6 класс УМК Биболетова М.З. Выполнила: учитель английского языка Елшина Л.А.


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6 класс УМК Биболетова М.З. Выполнила: учитель английского языка Елшина Л.А.

Lets train our tongue! Grandmo th er, Fa th er, cousin, mo th er, elder sister, uncle, younger bro th er, hand, husband, in hand, grandfa th er, wi th, nephew, one, aunt, ano th er.

Lets train our tongue! Fa th er, mo th er, Sister, bro th er. Hand in hand wi th one ano th er.

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Parents responsibilities Parents must give their children more freedom

Parents responsibilities Parents must talk to their children more often

Parents responsibilities Parents must help their children with problems they have at school.

Parents responsibilities Parents must be a good example to their children.

Parents responsibilities Parents must try to understand their children.

Childrens responsibilities Ex.20,p.129 Children must set the table before dinner and clear up after dinner every day.

Childrens responsibilities Children must make their beds.

Childrens responsibilities Children must do their homework by themselves.

Childrens responsibilities Children must help us with the washing up.

Childrens responsibilities Children must take out the rubbish(мусор) early in the morning.

Childrens responsibilities Children must help us at home and in the garden.

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