Form 9 Revision. 1) What ___ you do if you won lots of money? a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT.


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Form 9 Revision

1) What ___ you do if you won lots of money? a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

2) If the students were studying, ___ you disturb them? a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

3) If you make so much noise, I ___ be able to sleep. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

4) They ___ have to hurry or they ___ miss the train. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

5) They ___ have missed the last bus if they had hurried. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

6) If I were you, I ___ buy a new bicycle. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

7) If she had locked all the doors, the burglars ___ have got in. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

8) If my train is late, I ____ take a taxi. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

9) He must build a strong boat, otherwise he ___ be able to sail round the world. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

10) If you are a good girl, I ___ buy you some chocolate. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

11) I ___ finish the work if you dont help me. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

12) If only they ____ arrive on time! a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

13) You ___ understand unless you listen carefully. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

14) If he hadnt cut his finger, it ___ not have hurt for weeks. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

15) I ___ give you $5 if you do me a favour. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

16) If Chris didnt fall in love with Jane, he ___ give her flowers. a) WILL b) WONT c) WOULD e) WOULDNT

17) If she ___ not driven so fast, she ___ not ___ crashed her car. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

18) I wish I ___ washed my clothes yesterday. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

19) If he ___ finished his medical studies, he ___ be a doctor now. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

20) If they ___ not been late, the teacher ___ not be angry with them. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

21) I only wish I ___ just a little bit more money. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

22) If he ___ failed his exams, he couldnt study at the university. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

23) If they ___ locked up the chickens at night, the fox ___ not ___ eaten them and the chickens ___ be alive. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

24) We ___ ____ been here earlier if the train ___ been on time. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

25) If I saw a mouse in the kitchen, I ___ try to catch it. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

26) If you ___ a video, you could record it yourself. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

27) I wish they ___ stop making so much noise so that I could concentrate. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

28) I wish I ___ an elephant. I could travel through the jungle. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

29) ___ we known your address, we ___ ___ written a letter to you. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD

30) If it ___ not been for your help, we ___ ___ got into real trouble. a) WOULDb) HAVEc) HAD