Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, England and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner.


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Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, England and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner.

Green Park (officially The Green Park) is one of the Royal Parks of London. By contrast with its neighbors, Green Park has no lakes, no buildings and few monuments.

St. James's Park is the oldest of the Royal Parks of London.

Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of London. It contains Regent's College and the London Zoo.

Kensington Gardens, once the private gardens of Kensington Palace, is one of the Royal Parks of London. The park is the setting of J.M. Barrie's book Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, a prelude to the character's famous adventures in Neverland. The fairies of the gardens are first described in Thomas Tickell's 1722 poem Kensington Gardens. Both the book and the character are honoured with the Peter Pan statue located in the park.

Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, Green Park, Regent's Park and St James's Park are the largest green spaces in central London.