1. Качественные (round, large, solid, black, sweet, heavy) 2. Относительные (wooden, rural, mathematical, medieval) ! Не имеют степеней сравнения и не.


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1. Качественные (round, large, solid, black, sweet, heavy) 2. Относительные (wooden, rural, mathematical, medieval) ! Не имеют степеней сравнения и не употребляются со словом very

- ful – со значением «обладающий в полной мере качеством»: useful, hopeful, fruitful; - less – со значением «не имеющий или лишённый чего-либо»: helpless, endless, lifeless; - ous – famous, courageous, - al – образует относительное прилагательное от основ - существительных: formal, central, national - able/-ible – с пассивным значением – eatable, readable, visible -ic – historic -ish – blackish -ive – active -ant/ent – significant/different - y – sunny - ing – interesting - an – Russian - en - golden

Un- unhappy, unequal; In – incomplete, indifferent; ! Перед начальной l- префикс in- превращается в il- illogical, перед r- в ir- irregular, перед m-, p- в im- immobile, impossible. Pre – prehistoric (доисторический) Post – postwar (послевоенный)

1.При помощи прибавления суффиксов –er и –est к основной форме; 2. За счёт слов more и most перед основной формой; 3. Путём образования степеней сравнения от разных корней.

positivecomparativeSuperlative (the) 1.warm low clever warmer lower cleverer warmest lowest cleverest 2. politepoliterpolitest 3. easy but: gay easier gayer easiest gayest 4. hothotterhottest 5. oldolder/elderoldest/eldest

positivecomparativesuperlative (the) 1. beautifulmore beautiful less beautiful most beautiful least beautiful

positivecomparativesuperlative (the) 1. goodbetterbest 2. badworseworst 3. much/manymoremost 4. littlelessleast 5. farfarther further farthest furthest 6. latelater latter (последний) latest last (cамый последний)

Мы можем использовать конструкцию the+adjective ( без существительного ) когда мы говорим о разных группах людей, особенно таких, как: the retired – retired people - пенсионеры

* as … as (такой же … как) He is as brave as a lion. *not so … as (не такой …как) She is not so pretty as her sister. * the … the (чем … тем) The sooner the better. The more English books you read, the richer becomes your vocabulary.

Twice as much as – в два раза больше Four times as long as– в 4 раза длиннее Half as much/many as – вдвое меньше Half the size – в 2 раза меньше по размеру

1. Сравнительная степень имён прилагательных может быть усилена с помощью наречий much - намного, far - значительно, still - гораздо, a great deal – ещё. The Dnieper is much longer than the Thames. 2. Превосходная степень имён прилагательных усиливается с помощью наречия by far –гораздо, значительно, намного. This method of work is by far the most efficient comparing with all other ones.

1. Much Lets go by bus. Its much cheaper. 2. A lot Dont go by train. Its a lot more expensive. 3. Far Her illness was far more serious than we thought at first. 4.A bit (a little) Could you speak a bit slowly? 5. Slightly The bag is slightly heavier than the other one.

6. Any (no) longer (bigger) Ive waited long enough. I m not waiting any longer. 7. Harder and harder Its becoming harder and harder to find a job. 8. More and more difficult Its becoming more and more difficult to be healthy. 9. Better and better (worse and worse) Your English is getting better and better.

Эпитет Качеств nice Размер big Форма round Возраст old Цвет red Происхо ждение Chinese Вещест во, материя glass Опред., oбразу ющ. c сущ. eдиную смысло вую группу A well- educate d man

1. My friend is a … student. 2. The Volga is … than the Dnieper. 3. This book is not … interesting … that one. 4. Who is the … in your class? 5. He is … clever … I am.

Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -al, - able/ible, -ful, -ic,-ish, -y, -ous/ious, -ive, -less,-ant/ent Drink, power, quantity, nature, wind, frequency, yellow, life, ridicule, history Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов и префиксов un-, in-: help, possibility, happiness, liberty, mode

positivecomparativesuperlative thin mysterious old musty new little many thick glass

positivecomparativesuperlative fat pliable old nasty narrow little much simple plastic

1. Canberra, the capital of Australia, is the (new) city of all. 2. It is also home to one of the countrys (famous) landmarks, the Sydney Opera House. 3. The (good) advantage of the Internet is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life. 4. The (bright) remembrance of my childhood is my brother who changed into Father Frost on New Year Eve. 5. The answer is to make school and the gaps between the lessons (interesting).

nounadjectiveadverbverb Consistence, consistency, consistory consistentconsistentlyConsist (of, in) cunning deceitdeceitfuldeceitfullydeceive Hypocrisy, hypocrite hypocriticalhypocriticallyPlay the hypocrite Loyalist, loyaltyloyalloyallyTo be loyal Personality, person, personage,personalty,pe rsonation,personoficatio n,personnel Personable personal personallyPersonate personify Pliability, pliencyPliable, pliantpliantlyTo be pliable Prudence, prudery, prude Prudent,prudential, prudish ruthruthless

1.bad, more bad, the most bad 2.bad, badder, the baddest 3. bad, worse, the worst

1. A valuable soup silver spoon. 2. A wooden old strange chair. 3. A strange old wooden chair. 4. A small antique oval French silver mirror.

1. real – 2. definite – 3. mortal – 4. legal – 5. relevant –

1. center – 2. prefer – 3. response – 4. beauty – 5. power – 6. fame – 7. differ – 8. mean – 9. progress – 10. blue -

1. Cambridge is one of … universities in Great Britain. a)older;b)the most older; c)the eldest;d)the oldest; 2. I saw a … vase on the shelf. a) very beautiful old Japanese ; b) very old Japanese beautiful; c) very beautiful Japanese old; d) Japanese very beautiful old; 3. Last year Matt earned … his brother. a)twice as much as; b)twice much than; c)twice as many; d)twice as more as; 4. Thats … story. a)the most funniest; b)a most funny; c)most funny; d)the funniest; 5. Hurry up, please! … bus leaves in quarter of an hour. a)the latest; b)the lastest; c)the last; d)the late;

Dirty Gay Hot Difficult Gold Little Tiring Popular Bad Early Far