Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок» Конкурс «Презентация к уроку» Преподавание иностранных языков Автор презентации : Зайцева Марина Григорьевна.


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Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок» Конкурс «Презентация к уроку» Преподавание иностранных языков Автор презентации : Зайцева Марина Григорьевна Место работы : МОУ СОШ 2 Майкопского района Республики Адыгея Должность : учитель иностранного языка Квалификационная категория: первая

is 87 years The Caucasian State Biosphere Natural Reserve

The Russian Federation

The Western Caucasus

Bounds of the reserve

The Land of Miracles

The CSBNR is a pearl of Russia The Great Caucasus Range

Bolshoi T'chatch Mountain

An alpine meadow blossoms with wildflowers in summer in the Adegeya

The river Beryuzovaya

The photos of the first years of the Reserve

The first huntsmen

The gardening of the reserve

Rangers patrol the mountains on horseback

Hunting of the tsar surrounding of Russia 'Kuban Chase'


Stalactite in Azishskaya Cave,

The caucasian dolmen

Wild world Animals The Reserves fauna has 83 species of mammalsthe most famous are red deer, bison, 248 of birds (including 112 species which nest), 15 species of reptiles, 9 of amphibia, 20 of fish, more than 100 species of mollusks and about species of insects. 8 species of vertebrates (позвоночных) are included in the International Red Book, 25 are in the Red Book of Russia.

Wild boar

Bisons T h e p o p u l a t i o n o f t h e m o u n t a i n b i s o n w a s r e s t o r e d

European red deer often fall prey to wolves in the reserve.


Herbs The Caucasian Reserves flora has about 3000 spesies, more than half of them are the vascular plants. The most popular plants are: thododendron- рододендрон, digitalis-наперстянка, saffron- шафран, butterbur- подбел(лопух), yew- тис,geranium- герань, madonna lily-лилия (Кавказская),lays matle-манжетка, gentianгоречавка, belladonna- белладонна, azalea- азалия

Flora The dendroflora consists of 165 species.142 of them are evergreen trees, 16 are evergreenleaf trees and the conifers.The forests flora includes 900 species. The relict species constitute 22% and the endemic species constitute 24% of the whole number of spesies. Mountain meadow flora has 819 species, 287 of which are endemic. 55 spesies of plants growing in it, are in the Red Book of Russia.

The mushroom kingdom is presented by more than 700 species. 12 of them are included in the Red Book of Russia.

Canyon of the river Belaya in the Agyghe Republic

rhododendron- рододендрон digitalis- наперстянка saffron- шафран butterbur- подбел(лопух) yew- тис geranium- герань madonna lily- лилия (Кавказская) lays matle- манжетка gentian- горечавка belladonna- белладонна azalea- азалия бурый медведь---- brown bear беркут golden eagle серна chamois зубр bisоn ястреб hawk(goshawk-тетеревятник) пихта silver fir явор maple дуб oak бук beech

We cant live without plants and trees, animals and birds. Lets keep our reserve clean!

1.European Bison Biogeography European Bison Biogeography 2. td.rt.com/films/the-caucasus-nature-reserve/ 3. caucasian%20reserve.pdfhttp://arctoa.ru/ru/Archive-ru/18/5konstantinova- caucasian%20reserve.pdf 4. =f&gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8&q=Dolmens+in+Caucasushttp:// =f&gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8&q=Dolmens+in+Caucasus 5. x=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8&q=Stolactit+caves+in+Caucasushttp:// x=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8&q=Stolactit+caves+in+Caucasus popular ecology | NEWSLETTER Issue 04 | summer Standards for the Benefit of People and the Environment 9.фотографии из личной коллекции В презентации использованы материалы из источников: