bluebellscornflowers lilac a daisy primroses ROSES dandelions geranium.


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bluebellscornflowers lilac a daisy primroses ROSES dandelions geranium

ElmsBeeches Oaks PinesBirches Firs

Hares Rabbits Deer Butterflies Frogs Dragonflies Hedgehogs Lizards Foxes

nightingale golden oriole robin starling yellow hammer blackbird whitethroat wren

swan seagull duck geese heron

1. The national symbol of Scotland is … a) the leek b) the purple thistle c) the red rose 2. … attacked Scotland a)The Russians b)The Germans c)The Scandinavians 3. The Scots made their camp … a)in the mountains b)behind the river Tay c)in the forest 4. When the Scandinavians attacked the Scots they … a)took their clothes off b)took their shoes off c)put their hats on 5. One of the Scandinavians stepped on … a)a stone b)a snake c)a thistle 6. The pain made him … a)scream b)cry c)laugh Choose the correct answer

The babyto sleepfor two hours to paint I the picturesince last Sunday Ben to wait formesince the morning Denisto play footballin the parkfor three hours Have Has been V ing

Использованные ресурсы: УМК О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой English для 8 класса, Дрофа, Москва, Страноведческий справочник English-speaking countries, Шереметьева А.В., Саратов, Лицей,

2011 ГОД Презентация выполнена учителем МОУ «СОШ с Мизино-Лапшиновка Татищевского района Саратовской области» Огаревой Ольгой Александровной