Look at the Boy and Karlsson! They are going to the school. The Boy has a black shorts and a yellow T-shirt on. His shoes are grey. His socks are blue.


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Red blue pink green brown. grey skirt pink dress white t-shirt This is a …

Revision: the verb have, clothes, appearance Чебуркова Т.Г. Учитель английского языка.
Английский язык грамматические упражнения 4 кл (степени сравнения прилагательных)
Разработка урока в 4 классе Пашатова Екатерина Анатольевна учитель английского языка МБОУ-СОШ 35 г. Белгорода.
Clothes EXCELLENT 1 UNIT 6 a shirt a T-shirt a skirt a dress a sweater a hat a jacket trousers jeans shoes shorts socks.
CLOTHES Phonetic drill [æ] man, sad, cat, hat, jacket [u: ] took, soon, look, boots, shoes [ou] go, nose, stone, coat, raincoat, clothes [ ə :] girl, bird,
CLOTHES ОДЕЖДА. Winter clothes mittens sweater coat boots scarf.
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Clothes The author is Tikhonova L. A.. are men´s clothes. But women used to wear them too. Trousers.
G W B J A C K E T S T S H I R T Q P V H Y L S K I R T V O L O I V S H O E S G R D R E S S M A V X T P J T R A I N E R S Q E W I B B C A P K Y A M I T.
Dress right. 5 класс Раздел 7b Учитель МБОУ СОШ 3 Зимина Ю.А.
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[θ] [h] [ıə] [eə] thank ham here hare think hand ear hair mouth hair there.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE CLOTHES? Васильева Елена Салимовна – учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ 60 г. Улан - Удэ.
Создано Токмаковой Евгенией Александровной ГОУ СО ш 292 учитель английского языка (2011)
Презентация по английскому Жизнь на моей планете. Выполнила Садыкова Диана ученица 5 э класса.
A coat Jeans A hat A T-shirt A dress Mittens Boots A scarf shoes.
ColoursColoursColoursColours. Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you.

Look at the Boy and Karlsson! They are going to the school. The Boy has a black shorts and a yellow T-shirt on. His shoes are grey. His socks are blue. And Karlsson has a green shirt on and blue trousers and brown shoes. Score____/7

Example: t, e, s, h, o, c, l – clothes 1) a, t, c, o - 2) h, t, a – 3) e, r, d, s, s –

4) l, b, o, s, e, u – 5) t, m, i, t, e, n, s - Score___/5

Example: Beckys dress is the (beautiful). – Beckys dress is the most beautiful. Score____7 1) The black trousers are (big) than the jeans. 2)This raincoat is (small) than the red coat. 3) I think these boots are the (old). 4) My scarf is (long) than your scarf. 5) Bills suit is the (good).

1. Чем я могу вам помочь? - ___________ 2. У вас есть теплые варежки?- _________ 3. Конечно. У нас есть белые и голубые шарфы. - ________ 4. Сколько это стоит?- ________ Score______/6