Enjoy English Леванова Надежда Анатольевна Автор: Леванова Надежда Анатольевна 4 4.


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Enjoy English Леванова Надежда Анатольевна Автор: Леванова Надежда Анатольевна 4 4

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Welcome to Fairyland Welcome to Fairyland


Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen. They had got a daughter. The girl was as white as snow. So the Queen called her SnowSnow White White and loved her child very much. But soon she died and the King married again. The new Queen was very nice but she didntThe new Queen love her new daughter. The years went by and Snow White became very beautiful. The Queen was very angry. One day she sent for the servant and said to her:" Take this girl to the forest. The servant took the girl into the forest andto the forest ran back to the palace. The Snow White got frightened and she wanted back home. She ran, ran and ran. At last she saw a little house in the forest. The door was open and she house came in. She didnt see anybody in the house.

Snow White was hungry; so she ate some vegetables, some cold meat, some bread. Then she drank some milk and went to bed. Late in the evening the masters of the house came home. They were seven little dwarfs. They came after their work in the mountains where they looked for gold.looked for gold. They saw Snow White in the bed.

In the morning, when Snow White woke up, she saw seven little dwarfs standing near her. They were kind little men and Snow White told them her story. Do you want to live here and help us about the house?" asked they. With great pleasure said Snow White.seven little dwarfs

When the dwarfs went to work in the mountains to look for gold, Snow White washed their clothes, cleaned the rooms and cooked. Every evening, when the dwarfs came home, Snow White had a tasty dinner ready for them. And they all lived very happily together.a tasty dinner

The end

The girl looks very nice with her big dark eyes, little nose and beautiful mouth. Her face is as white as snow. She doesnt look like a Princess. She has got blue and yellow dress. Red shoes are on her feet. She is kind and smart. She dances like a fairy. Определи по данному описанию, о какой из девушек идёт речь

She is nice and kind She is nice but angry. Her skin is as white as snow. Her hair is as black as ebony. She is beautiful and very proud of it. She is as bright as the day. She is as dark as the night. Раздели предложения в две колонки

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a kangaroo

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a kangaroo a rabbit

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a kangaroo a bear

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса an elephant

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a fox

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a donkey

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a squirrel

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a snake

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса a frog

Помоги Белоснежке назвать обитателей волшебного леса an owl

Прочитай, описание домика гномов, замени рисунки словами In the evening Snow White came to a little It looks very nice with little and red walls. The was open and Snow White came in. Everything was clean in the. A cloth was spread on the with around. And there were little with little and little with in them. and were laid in order. And by the wall there stood little

Соедини русские и английские эквиваленты добывали золото was hungry ate some bread looked for gold съела немного хлеба вернулись домой была голодна came home

Расшифруй слова. Первая цифра показывает из какого ряда буква. Вторая – какая по счёту эта буква в ряду AEDF 2HINR 3STVW 4LO 1 3:1, 2:3, 4:2, 3:4 2 3:4, 2:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:2 3 1:1, 2:3, 1:3 4 3:2. 2:1, 1:2 5 3:1, 1:2, 3:3, 1:2. 2:3 6 4:2, 2:2, 3:2, 3:2, 4:1,1:2 7 1:3, 3:4, 1:1, 2:4, 1:4, 3:1

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Oh! Think it over!

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