is possible to use the parameter HH of the section ADJUSTMENT PARAMETERS

137 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

138 TECHNICAL SERVICE To make the gas change do as follows: change the nozzle in the gas pipe access the ADJUSTMENT parameters as explained (PW. 18) change PAR.1 (gas type) according to the new gas type change PAR.2 according to the boiler power CHECK the maximum fan speed in HP CHECK the minimum fan speed in LP VERIFY the ignition fan speed in SP in HH adjust the mechanical maximum of the gas valve based on the nominal CO2 value that is on the booklet. (anti-clockwise to increase) Gas conversion

139 TECHNICAL SERVICE Gas conversion in LL adjust the mechanical minimum of the gas valve based on the nominal CO2 value that is on the booklet. (clockwise to increase) go back to HH and verify again the maximum you can now use the MM function (CH potentiometer) to check the gas valve linearity (i.e. at the ignition fan speed) You can now use the PAR.23 and PAR.24 the maximum and minimum CH DURING ALL THE PROCEDURE THE COMPENSATION PIPE HAS TO BE KEPT IN ITS POSITION

140 TECHNICAL SERVICE Основные характеристики Технические данные Гидравлическая схема Топочная группа Функционирование Специальные функции Настройка Установка и аксессуары

141 TECHNICAL SERVICE Contents included with delivery of EXCLUSIVE GREEN EXPORT: Contained within the carton are: the boiler wall bracket and pre-installation template bottom cover + screw template external sensor packaging with connecting pipes, washers,cocks. user, installation and service manual Installation

142 TECHNICAL SERVICE Condensate drain pipes: The new ranges of EXCLUSIVE GREEN boilers are fitted with a special collector that collects the accumulated condensate coming from the condensate trap and eventually the water discharge ( safety valve or drain cock) in only one discharge pipe. Drain cock Safety valve Condensate Installation

143 TECHNICAL SERVICE Installation Electrical connections: the boiler comes with a factory fitted link to allow basic operation of the boiler via the ON/OFF/RESET button. The boiler is supplied with an electrical main cable to connect directly the boiler to the mains power supply. The back dashboard cover is fixed with only two screws (A9 and clamps (B). Its important to use always the two screws !!! Remember that the IP degree is referred to the normal position of the dashboard!

144 TECHNICAL SERVICE Installation Casing removal: Before working on the appliance, turn off the power supply. Unscrew the screw (A) and remove cover from the underside of the boiler casing. Locate and remove the 2 transit screws (C1), once the boiler has been mounted on the wall. Locate and remove the 2 screws (B) located at the left & right of the underside of the casing. Lift the casing upward to disengage it from the top locating hooks and then remove. Lift and release the control panel upward and rotate it.

145 TECHNICAL SERVICE Electrical connections: carry out component removal procedure as described: The two appliance terminal blocks are located on the rear side of the control panel. Unscrew the 2 screws and remove the 2 plastic terminal covers. If external controls are to be added to the system, they must be connected to the boiler as shown in the following slides: Installation

146 TECHNICAL SERVICE Installation The right terminal block is for the connection of high tension devices: mains supply, mains supply OUT, fuse, room thermostat, CH clock, additional CH pump. The left terminal block is for the external connection of low tension devices: OT+, DHW clock, CH circuit limit thermostat, storage tank thermostat, external sensor…and only in the system boilers there is a a special plug for the external tank NTC sensor

147 TECHNICAL SERVICE R.T. and CLOCK connections

148 TECHNICAL SERVICE 2nd PUMP (one hydraulic circuit) T.B.T. Thermostat low T°C S.E. External probe

149 TECHNICAL SERVICE Tank control connection Connect the external tank thermostat to the appliance as described Connect the external tank NTC sensor to the appliance as described

150 TECHNICAL SERVICE Hydraulic heating circuit (1) Traditional heating installation

151 TECHNICAL SERVICE Hydraulic heating circuit (2) Floor installation (Low T°C)

152 TECHNICAL SERVICE Hydraulic heating circuit (3) Installation with additional heating pump

153 TECHNICAL SERVICE Hydraulic heating circuit (4) Installation with additional heating pump (floor)

154 TECHNICAL SERVICE Hydraulic heating circuit (5) Installation with 2 heating circuit, 2 pumps.

155 TECHNICAL SERVICE Hydraulic heating circuit (6) Installation with external sanitary tank

156 TECHNICAL SERVICE Filling the heating system Fill the heating system for the first time as follow: check if both stop valves on the boiler are open. open the cold water inlet tap (B) open the filling tap (C), until the pressure on the pressure gauge (D) is between 1 and 1,5 bar (blue zone). close the filling tap and the cold water inlet tap loosen the cap of the bottom AAV valve

157 TECHNICAL SERVICE Filling the heating system Fill the heating system for the first time as follow: check if both stop valves on the boiler are open. open the cold water inlet tap (B) open the filling tap (C), until the pressure on the pressure gauge (D) is between 1 and 1,5 bar (blue zone). close the filling tap and the cold water inlet tap loosen the cap of the bottom AAV valve

158 TECHNICAL SERVICE Flue pipes length Fitting the concentric flue pipes ( 60/100 mm)

159 TECHNICAL SERVICE Flue pipes length Fitting the twin pipes ( 80/80 mm)

160 TECHNICAL SERVICE Fitting the concentric flue pipes ( 80/125 mm) Flue pipes length

161 TECHNICAL SERVICE Accessory Kit high performance pump (for 16-25kw) Kit high performance pump (for 35kw) Kit low temperature thermostat Kit external probe remote tank Kit crone-thermostat weekli Kit double flue (new range all pipes) Kit eternal air probe(series)