Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа 4 с. Белое Красногвардейский район р. Адыгея Проектная деятельность.


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Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа 4 с. Белое Красногвардейский район р. Адыгея Проектная деятельность на уроках английского языка. Презентация к уроку-проекту по теме «A Job for life» 11 класс Автор: учитель английского языка МБОУСОШ 4 с. Белое Алейникова Анна Николаевна 2013Г

Проект по теме «A Job for Life » Цель : показать реализацию применения проектной технологии обучения как важное условие в подготовке конкурентно - способных специалистов. Тип проекта : практико - ориентированный с элементами исследовательской, игровой, ролевой и творческой деятельности ; моно - проект с открытой координацией ; внутренний, групповой. Проект краткосрочный.( 3 урока )

Каждое из занятий (Activity) планируется по следующей схеме : 1. Введение (Introduction); 2. Основные задачи занятия (Objectives); 3. Необходимая информация (Materials); 4. Пошаговое описание действий (Procedures); 5. Факультативные задачи (Extensions).

Kinds of jobs: Good promotion prospects, prestigious and well-paid, rewarding and interesting, intellectual, physical Traits of character needed to become a professional: determination, enthusiasm, responsibility, intelligence, ambition Necessary things for job: good education, knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, lucky chance, opportunities.

2) Look at the map of jobs, find at least two jobs that the following people couldnt do (use full answers) 3. A brain storm 1)Look at the map of jobs, find at least two jobs that the following people couldnt do (use full answers) 1.I cant stand being behind a desk. Tony 2.I dont want to go to the University. Pat 4.I dont want to work in the evenings or at weekends. Mary 5.I cant stand working shifts. John 6.I cant stand the sight of blood. Jane

I. Группа: Watching and analyzing video interview. (Учащиеся смотрят видеозапись, учащийся-журналист комментирует видео интервью) 4. Защита проектов. Учащиеся данной группы провели исследовательскую и творческую работу по данной проблеме. В итоге ими было представлено видео интервью «My future profession», каждый участник имел возможность высказаться в соответствии со своей ролью.

Testing conducted on the base of the students of the 11 grade, secondary school 4 II. Группа: – итог ее работы - доклад, составленный учащимися и обобщенный лидером этой группы. Доклад сопровождается презентацией. The Analysis of the the questionnaire. (Учащийся-психолог анализирует результаты опроса старшеклассников. На доске – диаграмма, составленная психологом после анкетирования учащихся 11 классов и дает рекомендации по выбору профессии.)

Featured professions Human-sign system a scientist a historian an architect Human-artistic image a composer a musician a translator a writer a painter Human-human a teacher a sociologist a psychologist a journalist Human-technology a technologist an operator an economist an engineer Human-nature a doctor a geologist a scientist

(1)Personal Information. Daria A. Maltseva The city of Krasnodar,Pushkin Street,18. Phone: (2)Career Objective. Laboratory Assistant To contributer outstanding skills to achieving you company's goals. (3)Education. Laboratory technican and biologist/Faculity of Biology/Kuban State University/The city of Krasnodar/Russia/ / (4)Work experience. October 2009-May2011;Laboratory Assistant;Study of Caucus flora;Research Center Dokuchaeva;Pyatigorsk;Russia. (5)Skills. Microsoft Office;OpenOffice. (6)Languages. Native-Russian, Basis Knowledge-English. (7)Reference. Letter of Reference is available upon request from:Moscow,Dzeizhinsky Street,Building 255,Office Оценка результата(Учащиеся анализируют резюме, отправленные на электронную почту учителя, проводят самооценку).

Name Age Applying for Experience Qualities Available to start training

Engineering. My future trade. Student of 11 grade Mikhail Kazarov. Teacher: Aleynikova Anna Nikolaevna Student of 11 grade Mikhail Kazarov. Teacher: Aleynikova Anna Nikolaevna 6. Конкурс на лучшую презентацию. (Учащиеся просматривают презентации, подводят итоги, выбирают лучшую работу).

The plan of Presentation : 1. The short description. 2. History of trade. 3. Mass character and uniqueness of a trade. 4. Risks of a trade. 5. Personal qualities. 1. The short description. 2. History of trade. 3. Mass character and uniqueness of a trade. 4. Risks of a trade. 5. Personal qualities. 6. Place of work and open-cast mine. 6. Place of work and open-cast mine. The engineer works practically in all branches of a national economy: at factories and factories, on mines and buildings, in scientific research institute, in aircraft, in military science, on transport etc. It can occupy posts: masters, the item of the master, the engineer, the item of the engineer, the director, the shiftman, department, a site, the laboratory, the leading engineer.

The trade of the engineer is difficult for carrying to number of the dangerous. The great value in its work has a sense of responsibility, after all rational use of labor and technics quite often depends on its working capacity and organization. The integral qualities of the good engineer are initiative, independence, the creative approach to work. As a rule, engineers people with technical thinking and abilities, but it is frequent their work has creative character. Quite often the engineer is the head of certain collective, therefore in its activity organizing abilities will be necessary also. The engineer is an expert with the higher technical education. The trade name has occurred from a Latin word «ingenium» that means «ability, an ingenuity». Engineering trades are among the most mass trades of highly skilled work. Engineers work in many branches of a national economy: at factories, buildings, mines, in military science, aircraft, transport, conduct workings out at scientific research institutes. The circle of engineering posts is wide is a master or the senior master, the engineer and the senior engineer, the shiftman, a site, the leading engineer or the director.

Синквейн о профессии Doctor Caring, attentive Examines, treats, cures Helps people Satisfaction. Синквейн о профессии Doctor Caring, attentive Examines, treats, cures Helps people Satisfaction. 7.RELAXATION Учащиеся составляют синквейны о своей будущей профессии и об уроке Синквейн об уроке Урок Интересный, запоминающийся Вдохновил, заинтересовал, запомнился Я получила удовольствие Здорово. The conclusion: I want you to remember one very good saying: if you love your work youll never work a day in your life. It is very important to make a right choice! Be very careful and mind your wishes and abilities. And then your job will bring you satisfaction and joy.