Урок по английскому языку теме «London Zoo. Why Do People Need Zoos?» Разработка урока в 6 классе. Круглова Ю.Ю., учитель английского языка, МБОУ СОШ 4,


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Урок по английскому языку теме «London Zoo. Why Do People Need Zoos?» Разработка урока в 6 классе. Круглова Ю.Ю., учитель английского языка, МБОУ СОШ 4, г.Урай

Цель урока: Осмысление нужности существования зоопарков.

Задачи: Развивать умение говорения учащихся на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме «Animals of Regents Park Zoo»; Развивать у учащихся умение говорения на уровне неподготовленного высказывания в рамках предложения; Формировать умение делать проекты; Привлечь внимание к окружающей действительности, в частности, к зоопаркам; Воспитывать у учащихся умение коллективной творческой работы; Развивать культуру публичного выступления; Способствовать развитию познавательного интереса, расширять страноведческие знания, лучше осознавать явления окружающей действительности.

My Dream (Gillian Brown) I love all kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits. I love all kinds of animals, Despite their little habits. If I had tons of money, Dyou know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo. But they wouldnt be in cages, They would be free to run around. And theres one thing they would feel And that is save and sound.

- Why should people be careful? Be careful what you say or when you visit the animals in the zoo. - Why should people be careful?

Let us have a guessing game. The task is to name the animal described by your classmate. Are you ready? Can we start? Please, be very attentive, we shall check your answers on the screen.

a crocodile a bear

a fox a monkey

a whale an elephant

a kangaroo

Thank you. Good work. You know the animals very well and we can speak about them for a long time. They live all around us, but if you want to see exotic animals you should go to the zoo. There are many zoos in the world, but we shall speak about London Zoo today.

Imagine yourselves in London.

London Zoo 1826 – The Zoological Society of London was founded – A collection of animals was opened in Regents Park – The collection of animals was greatly enlarged with the addition of royal menagerie from Windsor and the animals from the Tower of London – The first giraffes appeared in the Zoo – In this year the Tsar of Russia presented two bison to the Zoo – In this year the first baby hippopotamus was reared – In this year the first koala bear arrived to live outside Australia.

Now it is time to speak about animals that you take care of.

Let us play a game. You mill be my animals and I will be your trainer. You should do everything I tell you to do. Are you ready? We start.

Stand up! Run! Jump! Fly! Swim! Sing a song!

Please sing a song. A dog, a cat, a rabbit. (3 times) Сan run and jump and skip. A cat and a rabbit, a cat and a rabbit can run and jump and skip. (2 times)

Why do people need Zoos? What is good about them? Lets run to our topic. We were speaking about animals in Regents Park. There are many exotic animals there. Thousands of visitors come to the Zoo every week.