My Family Составь предложения из перемешанных слов. My, is, a, father, doctor. Has, Tom, got, a, family. He, a pilot, is. Have, I, got, mother, a. Am,


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My Family

Составь предложения из перемешанных слов. My, is, a, father, doctor. Has, Tom, got, a, family. He, a pilot, is. Have, I, got, mother, a. Am, I, a pupil. Grandfather, a, got, they, have. My father is a doctor. Tom has got a family. He is a pilot. I have got a mother. I am a pupil. They have got a grandfather.

Цели урока: Today we are going to learn some grammar material; read an interesting story about a toy; speak; draw; find words.

Humpty - Dumpty

Who is Humpty – Dumpty? Where is he from? Do you like to play with Humpty –Dumpty? Humpty –Dumpty is a toy boy. He is from Great Britain. Yes, I like to play with Humpty – Dumpty.

Притяжательный падеж существительных в единственном числе. ЗАПОМНИ! Образуется путём прибавления к существительному окончания -s Служит для того, чтобы сказать, кому что принадлежит Употребляются в основном одушевлённые существительные Существительное является определением и стоит перед словом, к которому оно относится.

Притяжательный падеж существительных в единственном числе. Murka is the pet of Misha. -the pet of Misha– Mishas pet. Bobik is the pet of Igor - the pet of Igor-Igors pet. Nick is the brother of Ann. -the brother of Ann-Anns brother.

S c o t t y Scotty is… He is brown… Hes got a… When Tim goes to school… Scotty is happy… One day Tims book… Scotty takes the book… …and black. …when he sees Tim. …and gives it to Tim. …falls out of his school –bag. …Scotty goes to school too. …a little puppy. …good friend Tim.

KEY: Scotty is a little puppy. He is brown and black. Hes got a good friend Tim. When Tim goes to school, Scotty goes to school too. Scotty is happy when he sees Tim. One day Tims book falls out of his school – bag. Scotty takes the book and gives it to Tim.

Find 10 words on the topic Family grandparents rakeaaunclef abepurnabcde ncmhgetghijk ddnehniecelm meowttnopqrs ofpiesistert tgqfriehduvw hhrehusbandx eisuwyabcdey rjtvkzfghijz

grandparents rakeaaunclef abepurnabcde ncmhgetghijk ddnehniecelm meowttnopqrs ofpiesistert tgqfriehduvw hhrehusbandx eisuwyabcdey rjtvkzfghijz